Rigil's Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby pookha » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:27 am

to me rom was more interesting overall because they allowed his character to evolve more though quark had his moments.

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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby Reanok » Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:13 pm

I thought Rom was an interesting character he has an interesting story arc and I like Nog too and he changes over the course of the series as well.Nog's friendship with Jake I always enjoyed and the changes he goes through in the series.

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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby Rigil Kent » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:40 pm

Finished out the second disc with two more episodes. Only 1 for 2 today.

The only redeeming element in Rules of Acquisition was the mention of the Dominion since they play such a prominent role (remember: I'm aware of the generalities, not the specifics.) I loath the Ferengi and this episode was no different. Was TOS the only Trek that Brian Thompson didn't guest in? His make-up (and the make-up of all of his "species") was patently ridiculous-looking.

Necessary Evil was much, much better. I liked the insight we get into the Odo character here, particularly the amusing fact that Gul Dukat was basically responsible for him becoming a law enforcement officer. Kira looked great in the flashbacks with the long hair, although I thought the reveal wasn't that surprising. My one complaint with the Odo character remains centered around Quark: the Ferengi is known to have been committing breaking and entering, yet nothing happens to him. That makes Odo look incompetent.
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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby Reanok » Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:39 pm

Necessary Evil was good episode we see a flashback 5 years ago to when Odo was picked by Dukat to be the investigation in a Murder Bajoran Collaborators and Kira being in the underground. That Quark did help Bajorans when it was necessary and ROm got to play a big part in helpning catch the bad guys.

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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby justTripn » Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:50 pm

At the end of the first season of DS9, there were some things I did like and some things I didn't like about the show. But it was going to be all the Star Trek we had for a while (TNG ending), so I wrote an episode and mailed it to them, like many other people I had heard about. So it wasn't a fan fic really, it was an episode with a main plot and plenty of subplots, mostly a soap opera, but also some action. It was related to that episode where we learn there are Cardassian orphans down on Bajor. In my story, a very young female orphan marries her way out of the refugee camp and move into the station and everyone has a different take on this. Sisko disapproves because she is so young. Kira thinks the girl is working the system to her advantage, is sneaky and insincere. Keiko mothers her. Dax thinks it's fine. Odo suspects she's a spy. Julian Bashir, who was down at the camp at Garak's request volunteering his medical services reluctantly gets mixed up in the whole mess. Then it turns out she's already pregnant before meeting her fiance/rescuer so he dumps her and she wants asylym with Starfleet. Julian is stuck in the middle as her doctor/advisor. Lots of twists and turns and surprises.

Anyway, it was rejected of course, but it was a really good experience for me, because I looked at the show differently thereafter--with a lot more respect for the great writing, having tried to do it myself. I would say, "I wish I had thought of that." Or, "Yes, that's exactly what I wanted, great--more Bajoran culture, whatever." "I'm glad they are taking it in this direction." Mostly I thought, "Wow! I could never have written that."

Oh, and you can all rest easy, because I'm not asking you to read it. I doubt I even have an electronic copy at this point.
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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby JadziaKathryn » Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:52 pm

justTrip'n wrote:Oh, and you can all rest easy, because I'm not asking you to read it. I doubt I even have an electronic copy at this point.

That's a pity, as I would've liked to read it.

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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby justTripn » Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:39 am


And JadziaKathryn, I too like Trills, and other alien aliens, and the way DS9 was an ensemble show. I really liked how Sisko related to Dax, calling her "Old Man," and how all the joined Trills had blended personalities. I liked how Jadzia got along with Klingons and Ferengi. And Ezri Dax was even better than Jadzia Dax.
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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby Rigil Kent » Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:39 pm

Watched the next two episodes of season 2 and frankly, they both kind of sucked.

There were some pretty decent elements of Second Sight, like the excellent Jake/Benjamin interactions as well as the equally good Dax/Sisko interactions, but the rest of the episode really annoyed me. I'm not a big fan of the "alien babe of the week who the Hero falls in love/lust with", and it was remarkably predictable that this chick was related to the terraformer from the get go. She had a neat outfit (sometimes) though; the combination catsuit/dress thing was nifty. When they made the comment about "reigniting a sun", I had a WTF reaction, and then when you saw the shuttle impact on the solid planetoid, any suspension of disbelief went right out the window. Why did the Prometheus crew have different uniforms than the DS9 crew, BTW?

The next episode, Sanctuary, was even worse. It had a less than engaging teaser that dragged on interminably, and never recovered. The "aliens" were stupid looking, and I simply couldn't find it in myself to give a damn about the flaky-skinned aliens of the week. It is ironic, I think, that both references to the Dominion thus far have been in really crappy episodes.

So, 0 for 2 today. I would have watched the next two episodes, but I don't think I could tolerate watching another crap episode in one sitting.
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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby Rigil Kent » Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:43 am

Well, I've obviously hit the season 2 slump although admittedly, it hasn't been as bad (so far) as the ENT season 2 slump that resulted in me actually giving up on that show until season 3.

Rivals was ... mediocre. The high point was, unsurprisingly, the Bashir/O'Brien stuff, but that's mostly 'cause it reminded me of these two lieutenants that I served with in the Army. They were always trying to one up one another in virtually everything, whether it was racquetball or rugby or whose platoon did something better. I was going to say that Bashir looked a little silly in his outfit, but its no worse than some of the stuff I've seen people wearing at the gym. I kind of liked the idea of an El-Aurian con man, but saw the con that got him coming as far back as the teaser. Best line: "Miles the Mechanic O'Brien." Heh.

The Alternative was also fairly mediocre. They did an excellent casting job on Doctor Mora (sp?), and I can buy that Odo based his appearance on this dude. Once more, there was some excellent Sisko/Sisko interaction; I particularly liked CDR Sisko's "Yes, it does" reply about the Klingon opera stuff. Was actually hoping they were going to end the episode with Sisko entering his quarters to discover Jake & Nog listening to the horrific sounds of the Klingon opera, thus ending on a funny note, but alas. I had to chuckle at the "special" effects that consisted of iron fillings with a magnet underneath it. There was a script/continuity error in this ep: why would a Bajoran say "Dear God"? Wouldn't something like "By the Prophets" be more correct? I did appreciate that Odo wasn't immune after all.

So, I give each episode a .5, which comes to 1 out of 2 for these two.
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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby TSara » Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:51 am

Anyone knows if Blockbuster carries any of the Trek seasons?

A friend who shall remain nameless hooked me up with all four seasons of ENT a year ago....so I have seen all those episodes. However I haven't seen DS9 or VOY in so long....I barely remember watching it while it was on TV!? Sad
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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby CX » Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:19 am

The Blockbuster in my Uni town has ALL of the Trek season sets. Shock Cool

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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby TSara » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:25 am

CX wrote:The Blockbuster in my Uni town has ALL of the Trek season sets. Shock Cool

Sweet... I wonder If mine does than?

If so I can get caught up with DS9 and VOY.

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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby Rigil Kent » Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:13 am

Two more episodes.

Armageddon Game was ... not bad, although the Teaser was (I'm sorry to say) boring as hell. The alien ship was really cool looking but their hairstyles very nearly caused me to go into a fit of hysterical laughter. It was really hard to take them seriously with their hair making them look like they were Whoovians from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I also see why some people have stated that this is the Shuttlepod One episode for Julian and Miles. It's ironic, I think, that the guy with the more distinctly British accent in both DS9 and ENT (Bashir & Reed respectively) are cast in the role of the guy with a girl in every port. I really liked that they showed the crew actually grieving over lost friends (something that we didn't see on ENT very often 'cause we were too busy getting Super!Archer crammed down our throats). It was pretty obvious that the aliens were chasing an empty ship, although I wonder how the crew were controlling it since communications were being jammed. Also, I'd have liked to have seen or heard what sort of repercussions those aliens suffered since they committed an act of war by attacking and destroying a runabout.

Whispers was also not bad. I kind of liked the quasi twist at the end where you find out about the POV character although there was something about the episode that bothered me. Begs the question, though: doesn't this make Data much, much less special? If these aliens were able to basically create a copy, then they're pretty damned advanced. I had to roll my eyes a little bit at the fact that they can evidently scan for telepathic activity on the station. And I noted an ensign calling the chief "sir".
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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby CX » Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:26 am

Rigil Kent wrote:I had to roll my eyes a little bit at the fact that they can evidently scan for telepathic activity on the station.

Thus proving just how useless Troi really is. Twisted Evil

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Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Postby Reanok » Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:55 pm

Smile Armageddon game isn't bad in fact it plays a big role in one of the Ds9 books Rising Son. And I thought Whispers was an interesting episode I always liked Miles and Keiko and the mystery of what happens in the episode was cleverly done.

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