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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby crystalswolf » Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:56 am

Yet another late addition to the discussion but I love it and can't help myself.

DS9 (slight interest after the 3rd season)
ENT (absolutely fell in love w/3 & 4 seasons, imagine what more seasons would've done to me)
TOS (Spock :drool:)
TNG (not a fan of some themes that became common in show)
VOY (so much potential squandered)

Sisko (ran a tight ship... um station... and didn't have a stick up his... to do it)
Kirk (he amused me)
Janeway (a bit too mother hen-ish but nice to see a woman as captain)
Archer (those times when his acting channeled Shatner amused me)
Picard (not a fan of the rigid leader types)

First Officers:
Spock :drool:
Kira (she had baggage and it amused me)
T'Pol (liked her since Carbon Creek, layered her char)
Riker (never really got the whole Will the thrill :upchuck:)
Chakotay (can't tell if it was the actor or the lines but... no)

Chief Engineers:
Trip :drool:
B'Elanna Torres (kicked..., sometimes took names, and fixed everything in between)
O'Brien (he was cool at work but lame/whipped at home)
Scotty (underused in the series)
Geordi (didn't think much of him)

Phlox (I must be the only person on Earth that thought he was strangely sexy)
McCoy (he always made me giggle)
Doctor EMH (for a hologram, he had A LOT of baggage. it amused me)
Crusher (boring)
Bashir (the fact that I put him below Crusher gives a clue as to how I feel about him)

REED! (When he hurled himself onto Major Hayes, I felt warm fuzzies for him)
Odo (the baggage, oh the humanity... ish!)
Worf (properly placed scowls are a virtue... and prune juice)
Chekov (accent-ish)
Tuvok (didn't think much of him)

Communications Officers:
Uhura (I would've killed for that hourglass shape in Mirror, Mirror!!!!!!!)
Hoshi (underused)

Odo/Kira (two characters with enough baggage to fill the station. On one end you have Odo with daddy issues and on the other you have Kira with mommy issues and both socially awkward in their own way. And who couldn't love when Odo finds out he confessed his love, not to a hologram, but to the real thing "Nerys... Kira... Major.")
Trip/T'Pol (Polar opposites uniting always make the best fireworks. When sharp minds collide, the universe trembles... and I squeal like a schoolgirl!)
Data/Yar (he kept a personal hologram of her. *tear*)
Spock/Anyone (fan of the 2009 romance. He needed a strong love interest)
B'Elanna/Tom (was great at first but then became lame. Problem with Trek most times is that married people become lame. It's the kiss of death!)
Last edited by crystalswolf on Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby justTripn » Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:37 pm

Wow! Those are some original (and entertaining) opinions. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby crystalswolf » Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:13 pm

Thanks. Was it my romantic interest in Phlox? Can't even begin to explain why. I forgot to list the reasons for the Odo/Kira, Trip/T'Pol relationships. I just found the edit button :duh: so I'm going to add them now.

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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby trek_shipper » Mon May 03, 2010 3:56 am

I'm late to the discussion too--serves me right for not getting into Enterprise sooner :P

DS9/VOY-it's a tie on this one, because it entirely depends what kind of a mood I'm in.
ENT-I know, I know, what am I doing on this board then? Well...to be honest, TnT saved Enterprise for me. lol. The first couple of seasons didn't do it for me at all. I liked the odd episode, but for the most part it just wasn't my thing. Not really sure why, possibly because temporal mechanics both confuse and bore me. lol. I *loved* all of season three, though, and most of season four. And I'm definitely in love with TnT.
I haven't really watched enough TOS to rank it. I've only seen the odd episode. So, very likely there won't be any TOS characters in my officer rankings either...if I do stick one in, it's based on the new movie lol


First Officers:
Kira (once she got past the season 1 emo-ness)
Riker (when he wasn't being a total man-whore...lol)
Chakotay (bored the snot out of me)

Chief Engineers:
B'Elanna Torres
Geordi-Could have something to do with my long-held love for LeVar Burton though lol
Trip-Love him as a person, but he didn't totally excite me as an engineer
Chief O'Brien-Again, I loved his character, but the storylines about him doing stuff OTHER than engineering were the ones that interested me

EMH-He's sarcastic, funny, and he sings!
Bashir-Well....he's pretty. lol. Yup, I'm all about the depth on this one :P
Phlox-I liked him, but that really huge smile thing of his creeped me out.
Crusher-Didn't like or dislike her, really. She was just kind of there. lol.

Tuvok-He's so unintentionally funny. Plus, I may be developing a Vulcan complex. Dunno what's up with that....but suddenly I'm finding them all bizarrely attractive in many ways.
Worf-Aww, I just love him. Plus, he has an adorable son.
Odo-The baggage!! Ohhh the baggage. But I did love how he was absolutely devoted to justice, and his love/hate relationship with Quark was fantastic.
Reed-Most of the time didn't do it for me. I dunno. If the show had gone on longer and they'd developed him further, that might have changed. I've really liked seeing his character development in some of the fanfics I've read, so maybe it's just that I didn't see enough of him on the show or something.

Communications Officers:
Hoshi-I loved her right from the start.
Again, didn't watch TOS...Uhura in the movie was OK though lol

Tom Paris-Ahhh, yes, Tom. I love him, his absolutely lame holodeck programs (Yes, I liked Fair Haven, I'll admit it! lol) and I may or may not have a thing for Robbie McNeill....*gazes innocently around* :drool:
Travis Mayweather-I was really disappointed we didn't get to see more of him. I thought he had a lot of potential to be a great character and I kept feeling like there should have been more of him in Enterprise.
Dax-I'm just going to say she was the pilot in DS9, since she did do a fair bit of the piloting when she was taking runabouts for away missions. I loved Dax-both incarnations. For different reasons, obviously, but a big one was that I loved seeing the development from Jadzia to Ezri Dax. The characters were very different even though they held many of the same memories, and I thought that was great. When Ezri came on to the show, there was definitely the potential for her to take on the personality traits of Jadzia and I was concerned that that might happen. I was pleased to see it didn't.

Tom/B'Elanna-die-hard P/Ter right here. I loved how the two of them fought past their insecurities and finally taught each other how to be honest with each other and themselves. They both had so much baggage from the past and really needed to learn how to let go of it all.
Trip/T'Pol-I've only watched through Enterprise once, so my reasons aren't fully developed. But from the moment I realized that something was going to start happening between them, I was totally drawn to them and loved watching their relationship develop (although it irritated me when they kept being like start....no stop. start...no stop. I was just like...oh get on with it already. lol)
Kira/Odo-Possibly the best first kiss scene ever. lol.

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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby crystalswolf » Mon May 03, 2010 10:57 am

trek_shipper wrote:Tuvok-He's so unintentionally funny. Plus, I may be developing a Vulcan complex. Dunno what's up with that....but suddenly I'm finding them all bizarrely attractive in many ways.

You're not alone. My mother used to watch reruns of TOS when I was young and I absolutely fell in love with Spock :drool: Haven't recovered since.

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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Aikiweezie » Mon May 03, 2010 12:58 pm

I'm jumping in reallly late here and I'm just going to throw in my ranking of the series.

1) Enterprise. I agree with Distracte, had it lasted 7 seasons it would have been the best by far.
2) The Next Generation. Watched the entire series with my husband over dinner as it aired. Turned him into a fan.
3) The Original Series. I watched it (in reruns of course) after school at my grandpas house. Got me hoooked.
4) Voyager. Janeway rocks!
5) DS9. Can't say I ever really watched it.

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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Thot » Fri May 28, 2010 10:50 am

And here from me:

Haven't seen any of TAS and not enough of TOS to rank it.
After rewatching TNG and VOY I had to switch the position: What a bunch of crap some of the TNG episodes are... unblievable :wtf:

I don't have a real ranking, more like the better ones (Wrath of Khan, Voyage Home, Undiscovered Country, First Contact) and worse ones (First movie, 5th movie and Insurrection)

Captains: Picard, Janeway/Sisko, Archer, Kirk
Janeway has moved up after rewatching VOY - before that I would have positioned her far lower. It's really interesting how you can misjudge a character, if you don't follow a series more closely.

First Officers: T'Pol, Kira Nerys, Spock, Riker, Chakotay
The first three are pretty close to each other in quality; It isn't surprising that Chakotay is so low for everyone, is it? :)

Engineers: Trip, Scotty, B'Elanna, Geordi, O'Brien
With the first two miles ahead of the rest!

Medical: McCoy/Phlox, EMH, Bashir, Crusher
I simply can't decide between McCoy and Phlox... I'm simply unable. But what a burden... *irony*

Security: Odo, Reed, Worf, Tuvok, Chekov
Odo's job to keep up with Quark and protect a whole station at the same time, that's simply hard...

Communications: Hoshi, Uhura
Well, isn't so hard.

Science Officers: ...
I can't make up a ranking! The competition in this area is too strong and when I'm done with a version, I look it over and then I earse it again...

Relationships: Trip/T'Pol
That's it, the rest doesn't really do it for me. Sorry but it's my opinion.
This is also one of the negative aspects of DS9: too many relationships (Sisko/Casidy, Odo/Kira, Kira/Shekar, Kira/Bareil, Worf/Dax, Beshir/Dax, Keiko/O'Brien, Quark wanted something from Dax too plus all these one episode romances) => Less would have been more! :tsktsk:

I really have a special appreciation for Picard and Trip, because they are unique human characters without being so dominated by their race/genetic/physical makeup like far too many roles in Star Trek: Tuvok is the Vulcan, 7 of 9 is the Borg, Worf is the Klingon, Data is the android, but aside from that their character is quite hollow.
Don't get me wrong: I like them and find some of the plots spinning around their figures the best in Star Trek, but they are always reduced to show up, because they are so alien to the rest, traped between their orginal culture and Starfleet and so on...
Plus Reed and Hoshi had some potential.

The only ones, where I had a different feeling, although they were aliens were T'Pol and Kira. They have conflicts inside/with their own culture. Could start to point it out, but that would be worth another topic.
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby panyasan » Fri May 28, 2010 7:46 pm

Thot wrote:The only ones, where I had a different feeling, although they were aliens were T'Pol and Kira. They have conflicts inside/with their own culture. Could start to point it out, but that would be worth another topic.
Kira and T'Pol are my favorites too and for the same reason. I always like the "outsider" in his/her own culture, but I think T'Pol is more an outsider then Kira. The oppression of the Bajorans may have led to being more open for people who do things differently.
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby PoweredByCoffee » Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:58 am

Sadly I've only seen three so I will rank what I know.

1 - VOY
2 - TNG
3 - ENT

Enterprise might be my least favorite mostly because it was the only one I never watched with my grandma who passed away. I have memories of her connected to the other two shows.
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:07 am

Awww that's very sweet! VOY is my ultimate favorite too!
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby PoweredByCoffee » Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:12 am

Janeway will always be my captain and B'Elanna and Tom will always be in my top 5 favorite couples.

One of the things I liked most was they were complex, they weren't the "hot", "sexy" ones. They had more in their head than that.
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:57 am

:tom: :torres: will always be my top Trek couple! I hate to say it, but TnT (as a couple) were a massive failure compared to them, and with far fewer problems! Watch me get into trouble for saying that! ;-) Janeway is AWESOME!
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby PoweredByCoffee » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:01 am

But I think Tom and B'Elanna served a much different role than Trip and T'Pol.

B'Elanna was the fire, the temper, but very very smart and had the dark side. Tom had a past he didn't want, a father he didn't want and only took the job to get out of the clink.

Trip and T'Pol were by in large the sex of the show. They tried to do a Ross Rachel push pull and it didn't work. If they had gotten them together after the Koss thing feel apart and kept them solidly together it would have been more interesting to see than what they did.
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:07 am

I see what you mean, even though I think Tom and B'Elanna were a million times more sexy without the nudity.
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby PoweredByCoffee » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:12 am

I think they went much deeper into their connection. The stuff when B'Elanna was pregnant nearly has be crying even know. She just wanted her little girl to be "normal". It was so wrong but so understandable.
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