My VOY reviews

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:45 pm

CoffeeCat wrote:You're posting these pretty quick KTR. You might catch up with me. I'm right at the Nasty!Nazi!Aliens in season 4. (we need a smiley for that)

I'm actually a few episodes into season two, but I've made a buffer of reviews. I usually watch two episodes a day, although I did more over this past weekend. And there's nothing on TV this summer besides reruns. We'll see how far I manage before I get bored or distracted.

CoffeeCat wrote:KTR, you should really get a 7of9 bum for your ratings. Really!

Heh! I actually have one of those already, but since she has yet to appear I'm holding out... Image

Alelou wrote:LOL. Yes, I vote for the 7 of 9 bum rating system, too.

My ep was "Revulsion." Holocaptain who's gone insane from being on alone for too long was turned into janitor with a homicidal bug up his ass about dirt from being on alone for too long ... because it was cheaper to film than battles between the two ships (or so I was told). Sigh. I honestly liked the B plot that I had nothing to do with a lot better. I also liked my paycheck, though, so I can't complain too much.

I'll have to remember that when I get to it.

I'm with you on the afterlife, but I'm not convinced a method could NEVER be invented to measure such things, if physicists were able to come up with the right theory to test. I'd rather ST not even go there, though. (It would also be anti-canonical of them to suggest there's no such thing when they give Vulcans katras.)

You're right. Why didn't I think of the katras? But was there ever a scientific method of detecting katras besides another Vulcan using mind meld techniques?
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:46 pm

1-10 Prime Factors

Well, if this episode doesn't convince people that Janeway is unsuited for her position then I don't know what will. She rigidly adheres to some principle that, if broken, wouldn't really have harmed anyone, and would perhaps have made it possible for Voyager to get back home. Frankly she deserved the almost mutiny she got for not looking out for the interests of her crew. And then she scolds them afterwards! It's not a question whether she can trust people like Torres or Tuvok after this, but if the crew can trust her. But naturally they will because this is a weekly TV show, she's the Captain and it will all be forgotten by next episode anyway.

I'm also amazed that the writers did another we-may-be-able-to-get-home episode so soon after Eye of the Needle, when it's obvious they won't when there are many more seasons left to go. So the attempt was doomed to fail for that reason alone, and accomplished with some convenient technobabble explanation.

And those pleasure-seeking aliens quickly came off as egotistic and unsympathetic, with the exception of that girl Kim befriended. As for the magistrate guy, he set off creepy vibes from the start and I'm surprised Janeway was initially smitten by him. But then again, her judgement was really lacking in this episode.

Given that the aliens have this amazing technology that can transport people tens of thousands of light-years and they are reluctant to share it, it's strange that no one has tried to take it by force. Given how open they are to visitors (and their stories) it wouldn't be much of a secret in this quadrant. Also, since they could allow people like Kim to travel to a planet 40,000 light years away, why wasn't the possibility of transporting the Voyager crew members that distance discussed, even if it meant leaving the ship behind?

It might seem like I didn't care much for this episode, but I still think it was a good if not spectacular outing. It finally showed some serious conflict among the crew on a vital matter, and I really liked that Tuvok sided with the mutineers. After all, it was the only logical course of action.

So I will give Prime Factors a middle grade of 5 out of 10.

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1-11 State of Flux

There's been an embarrassing shortage of really good episodes thus far, so I was happy when State of Flux came around. Finally an episode that dealt with their specific Delta quadrant predicament, the return of a previously seen (although eventually disappointing) enemy and a mystery done right.

I do like the Seska character but found the revelation that she's really a Cardassian in disguise somewhat disappointing since I think her reasoning wouldn't hinge on her being a member of an "evil" species. I made the whole thing too obvious.

Still, it was rather cleverly done, with the story presenting enough clues for us to tag along but still feel uncertain. Her being alone in that cave where the Kazons also where was something of a Chekov's gun, but could easily have been a misdirection. And her explanations for having the wrong blood sounded perfectly legit, that is until the Doctor set things straight. But I do wonder how she was able to fake her identity for so long. Even the Maquis must try and keep medical records of their people. And no one on Voyager thought it odd that she hadn't been through a medical investigation once the Maquis became crewmembers.

Martha Hackett gave a great and convincing performance as Seska. The character felt real even when she chillingly turned once the game was up. And please don't think me a bad person for thinking that she had a lot of valuable points. I actually find it hard to disagree with her about calling Janeway and Chakotay idiots for missing a lot of opportunities to get home, staring with destroying the Caretaker array. Even so, allying yourself, as she did, with the Kazon wasn't the brightest idea considering that the Kazon aren't that, well, bright. Seska was a complex personality and it's too bad that she will become more of your regular garden variety villain after this.

And I laughed at this line to Tuvok from the gullible Chakotay: "You were working for her [Janeway], Seska was working for them [the Cardassians]. Was anyone on that ship working for me?"

I give State of Flux a grade of 7+ out of 10.

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1-12 Heroes and Demons

This is you standard holodeck malfunction™ episode, although technically it suffered from an alien intervention, and once again I wonder why they're still allowed on Federation vessels if they're so prone to accidents. And I admit I'm really tired of holodeck stories overall; they're a lazy excuse for the writers to conjure up some artificial drama.

But the episode is somewhat saved by making the Doctor a hero in the tale of Beowulf and Grendel. He gets to shine a little bit and I always like Picardo's performance. He even gets a little holo-romance with Freya the shield maiden, played by Marjorie Monaghan, who would later be in consideration for the role of T'Pol on Enterprise.

Again, the crew encounters some misunderstood energy alien life form, and it's one time too many. Alas, this if far from the last time this cliché happens.

I admit a chuckled at this exchange: Tuvok: "I would point out there are no demons in Vulcan literature." Chakotay: "That might account for its popularity."

I give Heroes and Demons a grade of 4-. The Doctor saves it from a 3.

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Alelou » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:06 am

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:But was there ever a scientific method of detecting katras besides another Vulcan using mind meld techniques?

Not that I noticed. Of course in the pre-Kir'shara era most Vulcans considered the idea of katras quite silly. I guess Vulcans got all mystical in following generations but their science hadn't quite caught up. (You'd think some very practical engineering would have to be involved if you think you can store a katra in a clay jar.)
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:19 am

panyasan wrote:
CoffeeCat wrote:Ah yes, "The Secret of the Amethyst". I liked the idea behind it, but I don't think I'm quite ready to continue it. I can post what I have of it on google docs if you want to read it.
That would be great!

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:05 pm

1-13 Cathexis

Poor Chakotay, for the second episode in a row he becomes disembodied. That would be a traumatic experience requiring life long therapy for anyone. I dunno, maybe his Indian spirituality helps him cope?

Otherwise this is another take on the old alien possession™ motif and not in a particularly new or interesting way. It's both confusing and obvious. It's clear from early on that Tuvok is the possessed one and that the ghost of Chakotay is also running around the ship. And we have yet another alien energy being, although this time it's not so misunderstood.

And what was the point of Janeway's Gothic holo-novel in the teaser? It has no bearing on the events of the episode and is ultimately pointless.

For this pedestrian outing I only give a grade of 3 out of 10. By the way, Cathexis means "occupation" in old Greek, and that is the most clever part of this episode.

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1-14 Faces

Well, Janeway's stern warning to the Vidiians didn't help, not that I'm surprised! Despite the ravagings of the Phage there is little sympathy one can have for them when they do things like this. But I maintain that they are indeed one of the more interesting new species this quadrant.

Roxann Dawson is the one who really gets to shine in this episode, playing both a human and a Klingon version of B'Elanna. It is reminiscent of how Kirk was split in one good and one evil half in the original series The Enemy Within. Like Kirk she comes to the realisation that she needs both halves, even if they're constantly warring within her. Her human side is focused and analytical but also weak and afraid. Her Klingon side is the strong and active one. Neither can survive without the other.

One of the most chilling moments in all of Voyager comes when the Vidiian scientist returns to the bound up Klingon-B'Elanna wearing the recently grafted face of Lt. Durst. Now we know why Durst got a somewhat prominent role in both this episode and in the previous one. He was set up so he wouldn't be just another redshirt, but a real character we got to know a little bit about, thus making his ghastly fate even more horrifying.

And is it just me or did we see the groundwork being laid out for the future Paris/Torres relationship? He was really quite sweet and protective towards human B'Elanna and before this episode we hadn't seen them interacting much at all. I have to admit to rooting for this couple. Not like I do for Trip and T'Pol on Enterprise, but still…

It was a foregone conclusion that B'Elanna would end up with both her halves, but I thought the solution was much too easy, just some DNA grafting by the Doctor. Even for 24th century medicine that sounds unbelievably simple.

A big loose end I wanted an answer to is what happened to the other prisoners, especially the friendly Talaxian, and the Vidiians. Voyager didn't just leave once they recovered B'Elanna and Tom, did they?

I might be going out on a limb here when I give Faces the highest grade yet for a Voyager episode, an 8- out of 10.

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:25 am

I knew you would rate "Faces" higher than the rest. That was truly my favorite early Voyager episode. It's funny that they ignored the obvious chemistry between Paris and Torres until a season and a half later... You know, just like they did with TnT.
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CX » Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:14 am

If you think you'd ever want to compare notes with anyone, I'd highly recommend SF Debris's Opinionated Guide. He actually started with VOY before expanding into the other Treks, and eventually even beyond that. It's actually something of a pleasant surprise that CoffeeCat reappeared, because his VOY episode guides are something I would recommend for her since I remember her being such a VOY fan. :mrgreen:

Incidentally, SF Debris pointed out something about Paris I happen to agree with and find pretty funny myself. They basically made Paris the most awesome character ever - he's an ace pilot, a medic, a historian, and a commando, and really seems to excel at almost every role the writers gave to him, and yet this is the guy Starfleet doesn't want. :lol:

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby panyasan » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:27 am

I enjoyed VOY. It may have to do that I watched it with hubs in an unique time of our life (the first - kids free - years of our marriage).

I remember State of Flux very well, Siska was a favorite of mine. And Faces rangs among my favorites. I remember that episode very well. Good acting and I did enjoy the Tom-B'Elanna interaction. And that scene when the Vidiian scientis with the face of Lt. Durst attached to him one of the most chilling moment in Trek history for me.
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:15 pm

You know, CX, Paris is a pretty damn awesome character. Because he's on Voyager, no one ever thinks of him as one of the best.
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:50 pm

CoffeeCat wrote:I knew you would rate "Faces" higher than the rest. That was truly my favorite early Voyager episode. It's funny that they ignored the obvious chemistry between Paris and Torres until a season and a half later... You know, just like they did with TnT.

Yeah, and they had to go through Kes and Chakotay, respectively, before getting to it. Ugh!

CX wrote:If you think you'd ever want to compare notes with anyone, I'd highly recommend SF Debris's Opinionated Guide. He actually started with VOY before expanding into the other Treks, and eventually even beyond that. It's actually something of a pleasant surprise that CoffeeCat reappeared, because his VOY episode guides are something I would recommend for her since I remember her being such a VOY fan. :mrgreen:

I've seen a few of them. And I thought writing my reviews was time consuming. When does this guy have the time to do all his...? :?

Incidentally, SF Debris pointed out something about Paris I happen to agree with and find pretty funny myself. They basically made Paris the most awesome character ever - he's an ace pilot, a medic, a historian, and a commando, and really seems to excel at almost every role the writers gave to him, and yet this is the guy Starfleet doesn't want. :lol:

Hah" Never thought about that, but you're right! He's Super Paris! :lol:
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CX » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:15 pm

CoffeeCat wrote:You know, CX, Paris is a pretty damn awesome character. Because he's on Voyager, no one ever thinks of him as one of the best.

I actually like Paris even though I don't like his series. The one thing that really irks me about him is the way they made him into a douche bag toward Torres at times without even seeming to realize it at times. Kind of like how the writers seemed to make Tucker an idiot at times without seeming to realize it.

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:50 pm

CX wrote:
CoffeeCat wrote:You know, CX, Paris is a pretty damn awesome character. Because he's on Voyager, no one ever thinks of him as one of the best.

I actually like Paris even though I don't like his series. The one thing that really irks me about him is the way they made him into a douche bag toward Torres at times without even seeming to realize it at times. Kind of like how the writers seemed to make Tucker an idiot at times without seeming to realize it.

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I actually just watched one of those episodes last night. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard. I'm actually addressing a lot of that shit in my story "The Purge". I'm in the middle of writing a scene where Torres hauls off and slugs him right in the face.

Also kinda like how they made T'Pol into a real CU-Next-Tuesday towards Trip at times. Or made Captain Archer into a real dipshit without even knowing it.

And how they made Torres into... I'm not sure... What kind of woman would actually go to the lengths that she did to genetically modify her own baby to not look Klingon?
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:26 am

Kinda off topic, but not too much. I'm looking at all the Voyager novels on Amazon wondering why the heck Christie Golden has a monopoly on writing them? Her writing is so horrible. And it's so J/C biased. Doesn't she give a crap about any of the more entertaining characters on the show?
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CX » Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:50 am

Maybe no one else has an interest in writing them? :dunno:

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Asso » Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:30 am

CoffeeCat wrote:...Also kinda like how they made T'Pol into a real CU-Next-Tuesday towards Trip at times. Or made Captain Archer into a real dipshit without even knowing it.


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