Evolution Wish List

Romulans, phase-inverters, friendships, OH MY!

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Re: Evolution Wish List

Postby Asso » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:10 pm

Pegmumm wrote:Hmmm...
It must be my profession coming out but I saw the characters as limited by their isolation from each other and those closest to them.

Archer: son of a gifted man, who existed in his father's shadow, constantly attempting to become something greater than he saw his father becoming. He became something just short of a Messiah figure. No one can go through so much without cracking... but that's another story line of mine. He grew... but towards something unbalanced and fragmented. I saw him as having a death wish... to avoid becoming something he didn't want to be...but was forced into.

T'Pol: we judged her by human standards which is a disservice to her. The series was deliberately limiting of any real meaningful interaction because it ruined their story arcs. I prefer to see her as someone that overcame her societally ingrained isolation and choose a life with Trip instead of the stagnation that was demonstrated by her society. She showed an incredible amount of growth during the series... as did Trip. Creating a bond deliberately wasn't really explored. She harbored a biological desire for another... and couldn't bring herself to admit it even though her body insisted she listen.

Trip: Like many great minds, he was isolated intellectually. How do you get a commission on the first warp 5 Starship, show brilliance in your professional life and yet be so hindered in your personal interactions. He showed great courage and bravery... but was beaten with tragedy after tragedy. If he were a patient of mine, I'd have him evaluated as danger to self. I was impressed that he reached out to the one female character as brilliant and isolated as he was. He became everyman... who loved a seemingly cold woman... and haven't we all been in a love that was unrequited?

Hoshi: it was ironic that a communications officer would have been isolated as a child by her giftedness. Private tutors, no interactions with other children. She watched as an observer, not really interacting. It makes her an easy character to write for since she is so undefined.

Malcolm: a victim of his father's expectations... just like Archer. He became isolated, even his parents knew nothing about him. His fear of opening up to even his best friend, Trip, was palpable. He balanced testosterone with his intimacy needs. (sorry, therapist coming out here.) He and Hoshi would gravitate towards each other, each learning about how to communicate... much like children do.

As far as evolution goes... it's all in your imagination. I am a sci fi collector, a "Trekkie" if you will...we, as fans, created the phenomenon that still demands that new movies be created... and its been over 40 years since I first saw TOS as a teenager. (Yeah I am that old) It is only through our continued demand for the evolution of Star Trek that keeps the legend alive.

Your characters are each uniquely your own, we each hold a piece of that world within us... and it's all marvelous.

I wanted to quote this post "entirely", because it is absolutely brilliant.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on Fanfiction.net written by me. If you want.

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Re: Evolution Wish List

Postby Dinah » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:12 pm

Wow, Pegmumm, that's deep. :bow:

I've always thought Archer had a death wish. You have an interesting take on his motivation. It sounds totally reasonable.

Hoshi and Malcolm seem to be the couple everybody wants to get together. I can see them learning from each other, but would a marriage between two such similar personalities really work? Or would they be better served to find someone a little more outgoing, someone who had a little more normal upbringing to marry?

Do you think Trip was isolated intellectually because of his brilliance? Could he have had family issue? Why did he develop the "hale fellow well met" personality? Did he become a counselor to others because it was easier to listen than talk about his problems?

And poor T'Pol. It's hard to deny yourself something you want so desperately, something deep down you know is good for you, even though you can't admit it to yourself. I can relate. It's the same battle I constantly wage with chocolate.

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Re: Evolution Wish List

Postby Asso » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:19 pm

Dinah wrote:I can relate. It's the same battle I constantly wage with chocolate.

:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
I, too, have my problems. Maybe not with chocolate, but - damnit! - you know... Italian cuisine... :roll:
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on Fanfiction.net written by me. If you want.

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Re: Evolution Wish List

Postby Pegmumm » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:32 pm

It's the same battle I constantly wage with chocolate.[/quote]



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Re: Evolution Wish List

Postby Silverbullet » Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:43 am

Peg, you keep saying that you are old. I won't ask your Age but I am 74, be 75 this year. Are you within a decade or two of that?
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Re: Evolution Wish List

Postby Pegmumm » Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:51 am

Silver... I am old enough to be your daughter.
57 this coming April.
So no, I am not quite THAT old...


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Re: Evolution Wish List

Postby Silverbullet » Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:19 pm

Peg, you are middle aged. almosta kid. As is said, middle age is the old age of youth and the youth of old age.
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Re: Evolution Wish List

Postby Pegmumm » Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:50 pm

Silverbullet wrote:Peg, you are middle aged. almosta kid. As is said, middle age is the old age of youth and the youth of old age.

Hahahaha... gee thanks.
But I have to admit that writing about younger characters puts the spring back into my step. Even hubbie has commented on it. So I guess it's all relative.


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Re: Evolution Wish List

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:24 pm

Archer: To realize that even with his priviliged life and unique abilities, that he is not the end all abd be all for humanity exploring the galaxy. It didn't start with him. He's not the patriarchical saint of Starfleet and the Federation. The seeds were sown far before he came into exisitence.

Trip: I honestly think he only needed to learn how to be open with those he loves. He was never open with his needs, thoughts, desires, I don't know if it is entirely a lack of trust or just a knee-jerk recation to put everyone ahead of himself. In either case it made things harder for many things in his life. His relationship with T'Pol, because if he had explicitely said "I need this if we are friends, I need this if we are romantically involved." I don't think she would have made so many mistakes. I'm not saying that she would automatically make the right choices, but she would have had better information in order to make them. Also because he often refuses help when stressed he tends to make himself sick, like his problems with insomnia.

T'Pol: I think she needs to realize that being just who she is not what the Vulcans or Humans want her to be is extremely important. All of the mistakes she made whether with Trip or anything else came from the fact she was trying to be something other people wanted her to be. I hope she eventually would become like Sarek and accept the fact that not all Vulcans are going to accept her and not all humans are going to accept her. But it is her responsibility and right to live her life the way she sees fit. And I would hope that her choice falls into line with her Vulcan heritage. Like Sarek she could live a long happy life with a human mate have children and still be true to her heritage. The two are not mutually exclusive. IDIC.

Malcolm: I really want him to come into his own, stand up to the Captain and take back his job. Hopefully rising to the ranks and eventually having his own ship. I'm a Hoshi/Malcolm shipper. I admit that I don't understand why some people don't see it. If anyone sees the missing scene pictures from Broken Bow you'd see that there was something there. I always thought that in E2 he probably never directly declared himself to Hoshi and she got tired of waiting. They are alike in many ways but their personalities are very different in crucial ways. Like Tom and B'Elanna (not the same obviously). So I can see them succeeding.

Phlox: I'd like to see him get a nurse. But otherwise he's perfect.

Travis: Don't care at all. Replace him. He's hot that's it.

Hoshi: I want her to extend her roll in helping Archer's diplomacy. And marry Malcolm.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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