Your other 'ships!

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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Alelou » Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:35 pm

Yeah, I know -- but I just don't have time for another addiction right now. So I steer clear. No hope with dope.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Aquarius » Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:59 pm

The ones I currently or have written for in the past:

Star Wars--Han/Leia
Next Generation--Beverly/Picard
Next Generation--Tasha/Data
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century--Buck/Wilma
Buffy the Vampire Slayer--Buffy/Spike
Doctor Who--the Doctor/Rose
Doctor Who--the Doctor/Martha (albeit unrequited love)
TOS--Spock/the Romulan Commander (of "The Enterprise Incident")

And if turning in an original full-length sitcom teleplay for an English project in high school counts:

I Dream of Jeannie--Maj. Nelson/Jeannie (Rated G, of course! :wink: )
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Asso » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:01 pm

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century--Buck/Wilma.
I know that.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

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But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby WarpGirl » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:03 pm

Honestly I don't understand Tasha and DATA. I mean I don't hate it, of course not. BUT I'm still trying to figure out why she chose him. Then again she left for the 23rd century and I still don't get what happened then either. :? I never liked Tasha. I thought DATA deserved more.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Aquarius » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:10 pm

Well, Tasha was my fave until they killed her. She was a fabulous role model for my 17-year-old self because she was woman, so hear her ROAR! I had many friends close in age who fangirled the hell out of her for the same reasons, and for the late 80s that hair was BADASS! Trying to find someone in mid-Michigan who knew how to make that haircut happen--not so much! :roll:

Any how...Data's a freaking, how much cooler than THAT can you get?? In terms of the male half of a pairing, that is. And boy did we write and write and write about it! I may even have some old cartoons I drew of it...if I ever find them I'll post them.

Tasha/Data was awesome as a ship. There were so many possibilities, from the standpoint of exploring Data's strive to find his inner humanity, to Tasha battling the demons of her past, to the inherent humor of the whole thing--the best part was cracking ourselves up with what we'd written, then showing it to each other and cracking THEM up! :guffaw:
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby WarpGirl » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:14 pm

I guess to me Tasha didn't roar, so much as she buried her insecurities behind agression, and duty. Which is fine, but I didn't find her interesting. Then again, I was ages 3-10 during TNG. But when I watch re-runs now, she just irritates me to distraction. When it comes to a feminist roll-model I prefer Beverly Crusher.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Reanok » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:16 pm

I forgot to add Trip & T'pol to my favorite couples list.And Han anLeia too.Also Chuck & Sara.

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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Aquarius » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:26 pm

WarpGirl wrote:I guess to me Tasha didn't roar, so much as she buried her insecurities behind agression, and duty. Which is fine, but I didn't find her interesting. Then again, I was ages 3-10 during TNG. But when I watch re-runs now, she just irritates me to distraction. When it comes to a feminist roll-model I prefer Beverly Crusher.

Well then look at it this way: she was a FEMALE chief of security, something even Star Trek hadn't shown us yet. My friends and I were juniors and seniors in high school, about to go off to college and do battle with the glass ceiling that still existed for women in many professions at that time. We were being shown a woman who became something that, even then, would be unlikely to happen, though we were in the midst of change. These things DID become possible for us because our mothers and our aunts burned their bras the decade before, and because of shows like TNG, we could believe that yes, we CAN!

This is not to invalidate Beverly's contribution to the Strong Fierce Female paragon; however at the time, female doctors were already quite common, it was other areas of the workforce where we were still fighting for equality, especially in the corporate world, as well as anything that relied on being "tough."
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby WarpGirl » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:33 pm

So in other words you were attracted because she was for lack of a better term a soldier? I guess that makes sense. I still think she was boring. But she made Data "happy" well, sort of. So she's ok. I like Beverly because she was powerful and self-assured but she didn't HAVE to burn her bra to prove it. Neither did my grandmother come to think of it. But Beverly, Janeway, and B'Elanna were my feminist icons in Trek, maybe because I'm a child of the 80's. The West Wing refers to it as "lipstick," or "stiletto" feminism. And remember Beverly was a single mother as well. Even if you hate Wesely it was a powerful message.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Aquarius » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:26 pm

Not that she was a soldier in specifically, but okay. The character had come from a background of adversity and overcome that. And yes, she did end up in a job that was, at the time, non-traditional for a woman. And she wasn't all...well...mannish about it, either. She was still feminine. So she broke another stereotype, too. For us, Tasha was about breaking boundaries.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby WarpGirl » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:43 pm

Well, I didn't have another term for Tasha. Security Guard or Ship's Cop is demeaning. I guess from my point of view a woman responsible for running a ship's hospital, and eventually Starfleet medical is a MUCH bigger deal. Growing up in hospitals you learn very quickly that it is VERY VERY male dominated and gender DOES come into play more often than most people would dream. House and ER weren't around, and unfortunately, their very unrealistic about gender in medical politics. Added to that she was a single mom in a time when being a single mom still carried a stigma socially I thought was really profound even at a very young age. I didn't have a female doctor until I was 7!!!!! I chalk this one up to having a completely different life. But if I remember correctly Tasha always seemed ashamed of her feminimity.

I REALLY don't understand why people like Picard and Vash, she was in no way a good match for him. Too selfish, Picard is the antithises of selfish behavior.

But personally I have three couples that I think were superb in their chemistry, David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel, Bradly Whitford and Janel Moloney, and Robbie McNeill and Roxann Dawson. When people actually LIGHT UP when they're in a scene and it's genuine there's nothing better. Especially during an arguement. In CT's and JB's defense they weren't together as often as these other couples, but when they were they lit up pretty well too.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:45 pm

My, you guys seem to 'ship a lot more than I do... :?

I wonder if it's not a male/female thing? Female fans tend more to 'ship than male fans. There are of course individual exceptions.

I recall a discussion at TBBS some years back that seemed to boil down to that Trip/T'Pol tended to draw out more male 'shippers than other pairings. So maybe there's something about TnT that can get even males to become invested in them. I guess that would apply to me, since I've not seriously "shipped" for any other pairing.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Asso » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:50 pm

You're not alone, KTR, believe me.
I'm speaking as a man.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
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But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Alelou » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:54 pm

Yes, I think you're on to something, if we discount Elessar as an outlier, anyway. :lol:

Haven't seen a lot of male Jane Austen fans. Or a lot of male romance readers. I have been surprised and pleased at the male/female proportions in this fan ship. I'm trying to remember if I ever knew of ANY male X-Files fanfic writers, but nobody is leaping to mind.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:13 pm

Regarding Mulder/Scully I have to admit that that 'ship went totally above my head. Watching The X-Files I cannot remember ever thinking about them in couple terms, not even as a potential couple. It just never registered with me. To me they seemed more like colleagues and very close friends. Perhaps it was too subtle...? :?

And I never ever saw Chakotay/Janeway either. That never registered with me either. I still often think that it might be something those shippers just imagine.

It wasn't until I came online that I saw there were people thinking about these couples in relationship terms. :oops:

And don't get me started on "crack 'ships", that is ships that are so wild and out there it makes you wanna explode. :explode:
She's got an awfully nice bum!
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