Interesting encounter with Connor Trinneer...

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Interesting encounter with Connor Trinneer...

Postby Jamieson » Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:31 am

Hello! I've been a bit (lot) scarce, but I wanted to share this rather interesting (and rather bizarre) encounter with Connor Trinneer. First off, let me state by saying that teenaged Connor apparently had a girlfriend named Wendy. How do I know this? Well....

Last weekend I was at the 2014 Stargate convention in Chicago, where Connor had a table set up in the vendors area all weekend to sign autographs and such (he also appeared on stage on Sunday and did photo ops). When I went to his table to meet him and get his autograph, he just looked at me and said "you remind me of my old high school girlfriend." Oookay...I think I said something dumb like "that's interesting..." because really, of all possible things he might say, I was not expecting that! He went to sign, paused, then looked back up and said something to the effect of "you really look like her, it's uncanny" (I admit to paraphrasing here - my brain was trying to catch up to this rather surreal convo at the time, so the verbatim exchange escapes me). Again, thrown, I gave a rather generic "huh...that's kinda weird" or something as he turned back to the autograph. But then he paused again and asked, "you're name isn't Wendy, is it?" I gave one of those "WTF is going on?" laughs, said no and told him my actual name, then he signed and we parted ways. My friend told me that I looked rather stunned when I walked back to where she was waiting. No kidding :?

That was only part one of this bizarre encounter, though, because the next day I went in to get my photo op with him. I walked up and, before I could say anything, he shouts out "hey, it's my girlfriend!" The photographer and con organizers were in the room, as were other people in line behind me, so there are witnesses, although I suspect some of those witnesses must have thought I was some crazy stalker he was indulging or something... :wtf:

So that, in sum, is how I found out that Connor Trinneer once had a girlfriend named Wendy, and apparently I look very much like her. Of course, I never did ask him whether that was a good thing... :doubt:

Definitely my most unique con experience to date, that's for sure. And yes, this **did** actually happen last weekend, although I can't really blame anyone if they write me off as a crazy person - I don't think I'd believe me, either, if I hadn't been there. If in doubt, however, you can always ask him at his next appearance if he was visited by the ghosts of girlfriends past at the 2014 Chicago Stargate convention ;-)

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