Trip's Mistakes

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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:58 pm

Well It's hard to tell sometimes which has them and which doesn't. I mainly use it for the Vulcan Language Institute stuff they have. The VLD is even harder because they have so many other sources. Hey I just try to find the stuff that matches the show. But then the shows sometimes contradict each other. So what's a person to do. Use what makes sense for them I guess.
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:25 pm

I have never gone along with the location of the Vulcan Heart. always thought it belonged in the chest Cavity.

As far as enlarged lung capacity for the rarefied atmosphere, People who have lived and evolved high in the Andes also have larger Lung capacity but their hearts fit comfortably in the chest Cavity.

Centered the Heart has room for flight or fight when the Heart beats faster and it moves more. It needs room for this activity and the chest cavity would provide that room.

Scrunched down where the Vulcan Heart is supposed to be located it would be hampered by the other organs pressing in on its area.
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:27 pm

Yeah but that is true because it's in TOS.
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:01 pm

Warpgirl, I know that. but much of what you see in TOS and later series and read in the Encyclopedia are things that people sitting around a table thinking up items that they thought would make the characters (aliens) in the series sound alien. That and still make them humanoid enough so a human Actor could play the alien.

Since you only see the extrior of the alien they could make the inerior as scrambled as they liked.

If you ever get your hands on an encyclopedia you will find some intersting Aliens in it. Many not shown in any of the series.

for instance one species had a Iron and copper based Blood. Not sure how that would work.

Some aliens were great, the andorians, vulcans, and others.

But they lacked thought. what was Andorian blood based on? Not copper or Iron. Cobalt.
Give it that nice Blue color to the skin. but would Andorians breathe an Oxygen rich atmosphere which they apparently did as Shran visited enterprise and never wore an EV suit.

That was one of the things that stood out in babylon 5. the shp had a section where the Aliens breathed a different Atmosphere and Seridan had to wear an EV suit to go into that section.

Vulcan Women menustrating every month or so. suppose they, like Human women, felt like Hell during that cycle and would tear the head off anyone who said Good Morning. I used to have to throw in a piece of raw meat to see if it was safe to go into a room with wife at that time.

I could just see t-Pol pounding Trip into jelly because she was at the height of her cycle and feeling like Hell.
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby Alelou » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:13 pm

Well, if you only ovulate every seven years, there wouldn't be much call for a lot of THAT... Lucky Trip. Lucky T'Pol.
But maybe it's one hell of a bad time when it finally does come around. :shock:
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:51 pm

I read that Vulcan women don't menstrate because of evolving on a desert world. Appearently, the unfertilized ova get absorbed in the unterian lining. But they ovulate monthly. I assumed that ovulation begins with the first mating cycle. As for the rest of it, it's fiction, so I suspend disbelief. Otherwise where is the fun?
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:29 pm

What little I, as a male, know about this is a woman Ovulates. Egg is NOT fertilized so the egg is ejected and the menustrating is the matter on the womb walls intended to nourish the fertizized Egg. It too gets ejected thus the need for Pads and the feeling that the world Sucks.

So, if a Vulcan woman vulates I would assume she too would have the same nourisment lining her womb that would be ejected even if the Egg itself was absorbed into her body. Unless that too was absorbed.

If the Vulcan woman did Menustrate and felt the same way as a human woman during that Cycle t-Pol might have been Hell on wheels for a few days a month.
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:37 pm

Well according to what I read it's all absorbed into the uterus. And as someone who went through sheer hell until her operation, all I can say is that if Vulcan women had to deal with what we poor humans do, they better have a DANG! Good meditation regiment, caring mates, and a Vulcan equivilant for chocolate. Otherwise they have a right to go ballistic.
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby Asso » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:38 pm

This is the reason - inter alia - because of which I love TransWarp's way to erase PonFar.
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:00 am

I really don't see why you hate Pon Farr. But this is getting out of hand, do we need a Sci-Fi biology thread? Back to Trip... Poor boy, he fights so hard at times, and completely gives up at others. Well at least by "Terra Prime" he was on his way to getting it right. The fact that he accused T'Pol of a secret pregnancy not withstanding. Men! :roll:
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby Asso » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:09 am

WarpGirl wrote:I really don't see why you hate Pon Farr.

I don't think I have to repeat here what I attempted to explain, elsewhere, without being capable of expressing clearly my ideas. Anyway I don't hate Pon Farr. Simply I find it stupid and unreal. On the other hand, WarpGirl, you, too, find some things stupid and - i think - unreal.
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:10 am

Yeah Trip's "death!" :lol:
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby Asso » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:12 am

For once, it seems we agree, n'est pas?
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:21 am

Francies! Merci. But we have agreed before you know.
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Re: Trip's Mistakes

Postby Silverbullet » Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:11 am

Trip didn't accuse T-Pol of a secret pregnancy. He said we have to talk about this and she said "I have never been Pregnant."

Then Trip said how do you explain this.

She repeated that she had never been pregnant.

I think that when they were in the tunnel in the mine that T-Pol said "You still don't
believe me. Trip said he did and then said he was Sick of the Bond.

Had T-Pol got pregnant that night in the expanse and carried the Baby to term everyone on the ship would have known about it including trip.

Saying she had never been pregnant seemed to be saying that she and trp had a long term intimate relationship (sexual) and she had not gotten pregnant from that relationship.

Phlox too seemed to indicate a ong term relationship when he said to Trip that if t-Pol had become Prenant that Triip would have known it and if t-Pol had the embryo removed trip would know that too.

that would indicate an intimacy over a period of time and a close intimacy as if t-Pol had an embryo removed there would have been manifestations of it that trip could see if he saw her naked. Plus she would not consent to relations if she had just had a Embryo removed and trip would want to know the reason why.

Given that I don't see Trip accusing t-Pol of having a secret pregnancy that she kept from him.

I have tried to figure out if t-Pol had got pregnant on that night and then had the Embryo removed who would do it and best I could come up with is that she was on enterprise too long for anyone but Phlox to remove it.

No secret Pregnancy and no accusations of it.
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