TnT's Bond - How does it work?

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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby Aquarius » Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:26 pm

I didn't mean to imply that you thought it was a low-class problem; I was just saying that it happening to T'Pol, specifically, drives home that it really can happen to anyone.

I understand what you're saying about T'Pol not thinking or acting like a human...but on the other hand, she was always meant to stand out as not your typical Vulcan (she outlasted every other Vulcan who had previously served on a human vessel). So I think the writers' intent with that was to suggest that this whole thing came out of curiosity about us, and what, precisely, the "human experience" means, understanding us better by experiencing what we do. She just wasn't prepared to like it, or for the guilt and shame that came along with liking it, especially when it came to the falling in love part. And because she's so Vulcan and so logical, she believes she's got it under control--just like every other addict in the world. Almost from the beginning they let us know that for a Vulcan, she was a bit of a maverick (sneaking out to listen to jazz, etc.). I don't think it's so much a case of her thinking like a human, as it is trying to understand the things the Trellium made her feel the first time. I really believe that in the beginning it was all Vulcan and scientific, or at least that's what she kept telling herself.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:33 pm

The thing is the idea of cookie-cutter Vulcans never existed before B-B. Vulcans are individuals the same as any other species, (except the Borg.) Vulcans have a code of honor and they embrace logic, but everything else is up to them as individuals. IDIC. I just don't see why they felt the need for T'Pol to live as humans do. It makes no sense. I don't like the way Vulcans are portrayed in the show at all. But espcially T'Pol because she was the first full-Vulcan female lead, and they made her a discrace. It's unforgivable, and had they not done that the love story with Trip would have been even better.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby Aikiweezie » Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:53 pm

Warp Girl - I don't think they made T'Pol a disgrace! I think her mother's statement that her emotions were always close to the surface says it all. She had a harder time than most Vulcans keeping them in check - she was constantly fighting herself.

For the record - I don't think the Trillium had anything to do with T'Pol fallin in love with Trip at all. Just loose her inhibitions.

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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby Aquarius » Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:00 pm

Aikiweezie wrote:Warp Girl - I don't think they made T'Pol a disgrace! I think her mother's statement that her emotions were always close to the surface says it all. She had a harder time than most Vulcans keeping them in check - she was constantly fighting herself.

For the record - I don't think the Trillium had anything to do with T'Pol fallin in love with Trip at all. Just loose her inhibitions.

I don't think she was a disgrace either. In fact, she tried very hard to be a "good Vulcan." But from the beginning, what she knew was expected of her and what she wanted out of her life were in conflict; within the first few episodes she's bailing on her wedding plans so she can pursue her career goals on Enterprise. Though I don't subscribe to the "love at first sight" interpretation for Trip and T'Pol, it is interesting to me that this lesson about choice comes from Trip. Right away she has reason to be fascinated with him. He's like the AntiKoss.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:06 pm

Oh I do. It isn't that she struggles with her emotions that's fine. It was the fact that they deliberately molded her into what Jonathan Archer wanted her to be. And they had her become a drug addict to do it. For the first season the humans redicule, bully, and tease her about their differences when I left the computer to watch the show tonight it was a re-run of "Fusion" and I noticed Jon "pursuaded" her to spend time with the V'tosh Ka'tur and look what happened, she got mind-raped and Pa'nar syndrome. If he had left her alone she wouldn't have been attacked. But no Vulcans are the "narrow-minded idiots" right now and they need to be set straight. Yes I think they discraced T'Pol and all Vulcans.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby Aquarius » Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:23 pm

I dunno. I didn't take it that way at all. As much as T'Pol had been lecturing Archer and the others on judging those they're not familiar with, I think it's fair for Archer to detect a little hypocrisy there. And for the most part, they really weren't bad people, just the one bad apple who didn't care that no meant no. I don't blame Archer for that, any more I'd blame my boyfriend if he sent me out for milk and I got jumped on the way.

T'Pol's attacker was way more persuasive than Archer was in that episode. True, Jon asked her to keep an open mind and spend time with them, but T'Pol was the one who ultimately gave in to the ideas about not meditating so she'd dream, etc. She wasn't a victim until she tried to put a stop to it and the dude persisted. Basically, she was date raped--she was a willing participant up to a point, but she drew a line in the sand and it got crossed and that's the moment it became criminal. But she wouldn't have been a willing participant up to that point if she hadn't been curious about it all.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:37 pm

I didn't mean to say she wasn't curious. She was, but she probably wouldn't have given in to that curiosity if Archer hadn't butted in. She's trying to become apart of the crew. To show these humans that she is capable of loyalty and not being prejudiced. At this point in the series she's trying to show Archer and the crew that she's not a snobby Vulcan that thinks of them as barbarians. She tells Archer that the V'tosh Ka'tur are playing a dangerous game. He's the one that basically says, "Trust me they're harmless." Yeah most of them were harmless, I've got no real problem with them as a whole. But Tolaris was anything but harmless. Also if you remember Vulcans don't have to be touching in order to project telepathically it's just that the strongest contact usually comes through touch. It's possible that Tolaris invaded T'Pol's dreams without her being aware of it.

Back to the bond. Honestly I think T'Pol is an extremely powerful telepath. That's why she could fight off Tolaris, when he had more experience. So her bond with Trip has the potential to be ENORMOUSLY powerful. I think the mind is kind of like a house, lots of rooms lots of doors. Trip and T'Pol can open any doors they choose to share with each other and they can close the doors they don't. Basically I believe anything is possible. But I do love the idea of sharing memories because memory absolutely facinates me.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby Aquarius » Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:49 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Back to the bond. Honestly I think T'Pol is an extremely powerful telepath. That's why she could fight off Tolaris, when he had more experience. So her bond with Trip has the potential to be ENORMOUSLY powerful. I think the mind is kind of like a house, lots of rooms lots of doors. Trip and T'Pol can open any doors they choose to share with each other and they can close the doors they don't. Basically I believe anything is possible. But I do love the idea of sharing memories because memory absolutely facinates me.

I love this. I think the memories would be especially important to T'Pol, his life having been so different from hers, yet he becomes the man she falls in love with.

Off and on I've been playing with a bunny about the first time T'Pol sees herself through Trip's eyes, through the bond. I've always been fascinated by that idea and wondered often what that moment would be like. I love this pairing because the bond presents so many opportunities that you just don't find in others.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby WarpGirl » Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:50 am

Thanks glad you liked it. I have to admit these boards are much different to what I'm used to. Everybody can go a little OT here. "Facinating." Honestly bonds are cool to me, psychic bonds, Force bonds, I like to write about them all. Because we all want to share ourselves with the person we choose. We might be insecure wrecks about it but we still have that desire to know and be known. I noticed that some people find the idea of knowing everything about a mate would be boring. Not me because no matter what as time goes on we grow and Trip and T'Pol would still be unique individuals with different outlooks and prespectives. They would still have different opinions, thoughts and ideas. If I could be bound to a person I love I'd be crazy with joy.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby Silverbullet » Fri May 15, 2009 5:05 pm

Since I am new on this Board I am jumping into this thread a little late.

The Bond. It manifest4d itself when trip was day draming and found himself in t-Pol's white room which was in her mind.

He was on Columbia which was in Dry dock in Earth Orbit and she ws on Eterprise somewhere in space. Not sure the exact distance but had to be fairly far.

they obviously could speak to one another at that time though the bond. So it must have been possible for them to have a conversation through the bond even on the Enterpise. (this was not developed by the writers.)

Unfortunately, trip was interupted and the connection was broken. (I hate that cliche of the untimely interuption but writers love it because they don't have to write any more dialogue or plot lines.)

The bond comes up again in bound ony this time in t-Pol's explanation it is different. the bond only allows them to "Sense" Thoughts feelings, emotons, etc.

t-Pol does not mention the incident of thier minds being joined in the white room although that would seem to me to be proof to her that a very strong Bond existed between them.

I have read a good deal of Fanfics that assume the Bond is very powerful and controls much of what Trip and t-Pol do in regard to each other and that they can speak through the Bond.

My feeling that as presentd when Trip and T-Pol are in her white room was the real bond at work. Powerful.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby WarpGirl » Fri May 15, 2009 6:19 pm

Good Points. And Welcome. :D
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby Asso » Fri May 15, 2009 7:42 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Good Points. And Welcome. :D

Yes. :D
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby WarpGirl » Fri May 15, 2009 9:53 pm

Personally I like it when both Trip and T'Pol develop a powerful telepathic connection. It should be gradual over a good period of time, but I think it adds an element of depth for Trip, and says to Vulcans that humans aren't so backward.
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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby Aikiweezie » Fri May 15, 2009 10:29 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Personally I like it when both Trip and T'Pol develop a powerful telepathic connection. It should be gradual over a good period of time, but I think it adds an element of depth for Trip, and says to Vulcans that humans aren't so backward.

I'm ambivalent about TnT developing a strong telepathic connection. Maybe it could work, but I'd hate to see it begin to dehumanize or really changeTrip. I've read a lot of fiction where Trip is almost transformed into a Vulcan - they move to Vulcan (maybe I could see that), he goes vegetarian, takes up meditation, etc. And yes, I understand that couples DO pick up thing from each other and the other person's culture. (I was just talking to a man yesterday about his interesting situation, he's African American, she's from Lithuania, and he had some interesting stories about his experiences when they visit her parents in Lithuania, for instance, everyone wants to play basketball with him, and they are very confused when he speaks Lithuanian to them. He finds this all rather funny.).

What I'd find interesting to read would be for T'Pol to begin to take more human mannerisms, and tastes. THAT could be fun.

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Re: TnT's Bond - How does it work?

Postby Aquarius » Fri May 15, 2009 10:46 pm

I think the definition of a "strong bond" is somewhat subjective. Do I believe that they'd be constantly having mental conversations? No--trips together to the White Space from time to time, but...I don't know, since Trip is human, I picture the telepathy being mostly one-sided. He may have feelings and impressions about what she's doing and how she's feeling, but not much more than that without her direct intervention, if you know what I mean.
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