Vulcan Modesty

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Re: Vulcan Modesty

Postby Silverbullet » Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:27 pm

When t'Pol gave Archer and Terip the advice to go to Risa so they could get laid she sounded very confident of her advice. Also, she did NOT say WE need to go to Risa for Sex. She gave no indication that she needed or was interested in going to the Surface for Sex.

When the Enterprise arrived at Risa she said to Archer that he had "won the Lottery to go tothe surface." Was she in that Lottery? Why? The supposed purpose of visiting Risa was for the humans to get laid. Not her. She never said she was including herself in it.

Since she had advised Archer to get his jollies on the Surface the book seemed out of place.

AGain, T'Pol's sexual attitude is not conveyed by the advice or when they rached Risa. She saw Archer off and gave him the package with the book. Still believ she was operating on a false premise that Humans had to get laid reguarly or else.

Aside: ARchrer gets mixed up with the blonde Bimbo who apprently is working with or for the Suliban but after the episode she is never referred to again. She and the Suliban fade away. Also, Hoshi having a one night stand doesn't seem like the timid Hoshi seen so far on Enterprise it would take a bit of courage for her to do something like tha.. Other femalles could but doubt if Hoshi could.
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Re: Vulcan Modesty

Postby panyasan » Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:57 pm

I agree with the assumption that T'Pols information on Human sex is problably contiminated by what she read and saw on the ship. For example romantic movies don't give a very realistic view of love, sex or Human relationship in general. The fact that T'Pol would use a cliche (or classic depending on your view) of dropping the robe in Harbinger is telling - it's a Human cliche that she uses - and cliches give a wrong view of the truth.

If you look at T'Pols actions, she follows Vulcan rules - she doesn't like NP first - she never dates or attempt to have a date - she never hit on a guy outside Enterprise or on the ship (Trip being the major exception). The people around her on the ship, including Trip seems to be more casual about sex then she is.
She may have think Humans think sex is casual, been curious about it - but being casual about sex herself - no. Or she tried to approach it in this way in Harbinger, thinking it was the Human way - and finding out there's nothing causual about it and freaking out. Any way, if you feel some one else emotions by simple touch, touching (the basic of sex) is never casual. JMHO.
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Re: Vulcan Modesty

Postby Alelou » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:12 am

Silverbullet wrote:T'Pol giving Archer that book didn't fit. she had boldly told them to go to Risa for one purpose and then renegs on that by giving Archer the book. T'Pol's attitude must have changed between the time she gave that advice and when they arrived in Orbit around Risa. Maybe she saw some differnt Data base which suggested that Humans were not Horny all of the time after all. Which may have been more in line with her Sexual attitudes.

I don't necessarily think this is true, but maybe she was just pulling the same sort of reverse psychology Archer was always pulling on her. Giving him a book he was almost certain to find dull might have been her way to make him want to go out and get lucky...
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Re: Vulcan Modesty

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:59 pm

Alelou, Archer may have got lucky. He did meet that blonde in the adjoining room. I guess they had dinner and I am not sure what else. However, she slipped him a Mickey Finn and left him out cold on the floor, skipped town and that was the last we heard of her. tThey might have have romped in bed for a while althogh nothing was shown or indicated. I have read that viewers are supposed to fill in the blanks for the time between Episodes. I guess we can fill in the blanks in an Episode too.

I often thought htt they missed a great chance to have a fluff episode: Trip, T'Pol, Hoshi and Malcom on the surface. Hoshi dragging them to museums and Art galleries. They deciding to swim and not being able to get T'Pol to put on a once piece Swim Suit. Trip being oggled by some females when he emerges from the pool, wet with his Trunks clinging to him. T'Pol giving him the Eyebrow of Death at that. A final Dinner at a Posh restaurant where Trips Table manner gets Hoshi laughing and T'Pol upset. Rather than having Trip and Malcom being Comic Relief in the episode and Archer getting lumbered by the female.
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Re: Vulcan Modesty

Postby Linda » Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:26 pm

I like best what Transwarp said about Vulcan sexuality. And I have been thinking that Pon Farr would be the time that a Vulcan male would be most fertile. Maybe between Pon Farr episodes, his sperm count woud be a lot lower and it would take longer to arouse him sexually. But I have always thought it would be possible for a Vulcan male to perform sexually and father children any time - it might take a little longer and it might take a patient partner, but it was certainly possible. That a Vulcan male could only perform sexually once every seven years seems completely wrong to me - I don't buy that.
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Re: Vulcan Modesty

Postby Silverbullet » Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:41 pm

Linda, Encycopedia says they have Pon Farr every seven years, period. My belief has been that the males emotions have been held down to include his Sex drive. I think that a Vulcan males Sex drive is extremely low which is why he and his wife can be seperated for years until the Pon Farr hits. Also think that it takes a Vulcan male seven years to build up a head of steam and then lets go and becomes enraged and in Heat. If he has to be married before the fmale will or can satisfy his Pon Farr and she doesn't want to she has to call a death match which would be like two male animals on Earth in heat fighting for a female. Only one would be in heat though but probably that would suffice.

I was toying with an idea of T'Pol telling Trip (in Harbinger) that if she mates with him she is free of any obligation to satisfy a Males Pon Farr because he is not Vulcan but she is mated to him. Later after she rejects him in the morning he believes she set him up and was using him to get out of having to be tied to a Vulcan male to satisfy his Pon Farr every seven years. Never did anything with it though.
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Re: Vulcan Modesty

Postby Linda » Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:22 pm

Silverbullet, a lot of what you say makes sense and shows original thought. But taking what the encyclopedia says as gospel is something I don't buy. The writers of the encyclopedia may just have been hurrying to meet a deadline like I think many "professional" Star Trek script writters were. And often canon makes no sense. Fan fiction writers often go through hoops to justify what canon says or just discard it and write what they feel the characters would do, say, and feel. Each of us has our own alternate Star Trek universe in our minds which may differ a little or a lot from canon. So write as you see it, being sure to make clear to your readers, what your own Star Trek universe is like. But please don't think anything is written in stone or is wrong. We are all just stating our own opinions here and none of us is wrong.
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Re: Vulcan Modesty

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:00 pm

Hey Linda :wave: That makes sense considering the Encylopedia is not canon, and Tuvok is stated on TV to have fathered at least one of his five kids between Pon Farr's.
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