New members, introduce yourselves here!

Just what it says on the tin.

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:24 pm

I thought that was an american thing calling kids mini-this or that. Hmm learn something new everyday.
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And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Aquarius » Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:06 pm

Welcome, Ulva. :wave:
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Elessar » Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:33 am

Ulva wrote:I'll do it the proper way and make my first post here, telling everyone about me, though some already knows me from other places like TrekBBS and HoT.

Name: Efva
Gender: Female.
Location: Lund, Sweden
Profession: I'm a garden architect but currently I'm mostly being mum since I got a baby girl in January.
How did I get into Trek: It's all because of a friend since many years. I knew about Trek as a kid but TOS wasn't showed much here, but when I struck up a friendship with a guy called Kiko he made sure that Trek was always in the background and brought up somehow. It got me watching TNG and before I knew it I was kind of hooked. Not in a fanatical manner but I kept following the development.
Writer or Reader: Officially I'm a reader.
Favorite Fic: Eh, can I come back to this one? There's so much out there and while some is perhaps not Nobel Prize standard there are several writers who are writing good stories. I can't really pick one (or two or three).
Other Fandoms: Not really. Well, I like Farscape and Firefly but I wouldn't say that I care the way I do about ST Enterprise.
Other hobbies: I don't have a classic hobby, never had. I read a lot and when I find time, money and ideas I funk up our home, doing everything from painting, building furniture, sewing whatever needs to be sewn, restyle old stuff and yes, I have a huge terrace which I have completely changed, from the concrete bore it was to a lush mini garden today.

That's me. Sort of. :D

Hey Ulva! Welcome! :wave:

Did we know each other on TrekBBS or HoT, cuz your handle and LUnd, Sweden sounds very familiar! :)
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Entilzha » Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:29 pm

Welcome Ulva :wave:
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Reanok » Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:33 pm

:wave: Helo Ulva nice to see you joining this board.I remember the discussions we use to have over at trek bbs and Hot. :)

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Ulva » Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:34 pm

Asso wrote:I like your Avatar.

Thanks! That av actually has its 5 year anniversary right now. It's an anime style version of me actually. However, these days I don't wear my hair like that; I have dreads since 2006.

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:Well now, this is a blast from the past! :)

Hej på dig, Ulva! :wave: Det var inte igår...

Welcome to TriSilk. As you may or may not know, I no longer post on TrekBBS, but this is one of the places I'm still at.

Good to hear you're doing well, and congrats on mini-Ulva.

Hallå!! :D Long time no see indeed! Oh I knew you don't go there anymore though I wasn't familiar with the reasons why. I don't go there either these days...

Mini-Ulva is doing great though she's in agony over a tooth about to break through so she's whinging right now. Check out her site (I also appear on a picture but usually I'm the one behind the camera).

WarpGirl wrote:I thought that was an american thing calling kids mini-this or that. Hmm learn something new everyday.

Well, strictly put we wouldn't say mini-something in Swedish but translated it's pretty much what it is. ;-)

Aquarius wrote:Welcome, Ulva. :wave:

Thank you. :)

Elessar wrote:Hey Ulva! Welcome! :wave:

Did we know each other on TrekBBS or HoT, cuz your handle and LUnd, Sweden sounds very familiar! :)

I assume that you use the same handle over at HoT, and then yes, you have probably seen me. I joined both TrekBBS and HoT in 2004 but I stopped posting actively in the autumn of 2005 at TrekBBS but I do on occasion still peek in at HoT.

Entilzha wrote:Welcome Ulva :wave:

Thanks! :)

Reanok wrote: :wave: Helo Ulva nice to see you joining this board.I remember the discussions we use to have over at trek bbs and Hot. :)

:D Thanks! Well, I had to join here eventually too. It seemed like the logical thing to do since it's here people post new fics and talk about it, and well, I still read. TnT is the only ship I have and I'm too fond of them to let go so... it had to happen. :)

Ah, look at that effective post. No one is going to come down on me for spamming! :lol:
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby The_Middleman » Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:57 pm

I realize that I have been lurking and commenting around here here for about a year or so and I haven’t introduced my self to anyone yet. It’s just like me to do something like that. I figured that since I met justTripn and Alelou at the NJ Convention I better formally introduce myself. On the Internet, I go by the name “The Middleman” whenever possible; It was my old CB Radio handle from the early 80's. I usually comment directly on the stories I like and I rarely comment or post in the forums. If do post in the forums, please don’t take my straight forward “New York City” style for being rude and nasty; I’m really a nice guy. :badgrin:

I consider my self a "born again Star Trek fan". Like many here, I grew up on the original series, mostly in reruns, although I was about 9 years old when it first aired and I remember watching it. I also remember my brothers and I making Star Ships out of toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, paper plates and ice cream sticks. It was a big thing for me when the movies came out in the late 70’s and saw them all as they were released. I started watching TNG when it came out but gave up on it early in the third season, mostly because I found it boring and I was focusing on my career and family. That began my 17 year absence from watching Star Trek on TV (I still caught the movies either in theaters or on video).

I "found" Enterprise in October 2007 on the Sci-Fi channel while looking for something that was interesting to watch on television. Between the writer’s strike at the time, the proliferation of mindless “Reality TV” and an over abundance of crime shows, I was driven to seek out alternatives. Sci-Fi was showing Season 3 at the time and it didn't take me long to get hooked. I later went out and purchased the DVD's of all 4 seasons as a Christmas present to myself and, along with my daughter (16 at the time), worked my way through the series, in order. As a result, not only did I become a fan of the series but a fan of Trip & T’Pol’s relationship. This really surprised me because I have never, ever been drawn to a fictional romance before (or any romance for that matter). As I said, my daughter joined me in my new Trek addiction and is now a devoted fan of Enterprise as well as all the movies. This is another reason I'm extremely grateful for finding Enterprise, it's something my daughter and I now have in common and something we can do together for a long time to come.

In the real life world, I was born, raised and educated in New York City (Manhattan and The Bronx). I now live in a northern suburb of New York City. I’m married with 2 children and, career wise; I’m a financial professional specializing in helping foreign companies operate their businesses in the US. Currently I work for a large Japanese consumer electronics company running their accounting operations in North and South America.
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby WarpGirl » Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:59 pm

Nice to meet you
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Alelou » Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:40 pm

Yes, an official welcome, Middleman!
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Asso » Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:45 pm

Can I welcome you "officially"? :D

Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Aquarius » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:55 pm

I find it amazing how many people end up here at TriS after a long absence from Trek fandom! I wonder what that says about TnT?

Welcome, Middleman! :D
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:05 pm

Hi there and welcome to TriSilk, The_Middleman! :wave:
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby opal » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:37 pm

I'm not really new just mostly in lurk mode but I thought it was about time I introduced myself properly.

Screen name: Opal or opal (forgot to hit the shift key when I registered)

gender Female,

location Edinburgh, Scotland,

Are you here as a reader, writer, or both? Reader and very occasionally a writer

How did you first become a fan of Star Trek? Watched the reruns of TOS when I was a child. I lost interest in TNG eventually and was never interested in Voyager but got hooked by Deep Space Nine. Enterprise is my second favourite of the Star Trek shows with TOS coming first - Spock being my personal all time greatest Sci-Fi character, love all things Vulcan. :vulcan:

Are you interested in any other Sci Fi fandoms? Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek 2009 and Heros

What's your favorite Enterprise fanfic? Cry Havoc - that was epic (although there are many others by very talented authors that I have enjoyed and just can't recall the titles of)

What was the last book you read? I'm really into the novels of Iain M Banks at the moment - reading Consider Phlebas after finishing The Algebraist.

Apart from all that I'm happily married with one daughter, one aged cat and two contented goldfish :D

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Asso » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:46 pm

If you allow me...

Welcome here! :D

Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby panyasan » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:50 pm

:loveeyes: Edinburgh is one of my favorite European cities. (dreams back thinking about a stroll on Prinsess Street). Once year we celebrated New Year in Edinburgh (hogmanay), that was great fun.
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