Name your favorite scene and why!

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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby Aikiweezie » Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:37 pm

WarpGirl wrote: No one dismissed the fact that they had sex. But it's stated that BEFORE Bound they only had sex ONCE.

I disagree. I think the writers left a little room in there for interpretation as far as that goes.

Again: "What does you mother know about me?"
and T'Pol's assurances that she had never been pregnant. I also think in E2 T'Pol's saying that she should have known "this was a mistake - exploring human sexuality with you. You obviously cannot have a sexual relationship without becoming emotionally attached." That says more than once to me but I could be wrong.

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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:48 pm

OK 1. "What does your mother know about me?" Means "Does she know we had sex?" A reasonable question to ask. I meant he wanted to know if she had informed T'Les of any realationship they may have or had in the past. It doesn't mean they continued having sex. 2. Thanks to the Augment Arc we know that there are ways of sustaining embryos outside of the womb indefininitely. THEREFORE They would NOT have had to heave sex more than one time before Bound. It was clearly said that it was a one time thing in canon.
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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby Aikiweezie » Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:50 pm

alt_Toza wrote: I think that was what hurt the most (for me!) the next morning - her hiding behind her mug, pretending it was all just for science. And the look on his face at the 'I don't follow' moment, when his face is just sagging in that horrible, horrible sinking feeling of 'I've been had'-ness. Before the conversation, when he comes in and he's still getting his coffee, his nervousness is palpable and I really really felt so much empathy/fondness/pride/nice one!/aww/-- something for him, and hoped it was all about to kick off somehow.

And then she dropped a planet on his head and I think he realised that the night before he'd been taken for a ride, used under false pretences. It sure looked like he was trying to move things forward and was desperate to find out what she wanted to do about it at breakfast. (I know most blokes I've slept with have been advised by their dads at one time or another to go with what the lady wants - and Trip's a gent, most of the time.) And then, as has probably happened to a few of us here (I know it's happened to me) what you thought they were going to say and what they actually come out with are lightyears apart and you feel about half an inch tall.

Poor bugger. I felt it was downright mean of her to pretend that it meant nothing, even if it was an 'experiment' and they were Writers Without Logic :badgrin: . So when he said "Doesn't mean we can't keep doing the neuropressure though", I was smiling a very evil smile and thinking, "Yeah, let's see how you do living with the aftermath you created, b*tch." Even though I like T'Pol!

I mostly agree with you. I hated to see Trip hurt because he really is a very, good man with a sweet, genuine heart. I DO think that T'Pol was mostly clueless as to what really happened and didn't really know what to do next.

Warp Girl, once again we disagree.

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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:53 pm

Well yeah obviously but at least I'm sticking to canon this time. But I don't think T'Pol was deliberately cruel just drugged up and scared out of her Vulcan mind. Not a good combo.
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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby pdsldl » Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:32 pm

WarpGirl wrote::happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: So much for bowing out gracefully, but I did say it was an attempt. Also the whole jealousy thing is really a recipy for disaster. Add Trellium and well... BTW Kotik welcome and you ROCK! Sorry I forgot to say welcome sooner. Hey Panysan, what explanation can possibly be used that turns them into responsible rational adults in command poisitions on a starship?

The explanation could be that their jobs are non-emotional and involve use of their rational brain functions. Training drills into a soldier/officer what is expected so they respond without thinking and do their job.

I can't fault anyone who had romantic feelings for someone for acting upon them especially when given the opportunity the way T'Pol did. And what is the basis of your statement that Vulcans are hard wired to reject weenies. T'Pol was not applying rational thought to what she did she was jealous and wanted to claim him and I see that as very Vulcan.
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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby Asso » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:01 pm

I love the whole scene, it's perfectly logical - not only romantic - for me. A woman, a man who love each other. Why, how, for what, how come, where will they go? Right? Wrong? But what the hell are all these questions mattering? They love each other. Only one time? Many times? A sole love instant, if it is true (and pay attention, please: nobody and nothing can have the response) can be worth an entire life.
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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby Kotik » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:04 pm

Asso wrote:I love the whole scene, it's perfectly logical - not only romantic - for me. A woman, a man who love each other. Why, how, for what, how come, where will they go? Right? Wrong? But what the hell are all these questions mattering? They love each other. Only one time? Many times? A sole love instant, if it is true (and pay attention, please: nobody and nothing can have the response) can be worth an entire life.

Only TPTB didn' give us much of that. All the shit was pure contrived angst all the way until 'Bound'. And at that time they didn't give a flying expletive anymore, anyways. :(

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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby alt_Toza » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:08 pm

pdsldl wrote:
WarpGirl wrote::happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: So much for bowing out gracefully, but I did say it was an attempt. Also the whole jealousy thing is really a recipy for disaster. Add Trellium and well... BTW Kotik welcome and you ROCK! Sorry I forgot to say welcome sooner. Hey Panysan, what explanation can possibly be used that turns them into responsible rational adults in command poisitions on a starship?

The explanation could be that their jobs are non-emotional and involve use of their rational brain functions. Training drills into a soldier/officer what is expected so they respond without thinking and do their job.

(1) Could someone explain what a 'weenie' is? Over here it means something very wee. Or small. 'Weenie' as a noun? Lost. Urban Dictionary didn't have it. :(

(2) Non-emotional on the job. (Not *that* job, the Bridge job!). It's a safe place? It's familiar and a relief to get back to what you know? No angst to worry about, just doing the job without being able to think about what happens after your shift ends? I might be guilty of that feeling...

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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:26 pm

Kotik you're so right. The issue isn't IF they love each other it's was that love highlighted in the Episode. I say no given the morning after. alt_Toza A weenie in American at least usually means someone who is weak, timid, unwilling to take action. All things I would normally NOT ascribe to Trip Tucker's character, but in that particular episode he displays them to some extent. Honestly what man IN LOVE would allow anyone refer to them as an "Exploration?"

As for the rest, well... On the job you can't get distracted by emotions good or bad which is why I believe T'Pol was write to get annoyed in E2. And if T'pol was being "vulcan" by claiming him she wouldn't have dumpted him at all.
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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby Aquarius » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:27 pm

Weenie can mean a few things here.

The most innocuous definition is a "hot dog," as in an Oscar Mayer weenie.

It can also mean a person (usually a guy) who is wimpy, overly-sensitive, ineffective, overly-sentimental, and/or possibly nerdy/dorky.

It can also be a euphemism for the male genitalia.
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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby Alelou » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:28 pm

Weenie = wuss = scaredy cat = coward (only coward has worse connotations than weenie).

I could have done without a lot of the angst in Season 4 too, but Season 3 angst I was okay with. She was a mess, he was a mess, two very different cultures met -- it had to be a mess, and most of the time it was an entertaining mess, especially since we could see they were still gaga for each other anyway. But I didn't see the series in order or when it was first on, and I saw "Home" before I saw "Harbinger," so I have no idea how frantic and annoyed I might have been watching it in real time.

As far as T'Pol's usual state of denial goes, I personally think her argument with Trip in "Breaking the Ice" (if she'd meant it, why the heck did she stay?), and this scene in "Shadows of P'Jem" represent the quintessential T'Pol way of operating when it comes to things she really cares about:

ARCHER: You made quite an impression on Sopek. I've got a feeling he's going to talk to the High Command about that transfer order. I'd say the odds are pretty good you're going to be with us for a while longer.
T'POL: You should have consulted me first.
ARCHER: It's probably not too late if you want to catch up to him.
T'POL: That won't be possible. Leaving Sickbay would violate my doctor's orders.
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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:33 pm

That's not denial that's diplomacy. ;-)
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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby alt_Toza » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:37 pm

Diplomacy = the art of saying 'nice doggie' while you're fetching a big stick?


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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:47 pm

Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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Re: Name your favorite scene and why!

Postby pdsldl » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:49 pm

WarpGirl wrote:That's not denial that's diplomacy. ;-)

What's diplomatic about not taking responsibility for what it is you want to do instead of using the doctor's phony orders to hide behind. She knew she wasn't injured as seriously as they had indicated.
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