What are you...

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Re: What are you...

Postby WarpGirl » Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:53 am

Whenever anyone causes another person discomfort or confusion for that matter, it's only courteous to appologize. My gandmother made sure I learned well. ;-)
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: What are you...

Postby panyasan » Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:38 am

The meaning of words have a way of changing anyway, the orginal meaning or root is sometimes lost and people do interpretated words differently. I have three long given names - I always feel my father carried away a bit, being the third daughter, three names - and I am named after the third. Actually, to make it more complicated it's the short version of the third name. When I registered as a foreign in Japan to get my "foreign", the lady who registered me was extremely confused. Three names? Japanese mostly have one name.
Three names is "interesting" (translation: it's is odd, weird, strange).
My maiden name has a real Dutch "g"-sound and they use that name on your card. The lady who registered me took about half an hour repeating my last name over and over again (poor women) before she wrote it down in Katakana. She took her job very seriously.
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Re: What are you...

Postby WarpGirl » Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:51 am

A friend of mine insisted on giving his daughters three names each too. Thankfully they're short, and easy to remember if a mild scolding is needed by Auntie. (me) But I'm still not sure what to think when one of those names is Eris. :shock: What is he trying to do? Push his daughter to insight mayhem!
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: What are you...

Postby panyasan » Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:45 am

Eian Flannagan wrote:
Elessar wrote:I wrote "Your Mom 'n Me - Part II" for a Philosophy semester term paper for "The Meaning of Life". After writing the story itself (which after storyboarding, I actually wrote in 4 days), I wrote a character analysis on everybody and how the discussions we had in class, different philosophical ideas (stoicism, nihilism, christianity, etc) related to whether they had meaningful lives. Malcolm's was the most interesting... the hero who gets no credit... is his sacrifice still meaningful?

Aye. I'd read that analysis. You should post it!

I agree. It would be very interesting. I love discussing philosophy.
Last edited by panyasan on Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you...

Postby panyasan » Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:45 am

Sorry. Double post.
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Re: What are you...

Postby WarpGirl » Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:57 am

I admit it I just wanna know if he gets Hoshi. Hey after the hospital scene I have to know!!! It's Elasser's fault. :dunno: :popcorn:
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: What are you...

Postby Elessar » Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:56 am

What am I.... doing:

Watching for reports of the Marine assault in Afghanistan.... it's not quite late enough after OCS for any of the officer candidates I lived with to be there, but it won't be much longer. A few friends of mine might be out there, I'm not sure. Praying for them, but also know they love this sh** 8)
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Re: What are you...

Postby TPoptarts » Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:06 am

Just watched Futurama episodes "30% Iron Chef" and "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" :lol: :guffaw: a couple years ago I auditioned for some student film which was like exactly the ship in a bottle plotline from the 30% Iron Chef episode. Well of course with a few details changed to fit a 21st century Earth setting. :roll: :p But like that was before I watched Futurama so I had no idea it was stolen. The guy actually put his name on it WTF :wtf: anyway since I still have the script in my email I shall post it here for y'all to see (hey what do I care, it's stolen anyway)

the guy who stole it from Futurama wrote:It is a bright afternoon in the Anderson family home. The den is modestly decorated with a hobby bench against a wall. There are several people standing around the table. DOC, a man in his 30’s or 40’s, is holding up a shiny, new glass bottle with a small ship inside.

Around him are several other family members: STACY, his 17 year old niece; MARK, his 45 year old brother; and CHET, his 20-25 year old nephew. Chet is standing with a blank look on his face. The lights are on, but nobody’s home. Chet’s best friend, JOHN WILSON, is there as well. John is floating around just behind everyone trying to get a better look at the ship. As he moves around he trips over a foot stool and hits the floor. He gets up and quickly recovers.

MARK: Ooo, wow!

STACY: Very nice.

DOC: Why, yes. It’s a perfect scale model of the world’s largest bottle. I put a tiny ship inside to keep it from being boring.

JOHN: Ohh!

A hand slowly reaches between Doc and Chet for the bottle.

DOC: It took me a while, but I-. For the last time John, look with your eyes not with your hands!

Doc pulls the bottle away from John and smacks his hand. LIZ, Mark’s wife, walks into the den.

LIZ: Alright everyone! Lunch is served. Let’s go, move it out!

Everyone files out of the den, except John. Just as Doc exits the room, he pokes his head back through the doorway.

DOC: John, are you coming?

John stops reaching for the bottle.

JOHN: Sure. Me.

Doc sticks his head back in to the room again.

DOC: Because I don’t want you touching that thing.

John stands by the bottle with his hands behind his back. The bottle is shaking as if it’s just been put back down.

JOHN: I know that.

Once Doc leaves, John immediately picks up the bottle and begins to examine it.

JOHN: Surrender your mysteries to me.

As John takes a closer look at the bottle, it slips out of his hand and crashes to the table. John gasps, with a huge inhalation of air, and grabs his hair.

JOHN: Oh no! Doc will hit me!

John starts to nervously pace around the room. Suddenly, a light bulb goes off above John’s head. He reaches up and turns off the light.

JOHN: Wait! If I fix it, then perhaps gifts!

John digs through a desk drawer and pulls out a tube of super glue. He opens the tube and squeezes the tube. He squeezes too hard and glue goes all over his hands. He tries to wipe it off on anything around him. He wipes his hands on some papers but they just stick. He begins to frantically look around for a way to get the paper off and spots a stapler. He picks up the stapler with his opposite hand and attempts to pry off the paper. Only a small segment of paper tears off and his hand is now stuck to the stapler. He grabs a tennis racket resting against the wall with his papered hand and begins to pry off the stapler. There is so much glue on his hands that the racket’s handle sticks to his hand. John groans in frustration.

The Anderson family is seated around the dining room table eating lunch. There is an empty seat at the table set aside for John. Chet looks around from the table.

CHET: Hey, where’s Jo-.

John enters the room with his hands behind his back. Everyone looks up.

JOHN: Casual hello, it’s me, John, act naturally.

Everyone stares at John as he slinks past the table with his back always turned away, and leaves through another door. When John exits, everyone continues eating.

John sits on a stool and overlooks the damage to the bottle. He is very distraught and is resting his head in his hands.

JOHN: Aww, I’ll never recombobulate this thing! When Doc finds out, he’ll tear me a new one! What would that guy from that movie do?

John continues to stare at the broken pieces of the ship and bottle. Suddenly, he gets an idea.

JOHN: Frame someone! But who?

Chet enters the room.

CHET: What up?

John laughs insanely.

Chet is in the shower with his back to the door. He is singing badly and continues to gurgle out lyrics as he fills his mouth with water. John slowly sneaks into the bathroom. He replaces Chet’s shirt with one that says “I Hate Ships!” and throws the original out the window.

Doc walks into the den. He is talking to someone over the phone.

DOC: That’s right, Ricardo, a ship in a bottle! What’s that? Well, hang on, I’ll look.

Doc turns to look at the bottle and gasps. The bottle and ship are broken up into many pieces. He drops the phone.

RICARDO: (on phone) Hello? Doc? What happened?

There is a storm outside. The family has been gathered into a parlor that is very Victorian in décor. There is a large grandfather clock against the wall and a large fireplace with a marble mantle. The single couch and chair in the room are very ornate. There are old paintings on the walls and an old Persian rug on the floor. Sitting on the couch are Chet, Stacy, and Liz. Mark is sitting in the chair, while John stands behind the couch. Doc is pacing in front of the fireplace. Chet is leaning back with his hands crossed over his chest.

DOC: I’ve gathered you all here in the Accusing Parlor because one of you is a miniature ship wrecker!

Everyone gasps in astonishment.

JOHN: I’m acting astonished.

John’s eyes nervously shift around the room.

DOC: Certain clues suggest the culprit is none other than our own…Chet!

Everyone gasps again. Chet uncrosses his arms to reveal his “I Hate Ships!” shirt.

CHET: What?!

DOC: Oh, it was a brilliant scheme, but you made one fatal mistake…leaving this confession note!

He holds out a piece of paper that reads “Chet Confesses”. On the bottom of the paper “From The Desk Of John Wilson” is printed.

JOHN: Chet, you scoundrel!

CHET: Well, I don’t remember any of that, but I don’t have the means to defend myself.

DOC: You leave me no choice but to charge you the full cost of the materials. Ten dollars.

John gasps. Chet takes out his wallet and pulls out his last ten dollars. He hands the money to Doc.

CHET: There you go.

John hears emotional violin strains and puts his hands to his head.

JOHN: What have I done?!

Chet is walking through a record store and sees a CD that he wants on sale for $10. He looks in his wallet and sees it empty. He flips it over and shakes it hoping for something to fall out. Nothing does. John is staring at Chet through the window. He hears the violin strains again.

Chet is walking down the street with his hands in his pockets. A MUGGER comes out of a dark alley. The mugger orders Chet to hand over his wallet. Chet complies and when the mugger looks in the wallet and sees it empty, he throws it back at Chet. He is insistent that Chet give him something. Chet looks around nervously, trying to think of a way out. He begins to unbuckle and unzip his pants, but the mugger looks away in disgust, makes a fist, and punches Chet. He commences the beatdown.

Chet stumbles into his house all beaten and bruised and plops onto his couch. When his family comes out to tend to him, John sees his friend. The violin strains play again.

Chet, still bruised and disheveled, is wandering around a liquor store. The CASHIER is keeping an eye on him. John eyes a pack of gum and grabs it. As he heads for the door, the cashier calls out to him. Chet takes off running and just as he’s about to make it out the door to freedom, he runs right into a POLICE OFFICER. The officer grabs him and drags him away.

Chet is standing before a JUDGE. His family and John are seated in the back of the court room.

JUDGE: Chet Anderson, you are charged with shoplifting. The fine will be ten dollars.

CHET: Um, your majesty, what if I can’t pay?

JUDGE: Then I’ll be forced to send you to prison. Not that cushy federal prison, with the loose jumpsuits. State prison! With the crotch binders.

Everyone in the audience gasps. John hears the violin strains once again.

JOHN: Oh, the guilt! The unbearable guilt!

JUDGE: Since you are unable to pay the fine then I’m forced to punish you to the full extent of the law.

Everyone gasps once more, but John is no longer sitting in the back.

JUDGE: Chet Anderson, I sentence you to-

John rushes up to the front of the court room.

JOHN: Wait! Everyone must know. I broke Doc’s bottled ship.

Doc stands up and angrily shakes his fist at John.

DOC: You!

John cringes slightly.

JOHN: And what is worse, I framed my dearest friend Chet.

Chet has a blank look on his face. The lights are on, but nobody’s home. John drops his head.

JOHN: I can never repay him his ten dollars, so I must take the only honorable path. I must take my punishment from-. Doc?

John looks to the back of the room and Doc is gone. Everyone who was around him looks around confused.

DOC: You no good, son of a-

John looks to his side to see Doc charging toward him. Doc blasts past the confused bailiff, but grabs his baton on the way.

DOC: I’ll teach you to-

There is intense fear in John’s eyes. Just as Doc is about to strike him, John ducks down, causing Doc to trip. The club flies out of Doc’s hand and knocks the judge unconscious. Everyone gasp and looks up at the judge and then at John. John looks around and then points at Chet.

JOHN: Chet did it!

John gets up and runs out of the court room with Doc in hot pursuit. The bailiff then follows, along with everyone else in the court room, leaving the unconscious judge at the bench.



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Re: What are you...

Postby dark_rain » Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:25 pm

Listening to: Karnivool - Set fire to the hive
Eating: BBQ chicken from Hub Charcoal Chicken, Aberfoyle, S Austrailia.
Doing: Talking to my partner over text. She's 17000km away at the moment so I'm a bit lonely.
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Re: What are you...

Postby evcake » Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:31 am

Just finished my June Word Prompt.
Now I'm gonna make earrings.
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Re: What are you...

Postby TPoptarts » Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:32 am

Just finished watching all the Futurama episodes and movies in existence. And now I need MORE!! :explode: :faint:

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Re: What are you...

Postby panyasan » Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:05 pm

My little son started to have a fever this evening and he just woke up. He is burning up and has a high fever. Because of past experience, this things always sort of freak me out. Hopefully he is better in the morning.
Last edited by panyasan on Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you...

Postby Asso » Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:07 pm

panyasan wrote:My little boy started to have a fever this evening and he just woke up. He is burning up and has a high fever. Because of past experience, this things always sort of freak me out. Hopefully he is better in the morning.

He will. :)
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Re: What are you...

Postby panyasan » Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:08 pm

Asso wrote:
panyasan wrote:My little boy started to have a fever this evening and he just woke up. He is burning up and has a high fever. Because of past experience, this things always sort of freak me out. Hopefully he is better in the morning.

He will. :)

Thanks, doctor Asso! :D
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Re: What are you...

Postby Alelou » Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:26 pm

No ticks recently, I hope...

Good luck.
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