Random TV quiz

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Random TV quiz

Postby Rigil Kent » Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:22 pm

So, I discovered this meme through a friend's LJ account and, while it is principally a "30 day, post a reply once a day" thing, I thought it might be interesting to stick here for various responses.

01 - A show that should have never been cancelled. Firefly. Everything about that show just clicked for me. The characters were all interesting, the world they inhabited was utterly fascinating, and the stories they were telling completely sucked me in. I actually discovered the show by accident, and honestly wasn't surprised in the slightest when I learned that it had been canceled even though I was disappointed. (Runner-Up: the live-action version of The Tick starring Patrick Warburton. So, so funny.)
02 - A show that you wish more people were watching Justified. For those of you unaware, it's a show on F/X starring Timothy Olyphant as a US Marshal who, after shooting a drug guy in Miami, is sent back to his home state of Kentucky (where he does not want to be.) The dialogue is sharp, witty and just downright realistic-sounding. Yeah, there's some cursing, but it doesn't sound forced - just normal, everyday normal people talking.
03 - Your favourite new show (aired this TV season).Justified. I didn't even plan on watching this show because I figured it was going to be another "maverick cop with an attitude" show like all the regular networks churn out like clockwork, but when I read online that it was basically a Western set in modern times, I decided to tune in. And loved it.
04 - Your favourite show ever. Probably Farscape. There's just something about this show that always appeals to me, regardless of my mood. It just has a sense of fun to it, even when the subject matter is decidedly dark, and while I'll admit that it made a few mistakes along the way, it ultimately remains my favorite show ever.
05 - A show you hate. Reality shows. Pick one. I can't stand them. Any of them.
06 - Favourite episode of your favourite TV show. God, where do I begin? Anything with Scorpius ... uh ... damn.
07 - Least favourite episode of your favourite TV show. Taking the Stone, I think it was called. It was the one where Chianna hooked up with these morons who were jumping off a rock. Terrible, terrible episode.
08 - A show everyone should watch. Can't say because everyone's tastes differ.
09 - Best scene ever. Aeryn Sun: "We are going to die." ("Crackers Don't Matter," Farscape)
10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Seriously, with that name, I thought it would suck, but it turned out (up until they screwed up by bringing Buffy back to life following the fifth season (I think) and really raping the dog with her character) to consistently be one of the most fun shows I'd watched. Plus? Eliza Dushku as Faith Lehane. :faint:
11 - A show that disappointed you. - The nuBattlestar Galactica. Started out really strong, but sucked from season 3 to the end. Heck, I stopped watching midway through season 4, it was that bad, and still haven't bothered with the series finale because I've read the treatment of what happens and it's on par with the ENT finale (yeah, that bad.)
12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times. "Countdown," the second to last episode of Star Trek: Enterprise's third season. It is, hands-down, my favorite episode of that series because it has everything. And if they hadn't ruined the follow-up, "Zero Hour" with alien Nazis, I've have found it hard to pick one of the two.
13 - Favourite childhood show. The old Adam West Batman. What can I say? I loved the BIFF! POW!
14 - Favourite male character. - Right now? Raylin Givens on Justified. Otherwise, probably John Crichton (Farscape) or Trip Tucker (ENT) - hard to pick one of them.
15 - Favourite female character. Aeryn Sun (Farscape.) Hot chick? Check. Hot chick who kicks ass? Check. Hot chick who kics ass with a gun? Check. (Runner-Up would be Ziva David on NCIS, but that show jumped the shark IMO and mostly ruined her character two seasons ago. I still love me some Cote de Pablo, though.)
16 - Your guilty pleasure show. Chuck. It's totally dumb at times and for a smart guy, the main character is an idiot a lot of the time, but it's goofy fun.
17 - Favourite mini series.The nuBSG mini that kicked off the show. Man, it ruled.
18 - Favourite title sequence. Probably Angel, but I also really like nuBSG and Burn Notice.
19 - Best TV show cast. Used to be NCIS before the current showrunner kind of ruined that show for me, but now? I dunno. I think I'll go with Farscape again.
20 - Favourite kiss. Trip/T'Pol in either "Bound" or "Harbinger." There's just something right sexy about how Jolene swoops in ... rowl...
21 - Favourite ship. Trip/T'Pol (ST:E). No surprise really. I used to be a big fan of Tony/Ziva on NCIS, but again, the show kind of ruined both characters over the last two seasons to the point where I just can't get excited about them anymore, whereas TnT? Always fond of them ...
22 - Favourite series finale. Angel. Hands-down. I loved how that series ended, even if it had struggled so badly in middle.
23 - Most annoying character. On TV? Uh ... one of the two NerdHerd idiots on Chuck.
24 - Best quote. "D'Argo, tell him who his daddy is." "I'm your daddy."
25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new). Burn Notice. His name is Michael Westen. He used to be a spy.
26 - OMG WTF? season finale. "Twilight" - the season 2 finale of NCIS where Kate got shot in the head. I was totally not a spoiler whore back then and had no idea that actress was leaving so that caught me completely off guard.
27 - Best pilot episode. "33" of nuBSG. (Runner up: Burn Notice.)
28 - First TV show obsession. Babylon 5. I loved that show and I was totally obsessed with it, so much so that I really didn't get sucked into another show until ... Runner-Up: ENT.
29 - Current TV show obsession. Justified. I dunno how I'm going to manage now that the season finale has aired. I want more!
30 - Saddest character death. Wesley Windham-Pryce on Angel. "Would you like me to lie to you now?" "Yes, please." Gah, that tore me up. Mr. Denisof totally ruled in that scene...
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby Elessar » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:01 pm

I'll Play along!

01 - A show that should have never been cancelled. - duh, Enterprise. That's a given... something else? Journeyman. Great cast: Kevin McKid, Moon Bloodgood, Gretchen Egolf and Reed Diamond.

02 - A show that you wish more people were watching Dexter, it'd be nice if it were on HBO or if it could be, on a cable network. One of the greatest shows on TV.

03 - Your favourite new show (aired this TV season). I don't think I've picked up anything new this year...

04 - Your favourite show ever. Probably Lost but Stargate: SG1 runs a really really close 2nd. Lost really is love/hate. I think it's one of the most creative, involved, and certain the most philosophically loaded TV shows that's ever been made. And, when they were trying to talk physics, they actually did a good job.

05 - A show you hate. 2nd! Reality TV shows make my brain burn away cells.

06 - Favourite episode of your favourite TV show. tough one... It might be "Ab Aeterno" from Lost. Nestor Carbonell deserves an Emmy for that.

07 - Least favourite episode of your favourite TV show. Every one that had to do with Walt, the endless, retarded, meaningless storyline that went nowhere.

08 - A show everyone should watch. I think 24 was misunderstood for a long time but after Season... 4 or 5, it kind of became a caricature of itself.

09 - Best scene ever. Kind of cliche, but probably the Lost finale, I can even name the specific scene. All I'll say is Charlie-Claire-Kate.

10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving. Originally? House.

11 - A show that disappointed you. nuBSG's finale. RDM once said that he was standing in the shower trying to figure out how to end it when he suddenly realized "It's the characters, stupid!" Well Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof said the same of the Lost finale, but they actually did it right. There's a dangerous ratio of "nonsensical" to "sensical" you have to strike and RDM totally missed the ratio.

12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times. Bound.

13 - Favourite childhood show. Saved by the Bell! Zack Morris was like role model.

14 - Favourite male character. - Overall, anywhere... there are so many reasons you pick a favorite male character... for charming, fun to watch, I'd say Nathan Stark on Eureka. For intellectual characteristics and shadiness, Elim Garak. For depth and complexity, probably Greg House or Dexter Morgan.

15 - Favourite female character.
Gotta finish later!
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby justTripn » Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:10 am

First I have to say that I agree with Rigil's general assessment of Farscape, except that I LOVED the episode "Taking the Stone" in particular. And I LOVE reality TV! American Idol, Trading Spouses, Wife Swap, America's Next Top Model. Truth is stranger than fiction!

01 - A show that should have never been cancelle:. Enterprise. Also, Defying Gravity. Firefly.

02 - A show that you wish more people were watching: I won't even pretend I'm watching obscure shows.

03 - Your favourite new show (aired this TV season): "Modern Family" tied with "Community"

04 - Your favourite show ever. Enterprise? Maybe X-Files? Runners up: Once and Again. Six Feet Under.

05 - A show you hate: Battlestar Gallactica. Mad Men. I don't get to hate them very much because I don't watch them.

06 - Favourite episode of your favourite TV show: Shuttle Pod One.

07 - Least favourite episode of your favourite TV show: well I should say the abomination, but there was one that was worse: When T'Pol and Archer go into the past to stop the Xindi from building a biological weapon. ARRGGHH!!!

08 - A show everyone should watch. Trading Spouses. At least a few times. It's was so educational.

OK, I ran out of energy even sooner than Elessar.
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby Elessar » Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:11 pm

15 - Favourite female character. Hard to nail down a single favorite... Probably a tie between River Tam and Zoey Carter.

16 - Your guilty pleasure show. Big Bang Theory. It's funny but it also slightly irritates me for the stereotypes it perpetuates. Plus the physics they talk about usually isn't even graduate level...

17 - Favourite mini series. The Pacific

18 - Favourite title sequence. Firefly (that song gets stuck in my head so easily!)

19 - Best TV show cast. Lost. I know because I can't pick a favorite actor from it... Nestor Carbonell, Evangeline Lilly, Dominic Monaghan, Daniel Dae Kim, Yunjin Kim, Josh Holloway, Michael Emerson, etc, etc

20 - Favourite kiss. I'd have to agree with the Bound kiss! She chomps on him, NOM NOM :drool: There's just something downright carnivorous about her

21 - Favourite ship. Hmmm... Trip and T'Pol were for a really long time but I think it changes with what you're watching... right now it's Sam and Jack b/c I'm going back through SG1. They had such legitimate, long-term-developed chemistry...

22 - Favourite series finale. Possibly ST: TNG

23 - Most annoying character. Morgan on Chuck

24 - Best quote. "Way I remember it, albatross was a ship's good luck till some idiot killed it. Yes, I've read a poem... try not to faint."

25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new). Burn Notice, Royal Pains, Buffy, and Smallville.

26 - OMG WTF? season finale. Season 5 finale of lost ending w/ the detonation of a hydrogen bomb.

27 - Best pilot episode. BSG

28 - First TV show obsession. Probably The X-Files.

29 - Current TV show obsession. Probably SG1 (again)

30 - Saddest character death. oh that's easy, Daniel Jackson, the first time he died for real :lol: because it was so surprising and you didn't think he was coming back, and because of how he died so slowly and anti-climactically and you thought he'd be saved by the Ancients.... and then... just.... wasn't.
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:47 pm

OK I'm still on vacation but I had to do this..

01 - A show that should have never been cancelled. Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicals, and Firefly Hmm. Pattern there. And most of all... The Pretender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02 - A show that you wish more people were watching Burn Notice How is this show not nominated for many deserved awards? Technical Emmys do not count!

03 - Your favourite new show (aired this TV season). None that I know of yet I'm hoping Good Guys pans out. It's created by Matt Nix who gave me Burn Notice and has Bradley Whitford in it. :loveeyes: Memphis Beat might have potential.

04 - Your favourite show ever. ST:TNG, ST:VOY, Bones, Burn Notice, The West Wing Yes all five, they have molded me quite a bit,

05 - A show you hate. Oh God Friends! Quite honestly I cannot stand sitcoms! :upchuck:

06 - Favourite episode of your favourite TV show. Do I have to pick? OK... Sarek, ST:TNG, Revulsion, ST:VOY, Mayhem On The Cross, Bones, None for Burn Notice yet, Can't choose for The West Wing

07 - Least favourite episode of your favourite TV show. Salt In The Wound, Bones, Fairhaven ST:VOY, Any Episode with Vash in ST:TNG, None for Burn Notice, Any Episode where Josh was sleeping with or kissing Amy Gardner in The West Wing...

08 - A show everyone should watch. Any Star Trek or Burn Notice

09 - Best scene ever. "I'd kill for you I'd die for you!" Seeley Booth Bones, (The Dwarf In The Dirt) But quite honestly I really don't have a "best scene ever" I mean what asbout the future?

10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving. NCIS LA NCIS is really my mom's "thing" at least the one set in DC. Buut I really love the LA one, maybe because the guys are HOTTER, or the cars make me a little horney, or I just adore Hettie... IDK. But I love NCIS LA.

11 - A show that disappointed you. - Royal Pains, forgetting the fact that the medicine is rediculous (I'm a Trek Fan after all) there's the simple fact that they're misrepresenting MY HOME TOWN! Not acceptable! :bitch: :bitch: :bitch: :bitch: :bitch: :bitch: :bitch: :bitch: :bitch:

12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times. Just an episode? I've watched entire series more than five times.

13 - Favourite childhood show. Oh god hard... 1966 Batman, Bionic Woman, (the original! What little girl on crutches, in a wheelchair, and awful leg braces doesn't want to be Jamie Summers?) Six Million Dollar Man, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Knight Rider, (original) ST:TNG, but most of all...Every Carmen Sandiego incarnation there is.

14 - Favourite male character. - EEK! Not in any particular order... Seeley Booth, Bones, Thomas Eugene Paris, ST:VOY, Micheal Westin Burn Notice, Josh Lyman, The West Wing, Jed Bartlett, The West Wing, Trip Tucker, ST:ENT, Jared, The Pretender... Honorable mention to Nick Stokes, CSI: Vegas, but they ruined that show for me years ago.

15 - Favourite female character. Temperence Brennen, Bones, B'Elanna Torres, ST:VOY, Fiona Glenanne, Burn Notice, Miss Parker, The Pretender, Donna Moss, The West Wing, Abby Bartlett, The West Wing... Honorable mention to Sara Sidle before they ruined the show.

16 - Your guilty pleasure show. Project Runway... I am at heart a girl who likes pretty things, and wishes Tim Gunn was straight.

17 - Favourite mini series. Don't have one I don't think...

18 - Favourite title sequence. Burn Notice

19 - Best TV show cast. The West Wing... No offense to the Trek casts, but they did it the absolute best, nobody can tough them ever.

20 - Favourite kiss. Don't have one. All kisses are good if done for the right reasons.

21 - Favourite ship. Tom/B'Elanna, ST:VOY, Micheal/Fiona, Burn Notice, Booth/Brennen Bones, Jared/Miss Parker The Pretender, Josh/Donna, Jed/Abby, The West Wing, Riker/Troi ST:TNG, Trip/T'Pol, ST:ENT

22 - Favourite series finale. Don't have one, it means my favorite show is OVER! What is good about that?

23 - Most annoying character. Edit: For now its the two characters Rena Sofer plays on NCIS and Bones. But that has nothing to do with the actress.

24 - Best quote. Too many to type out, but look at my sig for the most recent.

25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new). I'd love to watch The West Wing again... I'll have to figure out a way...

26 - OMG WTF? season finale. "In The Shadow Of Two Gunmen" :wtf: They nearly killed JOSH LYMAN! :faint:

27 - Best pilot episode. The West Wing

28 - First TV show obsession. Not sure, I've always been obsessed with something.

29 - Current TV show obsession. Bones and Burn Notice

30 - Saddest character death. Leo McGarry The West Wing I sobbed like a baby. But any Daniel Jackson death is a close second.
Last edited by WarpGirl on Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby justTripn » Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:00 pm

09 - Best scene ever OK, a recent episode of Community: A game of strip pool between Jeff and the gym teacher. I was actually rolling out of my chair laughing.

10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving. Six Feet Under (A friend pointed me to this show when our old favorite show went off the air--Once and Again? I was like, nah . . . a family of undertakers . . . nah . . .) OMG!!!! Was that show addictive. I was up til 3 in the morning for weeks catching up on this show.

11 - A show that disappointed you. ???? I'm never disappointed. There is plenty stuff to choose from. I just move on to the next thing.

12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times. E2 (Obviously) OH! The American Idol showdown between Clay Aiken and Rubben Studdard, lol . . .

13 - Favorite childhood show. "Happy Days" or M*A*S*H

14 - Favorite male character. Of all time, well, the obvious. Right now, for hottness: yeah, John Creighton. But best male CHARACTER: House. That is I don't like-like him, but the character is fascinating. House is one of the best characters of all time.

15 - Favorite female character. I'll vote for Ellen as a judge on American Idol, even though she is a real person. OH! I'm a big fan of Roseanne (the character and the actress), but that show has been gone a long, long time. I liked Tyra Banks on America's Next Top Model (another real person).

[b]16 - Your guilty pleasure show.
America's Next Top Model. I know, it's inexplicable. But I just love all the girly togetherness and the drama.

17 - Favorite mini series. John Adams!!!! MUST SEE TV!!!

18 - Favorite title sequence. Firefly.
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:13 pm

01 - A show that should have never been cancelled.
Star Trek: Enterprise of course. The show that got me excited about Trek again, especially in seasons 3-4. Firefly is another obvious choice, but I didn't watch that until after the fact, and thus I was prepared. Likewise with Farscape.

02 - A show that you wish more people were watching
I dunno, maybe Chuck so that it can safely remain on the air. Or Burn Notice, but I think that one is safe. I would have said Life, but that's already cancelled and I only discovered it after the fact.

03 - Your favourite new show (aired this TV season).
The only new show I have caught is Stargate Universe, and I'm surprised by how much I enjoy it.

04 - Your favourite show ever.
Probably Babylon 5. I just love the whole epic story arcs that span the entire series.

05 - A show you hate.
Any crappy reality show.

06 - Favourite episode of your favourite TV show.
B5's Severed Dreams

07 - Least favourite episode of your favourite TV show.
I dunno, maybe TKO or some episode from the fifth season with Byron the telepath.

08 - A show everyone should watch.
Can't say because everyone's tastes differ.

09 - Best scene ever.
Impossible to say since there are so many.

10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving.
Probably Buffy the Vampire Slayer although I can't exactly remember thinking I'd dislike it. I just thought I'd be indifferent. Back then I enjoyed vampire stories (before all the hype about whiny emo vampires) but the concept sounded a tad silly. But it turned out to surprise me.
Another one that I thought I'd be indifferent to is Third Watch since I don't really watch cop shows anymore. But after 9-11 I got sucked in.

11 - A show that disappointed you.
The new Battlestar Galactica.. At first I was hesitant because of all the hype and praise it got (and at that time I was soured by ENT's cancellation), but I got to like it… until New Caprica and after. And the less said about the craptastic finale the better.
I suppose you can say I was disappointed by Star Trek: Voyager too, but when that aired I was already disappointed with modern Trek after TNG - and I hadn't seen any DS9 then.

12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times.
More than I can recount. Heck, I've probably seen a couple of shows more than five times.

13 - Favourite childhood show.
Duh! The original Star Trek.

14 - Favourite male character.
Another impossible choice. Spock when I was a kid. Now maybe Trip on ENT, or Garibaldi on B5. I even have a soft spot for "baddies" like Londo Mollari on B5.

15 - Favourite female character.
T'Pol on ENT, no contest, even if TPTB mishandled her character.

16 - Your guilty pleasure show.
Um, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit to this but I kinda enjoyed Ally McBeal, at least the first seasons. Crazy plots, miniskirts and John Cage!

17 - Favourite mini series.
Depends on the definition of a mini-series. The British do a lot of self-contained series that could be called a "mini-series" but that lasts for more than two or three episodes. In that case I'd say the British Brideshead Revisited (from the novel by Evelyn Waugh by the same name) or From the Earth to the Moon.

18 - Favourite title sequence.
Babylon 5 season four.

19 - Best TV show cast.
Again, Babylon 5. Sheridan, Ivanova, Garibaldi, Franklin, Delenn, Mollari, G'Kar, Vir, Lennier, Marcus Cole etc. plus a lot of great recurring characters - Bester, Neroon, Refa, Zathras, Brother Theo etc.

20 - Favourite kiss.
Trip and T'Pol in Bound. Rowr!

21 - Favourite ship.
Trip/T'Pol of course. I don't normally 'ship, especially obsessively, but TnT is the exception.

22 - Favourite series finale.
Probably Sleeping in Light from Babylon 5. I get a little misty-eyed every time.

23 - Most annoying character.
From my fav show B5 it's gotta be Byron the telepath. Otherwise the stupid Nerd Herd helpers on Chuck.

24 - Best quote.
So many I cannot choose!

25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new).
The rest of Stargate SG-1 at some point. I've only seen the first three-four seasons.

26 - OMG WTF? season finale.
The boring answer would be TNG's The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1. It would also be incorrect since I saw that two-parter at the same time on video. But it was a OMG WTF moment. And it's the only one I can think of, unless it is a bad moment, then the Alien Nazis of ENT's Zero Hour applies.

27 - Best pilot episode.
Hard to say, maybe Firefly or the new Battlestar Galactica.

28 - First TV show obsession.
I should probably say the original Star Trek when I grew up as a kid in the seventies.
But then there's Babylon 5. Me and a late friend couldn't wait for new episodes to air so we had some people living closer to the Norway border taping new episodes that aired earlier there. They sent us the tapes and we copied them to a circle of other B5 fans in Sweden. I guess you could call it low-tech file-sharing! :lol:

29 - Current TV show obsession.
Haven't got one since ENT.

30 - Saddest character death.
Trip in *the_abomination*. Not because it was really sad or moving but because how utterly stupid, contrived and pointless it was when the Killer Bees screwed over their own creation for no good reason.
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby Pitseleh » Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:17 pm

I should be working on school stuff… We were handed a brand new design project today and all… But I just can’t help it:

01 - A show that should have never been cancelled. Probably Enterprise. I would have loved to see if they fixed a lot of stuff during season five.

02 - A show that you wish more people were watching. Chuck

03 - Your favourite new show (aired this TV season). Haven’t watched anything entirely new in a while…

04 - Your favourite show ever. Just one? Geez… Probably Daria. I still watch it to laugh when I am working on projects. Babylon 5 was fantastic once upon a time… I was completely obsessed with Farscape later.

05 - A show you hate. Reality shows, especially reality shows made by networks such as MTV.

06 - Favourite episode of your favourite TV show. Daria “506 – Lucky Strike”. Babylon 5 – “Severed Dreams”

07 - Least favorite episode of your favourite TV show. Daria “513 – Boxing Daria”.

08 - A show everyone should watch No idea…

09 - Best scene ever. Hmmm, hard to choose, but I’ll go for this one: “Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova, Commander, daughter of Andrei and Sophie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth. I am death incarnate, and the last living thing that you are ever going to see. God sent me.”

10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving. NCIS. Seriously, I used to make so much fun of shows like this one…

11 - A show that disappointed you. Again, just one? Hmmm… NCIS. Somewhere around Season 5, things started going down…

12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times. NCIS – “702 – Reunion”, and freaking kudos to Cote… Other than that, I’ve watched ENT’s Seasons 3 and 4 at least seven times, and I lost count of how many times I’ve watched all of Daria.

13 - Favourite childhood show. Saint Seiya aka Knights of the Zodiac.

14 - Favourite male character – Just one? John Sheridan… or John Crichton… or Charles Tucker…

15 - Favourite female character Just one? Aeryn Sun or Susan Ivanova. I’d mention T’Pol or Ziva David, but they were seriously abused by the writers…

16 - Your guilty pleasure show Chuck

17 - Favourite mini series Band of Brothers

18 - Favourite title sequence Babylon 5… I loved hearing the entire explanation of the conflict changing from season to season.

19 - Best TV show cast Once upon a time, Gilmore Girls

20 - Favourite kiss The kiss from “Similitude” or the kiss from “Relativity” in Farscape.

21 - Favourite ship TnT. I watched Enterprise for these two.

22 - Favourite series finale Babylon 5 “Sleeping in Light”

23 - Most annoying character Rena Sofer in either NCIS or Bones… I wanted to choke her.

24 - Best quote. See question 9 or Delenn delivering this one, “Only one human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.”

25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new). I will buy the Babylon 5 DVDs at some point in my life. That much I do promise.

26 - OMG WTF? season finale. NCIS "223 - Twilight"

27 - Best pilot episode Alias

28 - First TV show obsession. Gilmore Girls

29 - Current TV show obsession. Hmmm… Bones probably.

30 - Saddest character death. Talyn John’s… Sure, it was necessary, but I sure cried.
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:48 am

Pitseleh if you choke Temperence then there is no Bones. :lol: Sorry she's one of my absolute favorites. Although occasionally I've felt the urge to choke all of my fav characters... That's why I chouldn't choose for #23... Although I should have said Rena Sofer for both NCIS and Bones. :duh: Stupid... :banghead:
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby justTripn » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:24 pm

KTR said
16 - Your guilty pleasure show.
Um, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit to this but I kinda enjoyed Ally McBeal, at least the first seasons. Crazy plots, miniskirts and John Cage!

Yes, I'd forgotten about Ally McBeal. That is a great guilty pleasure show.
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby Pitseleh » Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:58 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Pitseleh if you choke Temperence then there is no Bones. :lol:

Uh, why would I want to choke Dr. Brennan? I like Dr. Brennan. Rena Sofer, however, managed to play annoying characters in both shows I was watching this year...
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Re: Random TV quiz

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:26 pm

This is why I should never read anything after midnight, please forgive... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Donna Moss: The West Wing

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