Stargate Atlantis

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Stargate Atlantis

Postby Aikiweezie » Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:02 am

I am on the Creation Entertainment mailing list and got a notice that a Stargate Atlantis convention is coming to Chicago in August and guess who's going to be there and will be available for autographs and pictures?????? Yup - Mr. Trinneer himself.

Problem is, I'm not a Stargate fan. I've never seen any of these "Michael" shows he was on, and I can't justify paying $100 for admission and a picture. :(

My only hope is that he flys into (or out of) O'Hare airport while I'm workling and I that I HAPPEN to run into him. (I volunteer at the USO at O'Hare every other Thursday - come up and see me if you're ever there). It's only the second busiest airport in the world - there's a chance right? Of course he COULD fly into Chicago's other airport. :(

Are there any Stargate fans out there? Anyone going to the convention?

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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:40 am

They killed Atlantis for me when they killed off Dr. Elizabeth Weir. She and John Sheppard were made for each other. <sigh> As for Micheal I've always been torn about him, on the one hand, he can't help being a Wraith and he didn't volunteer to be the test subject for the retrovirus... Which was code for biological weapon anyway. But he was absolutely EVIL! So yeah love CT but have a love/hate relationship with Micheal. Don't shoot me I sort of like CT's actual voice more than the accent, BUT his accent as Trip was very authentic. I know I live in the south.
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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby TPoptarts » Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:54 am

Bah Todd is still the coolest most awesomest Wraith in the universe. I thought Michael started out really awesome with all his conflicts as a character, he had a lot of potential but then he kinda lost it for me starting with the superbugs episode, then like after that every time we saw or heard about Michael it was like they needed an excuse for some "zombie creature flick of the week" episode, oh no look gigantic (and incredibly clumsy and pathetic BTW) mutant superbugs chasing us and killing our redshirts, yeah that's one of Michael's experiments! Oh no crazy mutant zombies chasing us and killing our redshirts, yeah that's another one of Michael's experiments! Dr. Frankenwraith :roll: gah whatever that ruined Michael's character for me. :? :roll: :dunno:


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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:13 am

Todd was deliciously creepy. He was someone I liked scaring the heck out of me. Kind of like Trip loving The Black Cat. When Ronan helped save Teyla and the baby from Micheal I thought, "Could it be? Could they possibly get a pairing right on SG?" But of course it was not to be. How could they? Jack and Sam STILL aren't together, the whole Daniel Vala thing made me gag, and they killed off Elizabeth. So OF COURSE Teyla and Ronan can't get together, even though they've got the most in common and complimentery temperments. Not to mention smoldering sexual chemistry. But hey this is SG and we tease you but you get NOTHING! Sorry done ranting... Here's hoping SGU does better in the romance department. Maybe??? :? I don't hold out much hope.
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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby anaM » Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:00 am

I loved SGA for the first three seasons. Then, after they killed Weir, I completely lost interest. It seems I was shipping Shep-Weir more intensely than I thought :( I believe it was a series that started very well and went downwards, slowly but steadily. In my opinion, as the seasons passed, the writting got worse than anything the Ent writers have been accused of and it's a pity.
I liked Michael, but as everything, his story was lost along the way. I still believe that CT gave a very powerful performance on the "Michael" episode.

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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:31 am

Well SG is supposed to have a certain amount of campiness, and err slightlly on the rediculous. I mean the replicators are erector sets. There's a certain whimsy in it that says, If you believe that, then Jack has fish in his lake. ST is a very different animal in that respect. Not that both SG's didn't have a few big clunkers, but to me it was excuseible because the entire thing was set in this time and the idea of any of it happening is completely insane. Hence some very funny episodes making fun of that very fact. Like I said two very different animals. But oh Daniel Jackson just might be the perfect man, when he isn't dead or under alien influence. <sigh> If wishes were horses...
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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby Elessar » Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:09 pm

Aikiweezie wrote:I am on the Creation Entertainment mailing list and got a notice that a Stargate Atlantis convention is coming to Chicago in August and guess who's going to be there and will be available for autographs and pictures?????? Yup - Mr. Trinneer himself.

Problem is, I'm not a Stargate fan. I've never seen any of these "Michael" shows he was on, and I can't justify paying $100 for admission and a picture. :(

My only hope is that he flys into (or out of) O'Hare airport while I'm workling and I that I HAPPEN to run into him. (I volunteer at the USO at O'Hare every other Thursday - come up and see me if you're ever there). It's only the second busiest airport in the world - there's a chance right? Of course he COULD fly into Chicago's other airport. :(

Are there any Stargate fans out there? Anyone going to the convention?

That's a fantastic thing you do. The people at the USO really provide an incredible service, I had no idea what they do until I came home from training... a place to stay, rest, free food, medicine, computers, etc. It doesn't seem like a lot when you're only there for like a few hours, but when you're stuck at the airport half a day, and for what guys are usually stuck at the airports for (going home, going abroad), it's pretty awesome to have all that stuff easily accessible.

I'm a big Stargate fan, bigger into Atlantis after SG1 ended, but as WarpGirl said, they really screwed the pooch when they killed off Weir and Carson. Somehow they got the picture that they needed to bring Carson back, but they probably figured bringing Weir back TOO would be jumping the shark. This was one of those absolutely aimless and pointless "let's mix things up a little" decisions that came from nowhere. They brought on Woolsey later on not because it made any sense, simply because it would introduce conflict to have a COMPLETE MORON PENCIL PUSHING WIMP to be in charge of a TOP SECRET MILITARY INSTALLATION IN ANOTHER GALAXY.

Chicago is in driving distance for me. If a fair number of people were going, I would definitely consider it. Too bad Jolene never appeared on Atlantis ;)

WarpGirl wrote:Well SG is supposed to have a certain amount of campiness, and err slightlly on the rediculous. I mean the replicators are erector sets. There's a certain whimsy in it that says, If you believe that, then Jack has fish in his lake. ST is a very different animal in that respect. Not that both SG's didn't have a few big clunkers, but to me it was excuseible because the entire thing was set in this time and the idea of any of it happening is completely insane. Hence some very funny episodes making fun of that very fact. Like I said two very different animals. But oh Daniel Jackson just might be the perfect man, when he isn't dead or under alien influence. <sigh> If wishes were horses...

In terms of Sci fi, I would probably agree with you, but the way they treated the hostility and danger of the situation in Atlantis made more sense to me in the sense that they had Marines going off world rather than Air Force personnel. I'm sorry, but the entire branch has 2 frontline combat positions, why the hell would you send those people into combat day after day!? Not to mention they're all. The lowest ranking member of a team is likely to be a Lieutenant!
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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:23 pm

Ah Carson, I don't know which is best about him... The voice or the fact that he's funny as all heck! I honestly liked John Sheppered at his most growly bad*** angry self. Not that he wasn't ADORABLE being funny, but when he fought Kolya that was pretty HOT in all incarnations. Oh I liked Woolsey always did, Robert Picardo is DA BOMB, when it comes to irritating people who are secretly softies. I don't know which disappointed me more, the fact they killed Elizabeth, or the fact Ronan and Teyla were never set up...

I liked Jolene in SG Ishta was a woman I could really root for, but I didn't like her with Teal'c. There was just something weird about it. I can't explain. I would have liked it if SHE was Micheal's Wraith Queen. Evil couples can be fun.
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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:20 pm

I also think SG-A went downhill when they killed off Weir and Carson. But I was never a Shep/Weir shipper. I just thought it was a stupid thing to do just because Amanda Tapping had one more year left in her contract. And I don't know why they offed Carson. Granted having Dr Kaylee was nice :drool: but it just wasn't the same.

Michael could've been an interesting and complexvillain, and at first he was, but then TPTB decided to have hime all EVIL and... poof... I lost interest.

Teyla and her baby - and the father - was also craptacular. Where did that guy come from? If you were going to write the actress's real life pregnancy into the story, then why not use one of the regular characters - Ronon or Shepard, I don't care which - as the father?

And the less said about the final episodes (not to mention the finale) the better. Talk about anti-climactic and with a gazillion plot threads unresolved. Meh!
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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby TPoptarts » Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:59 pm

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:Teyla and her baby - and the father - was also craptacular. Where did that guy come from? If you were going to write the actress's real life pregnancy into the story, then why not use one of the regular characters - Ronon or Shepard, I don't care which - as the father?

Ewwwww Canine :upchuck: :upchuck: that was like totally lame and stupid, I hated how they farted him out of nowhere it didn't make any sense, and then they pretty much banished him into oblivion because it was pretty obvious to everyone including the writers that the stupid Canine didn't belong there and he was a really bad actor too, but while it's obviously like way better than having him on the show it still doesn't make any sense that as a *supposedly* loving happy family they're not even together, like dude why didn't they just kill the Canine and put him out of our misery. Nothing in that stupid ass storyline made any sense and Canine and Teyla didn't even have any chemistry, the two of them playing house just wasn't believable at all and made even less sense than the storyline. I sure hope they left Canine behind when they came to Earth. With the baby if you wish cuz I didn't think he contributed much to the plot anyway after he was born (plus he kept the Canine around!! Gah!!). I hate Canine I hate him I hate him I hate him!

Oh yeah and I still think Teyla should have been with Kavanaugh. :twisted:

And since Canine came up what's a better excuse to post this picture again :twisted:



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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:59 pm

Dr. Blondie annoyed me. A. she wasn't so fantastically beautiful, Dr. Lam (and Micheal Shanks' real-life wife) could wipe the floor with her. B. She strung Ronan along, (although what he saw in her I have NO clue) until Rodney got off his duff. Really those two deserved each other. They can annoy each other. I'm one of those crazy people that if I couldn't have Sheppered and Weir together I wanted Ronan and Teyla DANG IT! The warrior and the warrior Queen it was perfect. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE Samantha Carter. But she belongs in the Milky Way on SG-1 while spending every leave with Jack in the Cabin, on the lake with no fish!!!!
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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby TPoptarts » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:08 pm

I wanted Keller to be with Todd :( well I guess there's still a chance since he came to Earth with them, she could still dump McKay's ass and go have a bunch of little Wraithlings with Todd :mrgreen:


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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:18 pm

He'd suck the life out of her!!!! I like Todd to scare me, but I wouldn't want him. Nope Keller may be an annoying blondie git, but I'll let Rodney keep her.
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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby Aikiweezie » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:58 pm

Elessar wrote: That's a fantastic thing you do. The people at the USO really provide an incredible service, I had no idea what they do until I came home from training... a place to stay, rest, free food, medicine, computers, etc. It doesn't seem like a lot when you're only there for like a few hours, but when you're stuck at the airport half a day, and for what guys are usually stuck at the airports for (going home, going abroad), it's pretty awesome to have all that stuff easily accessible.

Thanks! I LOVE volunteering at the USO. When I'm ready to go back to work (son starts kindergarten in the fall) I hope they can hire me. The military personnel who come through our USO are amazing - polite, gracious, grateful. It's a pleasure to serve them.

What branch did you serve in?

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Re: Stargate Atlantis

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:00 pm

I think Elasser is a Jarhead! If I'm wrong you can't kill me OK Elasser.
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