The Whine thread.

Just what it says on the tin.

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Aquarius » Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:55 am

Tonight's Detroit weather report:

Booger-freezing cold. :(
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby TPoptarts » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:02 am

Whine: my frelling Internet Explorer decided to start opening every frelling new window in this narrow piece of window-strip thingy that you get when you click "tile windows vertically" because I accidentally clicked "tile windows vertically" instead of "show the desktop" because they're right next to each other and mistakes happen, but I clicked "undo" immediately but now the frelling thing keeps opening every new window like that!! And I tried every possible method that's *supposed* to restore the frelling default setting and it doesn't work!! And I even clicked "cascade windows" (and undo) because that *used to* work to restore the default size every time I accidentally clicked "tile windows vertically" to something that actually resembles a window you can browse stuff in but this time it doesn't frelling work either!!! And yeah I got tabs so I rarely ever get to use another window, but DAMMIT IT'S PISSING ME OFF!!! WHAT THE FRELL IS THAT THING IT'S NOT A WINDOW!!!!! WHO THE FRELL WOULD WANNA BROWSE THROUGH SOMETHING THAT'S LIKE HALF AN INCH WIDE!!! AND IF YOU IGNORE MY UNDO AND DON'T LET ME FIX THE DEFAULT SIZE THEN FRELLING MOVE THOSE DAMN MENU COMMANDS AWAY FROM THE ACTUAL USEFUL ONES!!!!! GAAAAAHHHHHH IT'S PISSING ME OFF :evil: :bitch: :explode:


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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Entilzha » Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:46 am

The wonders of Windows. Well your computer is called HAL so it makes me wonder if it has a mind of it's own.
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby TPoptarts » Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:51 am

No it's not HAL, it's my other computer C2 :?


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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Bookworm » Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:06 pm

I'm at work, but that's not my whine. My whine is that soon I have to go home and during the day a snow storm has started. Soon I have to go outside. It's only about -3C so it's not that cold, but because the wind is blowing about 10m/s from the north it will feel much colder and I'm not prepared for that weather. Very stupid I should know better I have lived here all my life. I don't have a winter jacket with me I have a winter vest and a fleece sweater. Usually with only -3C that would be just fine, but with this wind it's going to blow right trough my fleece sweater and I'm going to freeze. Well fortunately it hasn't snowed that much yet so I'm quite sure the busses will still be right on schedule so I hope I won't have to wait very long in the bus stop.

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Asso » Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:11 pm

Be careful and take care.
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Bookworm » Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:25 pm

Yes I will. And I'll let you know when I get home that I'm still alive.

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Alelou » Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:53 pm

So are you still alive?????
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby panyasan » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:17 pm

Hopefully you are warm inside now, Bookworm! :D
We have our first snow in about two years now. We don't have a car, we travel by bike. So we all dressed in warm sweaters, shawls, hats and winter jackets etc., when we go out. It's so nice to be riding your bike in the snow... 8)
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Alelou » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:32 pm

Yikes! One good patch of ice and....
OMG, ANOTHER new chapter! NORTH STAR Chapter 28
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Bookworm » Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:32 pm

Yes. I'm alive and safe at home. I'll post a few pictures into the picture thread.
It was quite eventfull to get home. I'll have to travel by bus and by train and then walk a bit to get home from work. The trains were few hours late so it took a bit time to get home. Fortunately I changed from bus to train in one of the bigger stations so there was an indoor waiting area. When I do that I have to use two trains. The other possibility is to travel a bit longer with the bus and then change in another station and use just one train, but then there is just outdoor waiting area. I can only imagine what it would have been like to wait in that weather for the train that was a bit late :shock:

I've been in worse snow storms, but always better dressed. This wasn't my worst snow storm experience. The worst has been few yers ago when I went to see a friend who lives in another town. Well it started snowing and it was late in the evening, but I wasn't able to stay the night so I had to start driving home in the snow storm and in the motorway there was so much snow that there wasn't any way to see where the road was and then it snowed so much that I could only see few meters forward. When usually there is a speed limit of 100km/h I was driving about 30-40km/h and even less and since it was night time there wasn't lot of other cars so I was alone couldn't see anything and wasn't sure most of the time where the road was. The only cars I saw were those that had driven of the road and were stuck in the drift.

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby TPoptarts » Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:06 am

Whine: it's not even 10pm and I can hardly keep my eyes open. And I didn't even have that much turkey. :? Probably because in the past few days I went to bed at like 2am and kept waking up at frelling 7am even though I was trying to sleep in :explode: but I can't sleep in for some reason. Grrrr and frelling Zombie doesn't help with all her frelling noise. I wish I could go to sleep now but Zombie's here knitting something and laughing like a frelling hyena as usual (even in her sleep :evil: :explode: :bitch: ) and of course she left the door open because for some reason she can't frelling shut the door like a human being, I'd go shut the door myself but I don't wanna seem bitchy. And like just now she showed me a cup with some nasty yucks in it asked me "what's that" and I'm like "I don't know it's not mine", duh it's her stuff she's the one who keeps collecting trash and then forgets she even got that dren in the first place, then she's like "well it's not mine either". My big fat ass I saw her bringing that, I don't know what in all hells she was gonna do with that but it sure as hell ain't mine. Gah I frelling hate this place :explode: and I'm soooo frelling tired :? :( :faint:


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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby TPoptarts » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:40 am

The wi-fi is down again. :evil: :explode: :bitch: :censored:


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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Aquarius » Tue Dec 02, 2008 10:17 pm

Whine: I got sick this weekend. Some kind of head cold/sinus infection thingy. :(

I will hunt down whoever breathed on me and hurt them!! :twisted:
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby justTripn » Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:01 pm

TPoptarts wrote:Whine: there's this guy who lives here. He freaks me out. He's ALWAYS where I am. I go to the kitchen, he comes to the kitchen. I go outside, he's outside. And he always tries to talk to me and stuff. And like he only speaks Spanish, hardly any English at all so I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to him. But he's creepy and he acts weird, I don't know if it's like a cultural thing or just a "guy wants girl" thing, but like every time he sees me he has to say hi to get me to say hi back to him, and like how many times a day can you say hi to the same person, I mean really like I said he's always where I am so it happens like every MINUTE, literally when he sees me in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the restroom all the frelling time, when I enter the kitchen to grab something from the fridge and then when I EXIT the kitchen after having grabbed something from the fridge, like seriously WTF, and he always has this flirtatious/sleazy tone in his voice and I hate it. Gross. :? :wtf: :evil: :upchuck:

There's another guy who once a long time ago cooked too much food and then asked me if I wanted the leftovers when I went to the kitchen to make a sandwich and so I took it because I was starving, and like obviously he stayed there and talked to me while I was eating. And ever since then he's been acting like I'm his girlfriend, brought his PARENTS to meet me and he keeps greeting me like "hi beautiful" or "hi sweetie" or whatever every time he sees me, and also he likes to touch me like every time he walks past me in the hallway or something he has to grab and squeeze my arm or put his hand on the small of my back or stupid dren like that, and I frelling hate being touched and I frelling hate him. :evil: And really I don't even know him. I don't even know his NAME for crying out loud. Like why in all hells would I be interested. Like HE talks to me a lot because he likes to be around me when I don't have anywhere to hide from him, but I hardly ever talk back because I don't even know what he's saying, I mean like he DOES speak English unlike the other guy but he just has like the heaviest Mexican accent and the grammar of a lolcat ("no can has" etc) and it's like he's speaking English in Spanish and I can hardly understand a word. I'd understand better if he just spoke Spanish. But yeah so I just sit there awkwardly and listen and say nothing. What exactly about that makes me seem "interested".

And like also every time he says hi to me and I say hi back out of politeness then he has to go like "good morning" in a tone that's obviously trying to force me into replying again, then I just roll my eyes and say nothing because I frelling hate it when people treat me like a 2 year old and try to force conversation on me. I greeted you already. I know you heard me. Don't frelling push it. And he just doesn't get it, I mean like he sees me walk away and raises his voice "I said good morning", yeah I heard you the first time. I just don't appreciate being treated that way. "And what do we say when someone gives us a candy?" "THANK YOU AUNT SALLY!" Uh nope. Get lost. I already learned my manners. I just don't like to waste it on someone who doesn't appreciate it AND interprets it the wrong way.

There's so many tralks here. So many chicks who actually LOOK for "having fun" in terms of "having sex with random strangers". So WHY do these guys have to go to the ice queen?? And treat the ICE QUEEN like one of them tralks who's supposed to actually be interested in that kinda stuff?? I don't flirt. I don't play "hard to get". I don't raise people's expectations and crash them "playfully" or whatever kinda repulsive dren like that. What exactly about me says "looking for a shallow relationship, preferably one-sided since I obviously reject every attempt"??

And like then they get all like "what's with HER??" when I roll my eyes at them and don't react the way they expect me to. Well they're being repulsive. How exactly am I SUPPOSED to react. They act like they're big fat hotshots, expecting everyone to just roll with it, expecting me to see their interest as a compliment. They don't expect to get turned down. Which proves just how much they don't know me, and how much they don't even care to, especially when they take it as "keep trying".

I hate it. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I am way behinds the times, responding to this post, but it is perfectly OK to tell someone, don't ever touch me, period. Doesn't matter if his motives are Good, Bad, or In Between. He must respect your wishes.
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