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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby dark_rain » Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:11 am

My appologies for the muckup. Should be fine now.
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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Distracted » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:18 pm

Thanks, d_r! You're an angel! :D
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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby ginamr » Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:03 am

So... Who wants to beta an episode of Foundations?

I might be able to do an episode or two. I've just learned script format, etc.
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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Aquarius » Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:11 pm

I am going to be in need of a beta pretty soon. While my story isn't ready to be shown yet, I figured it might help to have someone to talk to now, to use as kind of a sounding board.

I already have a crack team of grammar nazis and storytelling gurus who can tell me the basics, like if I told an engaging story and if the characters seemed well-developed to the average reader, if the plot made sense, etc. Problem is, while they're familiar with Star Trek, they're not very familiar with Enterprise or Trip and T'Pol in particular. So what I need is someone willing to help with the nuances that make Trip and T'Pol special and can guide me through good characterization, and if you happen to be a storytelling guru, that's a bonus. 8)

Just a cautionary note: this could go as high as an R or NC-17 rating, so my volunteer needs to be comfortable with tasteful, maturely-written (though not to be confused with "graphic" or "gratuitous") sex between a loving couple, should the story go that way.

Thanks! :D
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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Aquarius » Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:40 pm

Oh, crap, I think I scared everybody... :oops:
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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Asso » Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:47 pm

No! But I'm not the right person. Persevere, please. Because I'm eager to read your stories. 8)
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Aquarius » Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:02 pm

Thanks, Asso! You're a real sweetheart. 8)
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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Eian Flannagan » Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:54 pm

Aquarius wrote:Oh, crap, I think I scared everybody... :oops:

Send 'em, lass. I got your back. :lol:

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby michelle » Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:29 pm

hi, how long does a fic have to be to constitute a beta?

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby justTripn » Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:11 pm

If you mean how long does a fic need to be to NEED a beta, length has nothing to do with it. Either you need a beta or you don't. Most people do. You probably want to hear someone else's impressions of your story before you go show your work to the world.
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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby panyasan » Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:06 pm

I am looking for a beta for a story I have written. I still have to polish it a little bit, but then I really like some one to beta the story to see if my English is alright and maybe point out if there anything in the story needing clarification or otherwise.

I had in mind to write a story with four chapters from four points of views, but it became 12 chapters, also from 4 POV's. I like to post the story chapter by chapter.

To get some idea of the story here is a summary of the story. It's a year after Terra Prime. The threat of the Romulan war is looming. Star fleet is getting nervous.
A old Vulcan friend of Trip has left his group and is asked to join a research team at a Moon facilty. There he meets Trip again.
Confronted with the rumours of T'pol and Trip relationship and their so called seperation, he discovers as a Vulcan how illogical the rumours are and that the seperation has nothing to do with a break-up, but with consequences of T'pol past. Meanwhile, what's going on with Archer?

So if you love Kov, Trip, Archer and T'pol and like to beta my story, please let me know. :D Thanks.
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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby KKGlinka » Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:14 pm

panyasan wrote:I am looking for a beta...

Ooh, long and political. Sounds like something right up my alley. And I'm bored silly.

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby panyasan » Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:47 am

KKGlinka wrote:
panyasan wrote:I am looking for a beta...

Ooh, long and political. Sounds like something right up my alley. And I'm bored silly.

It's a bit political, but also pretty "emotional". I could send you Chapter one to beta, so you have an idea and so you don't feel bored any more.. 8)
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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Chelle-sama » Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:13 pm

Is there anyone who would be interested in going over the grammar in some Lorian-centric fanfic? Those cursed possessive apostrophes get me every time! I'm also worried about 'author blindness' - if my personal ideas of background and situations are creeping in and creating confusion for those who haven't discussed the topics to death with me.

I'm a long-time Trek fan, though I've never been active in the fandom and, being a Wesley Crusher fangirl, I've never done any fanfic for it. (Because seriously, who would you pair him with? And how could you make him even more awesome?) I've done a lot of work in the CCS fandom that seemed to go over all right, but I'm used to posting at, where anything with subject-verb agreement is fine writing. This place has standards and I'd like to meet them.


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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby justTripn » Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:19 pm

I shouldn't but I can't resist! Yes, me! me! PM me and attach the story or use my email, which I will tell you if PM me!!!

I'm a Lorian "expert" (see my sig) AND an editor. :)
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