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Re: Status and Support

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:37 pm

My nephew's middle name is Jan but it's said like (y-AH-n) so he's like his daddy. But his mommy is Dutch-Canadian.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby aadarshinah » Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:51 pm

I think I just need to bow to the fact that names are too seeped in tradtion and whatnot to ever make sense, even to those to whom they are given.

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Re: Status and Support

Postby Misplaced » Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:12 am

WarpGirl wrote:Wild guess, your name is Theresa???????? My mother spells it without the "h." And people tell her she spells it wrong. John and Jon are actually a little different. Since you don't breath a slight "h" before the "n." But both "o's" are short.

I have never seen the name Jonathan spelled J-O-H-N-A-T-H-A-N. And not everyone called John is a Jonathan, so I've never been confused about it.

I have seen plenty of folks with Johnathon as a name. And personally, Jon and John are pronounced exactly the same.

But yes, our captain is Jon. ;)
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Re: Status and Support

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:19 am

Maybe it's because my grandmother pronounces the "h" that I do too. Not so that it's terribly noticable, but I feel myself breathing it before the "n," and I truly have never seen Johnathan spelled that way. And I've known a good many... Now I have to meet one... Maybe next time I'm in the hospital...
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Transwarp » Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:19 pm

I spent the last 17 days traveling up north (made the circuit from Kandahar to Bagram to Kabul International Airport to Camp Phoenix to Camp Eggers to Kabul International to Bagram and finally back to Kandahar). I'm beat, but it's good to be back in my old, familiar stomping grounds. While I was gone, I wasn't able to get online much, so I am WAY behind in the stories and the forums.

I did get some writing done on chapter 4 of 'Convicted' (not as much as I wanted), but I've got about 6K words written, with maybe another 4 to 6K to go. The second half should go a little quicker; there was one section I was stuck on for almost a month before I finally got going on it, and another section that I completely cut when I realized a different POV was called for.

This writing thing is really HARD. Tell me again why we do this?
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Re: Status and Support

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:45 pm

I do it for the rush of knowing I wrote something I'm proud of.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby pdsldl » Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:59 pm

I think we all wonder how we find pleasure in torturing ourselves to write. As I sit here staring at a blank screen waiting for some resolution to come to me so I get my characters from where they currently are to where I need them to be I find myself asking the same question and all I know is I feel better once I get through it. It's cathartic in some strange way I've given up trying to understand. And it's good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't find the process easy. Would we feel the same if it weren't? I doubt it.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Silverbullet » Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:21 pm

Perhaps it is because we Love the characters of Trip and T'Pol. wish the best for them and try to write it.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:00 pm

I think that writing anything is a major adventure, even more so than reading at times. I think people write fanfic because the do love the characters yes, but most people I think feel safer doing this crazy wonderful thing called writing with the security of falling back on the fandom that already did all of the foundation work. It's hard to write fic, no doubt, but it's harder to create everything from scratch.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Misplaced » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:11 pm

Transwarp wrote:I spent the last 17 days traveling up north (made the circuit from Kandahar to Bagram to Kabul International Airport to Camp Phoenix to Camp Eggers to Kabul International to Bagram and finally back to Kandahar). I'm beat, but it's good to be back in my old, familiar stomping grounds. While I was gone, I wasn't able to get online much, so I am WAY behind in the stories and the forums.

Glad to know you're safe.

I did get some writing done on chapter 4 of 'Convicted' (not as much as I wanted), but I've got about 6K words written, with maybe another 4 to 6K to go. The second half should go a little quicker; there was one section I was stuck on for almost a month before I finally got going on it, and another section that I completely cut when I realized a different POV was called for.

I'm excited to hear that you're still writing. I love, love, LOVE your series.

This writing thing is really HARD. Tell me again why we do this?

Because there is a story inside just screaming to get out. That's the main reason for me. Yes, it's both challenging and cathartic. But the truth is, a potential tale pops into my head and it won't let go of me until I get it all down -- and all down right. 'Cept there's no manual and I have to figure out how it all comes togehter on my own.

It seems like my muse says, "This is roughly the story that must be told... now go figure out how to write it." Then I come up with something, lay it at her feet and she either says: "Perfect" or "Good enough" or "What is this dreck??" More often, it's the last and I find myself lost in the land of Rewrite. Sometimes I think it's my personal purgatory. :lol:

Then there is the other problem: My characters deciding that they want to do something different than I planned. *sigh* Happens to me all the time. Little things are not usually a big issue (ie -- reacting a little differently than I thought they might)... but big stuff happens too, where I have to change the entire plot of the story.

But I figure, it's not good unless I'm practically lost in the story myself... so it all works out.

And WarpGirl... I dunno about writing fanfic being easier than original fiction. I used to think that too, but sometimes I feel confined by writing characters and worlds that were established by someone else. There are days that it's much easier to work on the characters I created from scratch as well as the environment that they live in. ;)

[/two cents]
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Re: Status and Support

Postby panyasan » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:17 pm

I couldn't agree more, Misplaced! Good to hear from you Transwarp and I can't wait to read the new chapter. I love when you have a story in your head and you work and work and it's there! Maybe not totally like it was in your head, but still...
Funny story: I am toying with an idea for a while, but I had to find some solution for a problem. So I wake up in the morning - and POP complete storyline. In the days after that the muse is attacking with scenes, images, dialogue. It's a hard story to read, so I am saying to my muse "What are you doing?" I decided to give it a try, so who knows?
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Re: Status and Support

Postby bluetiger » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:22 pm

Off Topic...panyasan the avatar looks great. Misplaced did a wonderful job :happyjump:

Now continue and pretend I wasn't here. :raspberry:
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Re: Status and Support

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:23 pm

Misplaced wrote:Glad to know you're safe.

Oh yes we are Transwarp! I was in a sheer panic.

Misplaced wrote:I'm excited to hear that you're still writing. I love, love, LOVE your series.

AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!!!!!!! And more Andorians soon PLEASE! I will grovel...

Misplaced wrote:It seems like my muse says, "This is roughly the story that must be told... now go figure out how to write it." Sometimes I think it's my personal purgatory. :lol:

It's nice to know I've got such amazing company. And it could be worse for us, it could be a firey hell... I'll supply the chocolate if you supply the wine Misplaced. ;-)

Misplaced wrote:But I figure, it's not good unless I'm practically lost in the story myself... so it all works out.

So true!

Misplaced wrote:And WarpGirl... I dunno about writing fanfic being easier than original fiction. I used to think that too, but sometimes I feel confined by writing characters and worlds that were established by someone else. There are days that it's much easier to work on the characters I created from scratch as well as the environment that they live in. ;)[/two cents]

Oh I concur vehemently! But I was thinking more along the lines of fear not difficulty. For me I'm always terrified that my original heroes and heroines are not good enough, and my villians are absurd. With characters like TnT you're already pretty set in that aspect of it. The hard part then becomes honoring that. Which is much less scary for me.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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Re: Status and Support

Postby pdsldl » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:26 pm

Trans if I were where you are I find whatever escape and relaxation/entertainment I could for as long as I could. You more than most, even if you want to be there, need some diversions to get away from the realities of life. For better or worse you've chosen writing and if you're like I suspect most of us are you can't shut it off any more than you turned it on. Be safe and keep your head down.

Misplaced WarpGirl... I dunno about writing fanfic being easier than original fiction. I used to think that too, but sometimes I feel confined by writing characters and worlds that were established by someone else. There are days that it's much easier to work on the characters I created from scratch as well as the environment that they live in. ;)

I agree that sometimes it's harder when you're boxed in by canon and the personalities traits given to your characters by other people. It makes for some challenging work arounds when your characters end up in places or situations you weren't expecting and then you have to keep them in character as best you can and move them forward. The quick appearances of OC's is easy but building the background etc of a new character that has a major impact on the plot takes time and thought.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby panyasan » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:40 pm

bluetiger wrote:Off Topic...panyasan the avatar looks great. Misplaced did a wonderful job :happyjump:

Now continue and pretend I wasn't here. :raspberry:
Yes, the avatar looks great - Misplaced did a great job with the design and the drawing is made by a very talented artist :thumbsup:, she is also a great writer. :D
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