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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby JadziaKathryn » Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:10 pm

:D More TnTers! Welcome!

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Reanok » Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:20 am

Hi there it's great to have more new Trip & T'Pol fans here.

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby dialee » Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:01 pm

Hi again everybody, especially a welcome to LtCmdFlygirl. I noticed you were next to register after me.

Answers to comments or questions:

Tennisgirl - would appreciate the author and title of fiction work detailing Onesimus' journey to the household of Philemon.

Kevin Reilly - yes, it is from the movie. Sorry I could not remember your whole screen name. I have alway been awful with names but I remember distinctly his rendition of Molly, the fishmonger :shock: :D . Old Irish song??

T'Sara - Isn't the Balt-Wash area a Swedish sauna in the summer? Kevin would absolutely love it here, that is if he likes Swedish saunas :shock: .


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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:56 pm

dialee wrote:Kevin Reilly - yes, it is from the movie. Sorry I could not remember your whole screen name. I have alway been awful with names but I remember distinctly his rendition of Molly, the fishmonger :shock: :D . Old Irish song??

You mean "Kathleen", the song which the original series character I've named myself after sang while he had locked himself in Engineering (The Naked Time).

T'Sara - Isn't the Balt-Wash area a Swedish sauna in the summer? Kevin would absolutely love it here, that is if he likes Swedish saunas :shock: .

Balt-Wash? Never heard of it!My guess is that it refers to the Baltimore-Washington D.C. area.

And saunas are more Finnish than Swedish and I have to admit that I never liked them that much... saunas I mean!
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby tennisgirl » Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:00 am

The name of the author completely escapes my mind right now, however the book is called Twice Freed. Again, it is fictional work, but it is quite engaging. :)
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby TSara » Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:28 am

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:
dialee wrote:T'Sara - Isn't the Balt-Wash area a Swedish sauna in the summer? Kevin would absolutely love it here, that is if he likes Swedish saunas :shock: .

Balt-Wash? Never heard of it!My guess is that it refers to the Baltimore-Washington D.C. area.

And saunas are more Finnish than Swedish and I have to admit that I never liked them that much... saunas I mean!

Yup...That would be the Baltimore DC area!

And yes it's hot as the 7 layers of hell here right now...and I'm loving every minute of it since I am originally from Florida.
"It can giggle all it wants, but the galaxy isn't gettin' any of our bourbon." -Trip to Malcolm Shuttlepod One

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby cherryblossomjen » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:24 pm

Hello all.

I've been a STar Trek fan for a while but didn't have UPN while Enterprise originally aired. I caught Broken Bow when it first aired on Sci-Fi this year and was an instant Trip/T'pol fan.

I've since made it a point to read the fanfic here, at House of Tucker and on What fun its been!

I may try my hand at writing, but I think I'll keep reading for now. :)

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Elessar » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:26 pm

WELCOME! So glad you've joined us, have you seen all of the Enterprise episodes yet, like in syndication? They play on for 4 hours a day on Spike I think it is, on Monday evenings. They also play on HDNET on... Thursday? And look really freakin awesome.
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby cherryblossomjen » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:47 pm

Thanks for the welcome. :D

I haven't seen all of the Episodes, but I think I've seen a majority of them (especially the T/T centric ones).

I missed season two on its first run through syndication but am watching it now every Monday when it comes on. I just saw 'Carbon Creek' for the first time and thought it was adorable, with the Trip teasing.

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:01 pm

Hi there and welcome to TriS, cherryblossomjen! :wave:

Carbon Creek is something of a hidden gem. :)
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby TPoptarts » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:03 am

\\//_ Hi everyone I didn't say hi to yet. (And hi everyone else just so you won't feel neglected.) :mrgreen:


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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Navigator » Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:20 am

It's all Rigil's fault. Last spring I was home sick and was playing on the Internet and found his Endeavour series. Read and enjoyed those and then sort of wound up over here.

Screen name:
Navigator - The origin is that my first tour in the Navy was navigator on a destroyer.

Real name, gender, location, profession
Burt, Male, West Tennessee, retired Navy, Retired Information Systems Project Manager.

Are you here as a reader, writer, or both?
Reader, unless you like reading project plans and budget request documents.

How did you first become a fan of Star Trek?
Watching reruns of TOS in the dorm TV room in college when I should have been studying (shows my age). TNG was OK; liked DS9 after Worf came on board. Thought VOY was "unfortunate".

Are you interested in any other fandoms?
Not really fandoms, really enjoyed X-Files, but liked Doggett better than Mulder. Also liked Firefly, especially its groundings in the Civil War.

What's your favorite Enterprise fanfic?
Right now Rigel's Endeavour series. It is what I read first and lead me here. I really liked the presentation of two mature people in a relationship but who are also able to do their jobs. I am now discovering other authors who are also exceptional.

What was the last book you read?
Born Fighting, The Scots Irish in America, by James Webb. Previous to that, Death's Acre by Dr. William Bass.

Other interests.
Things that go "boom" , and things that go fast. I also have a thing for steam locomotives.

One related anecdote and then I will shut up. A short while back I was having dinner with a friend who was home on leave from Afghanistan where he is assisting in training ANA. He and I worked together when Enterprise was on TV and we would "critique" the episode the next day. Siskel and Ebert we were not. Anyway, we were eating ribs and drinking beer and discussing what he was doing. So finally I asked him that with all the good and bad that he was going through, "How do you feel personally doing this?'

He answered, "Like T'Pol - first year", and went back to the ribs.

I aspirated my beer.

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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby evcake » Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:32 am

:guffaw: Well, you know you're a Trekkie when...
Welcome, cherryblossomjen and Navigator. :wave:
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Rigil Kent » Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:06 am

Navigator wrote:It's all Rigil's fault.

Cue maniacal laughter ... Hey there, man! I still haven't found a way to work in "pollywog" ... :D
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Re: New members, introduce yourselves here!

Postby Navigator » Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:31 am

Then there's "goat locker". And a million other terms.

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