Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby CX » Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:51 pm

I'm guessing that they're only going to show her when Kirk is young, and ditto for Spock's parents.

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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby evcake » Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:09 pm

TPoptarts wrote:AS SPOCK'S MOTHER!!! :shock: :doubt: :faint: :? :wtf:

I couldn't have :shock: :doubt: :faint: :? :wtf: better myself.
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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby TPoptarts » Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:53 pm

I decided to bring the House thread back from the dead :p :twisted:

Um are y'all still into Hameron?? :? :?:

Anyway something that weirded me out in the latest episode
Like when 13 takes the drug to slow the heart and collapses, and then she's lying down and the nurse takes her pulse and goes like "pulse is down below 50". That kinda weirds me out because like last time they took my pulse at the hospital it was like 54, which isn't far from 50 but it didn't seem like something that's considered like "dangerously low" or approaching, and I sure as hell didn't feel like collapsing or whatever because I was fine. So like is it because of the other meds, or the Huntington or huh?? :? :dunno: I don't know it just weirds me out. :dunno:


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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby thecursor » Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:50 am



I've never liked Cameron.
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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby TPoptarts » Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:57 am

I like Cameron... I like all the cast. And I miss the original team not that the new team is bad or anything, they're also great characters but I really do miss all the Cameron and Chase screen time, whether they're on House's team or not. I just miss having them around.

But anyway House/Cuddy here too :twisted:

Gah I'm so procrastinating on my "Why is Chase on the floor" fic :? :roll: :explode:


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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby Escriba » Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:08 am

House/Cuddy all the way here too 8)

TPoptarts wrote:Gah I'm so procrastinating on my "Why is Chase on the floor" fic :? :roll: :explode:

Does that mean you're writing it or you aren't? *hopeful face*

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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby Elessar » Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:05 pm

Here's my thing.

I don't see emotional chemistry between House and Cuddy - I see sexual chemistry, yes. It may be due in part to the fact that he has (openly) sexually objectified her for 5 Seasons that I just don't see where 'the extra' is. I don't see what she would see in him emotionally, in terms of a mate for her. I don't see a man in House who is in any way compatible with a woman like Cuddy. I don't think his ex wife was anything like Cuddy.

Now the reason I have always been House/Cameron is a few things. First, I don't buy the explanation that they subbed in later (which was really just kind of a self-rationalization of the writers for why it was ok to pretty much take her off the show) that her entire infatuation with House was based on a neurosis where she falls in love with "broken" guys that she thinks she can fix, like her husband. In fact, I don't buy the entire husband backstory in terms of, I don't see Cameron as a character that reflects that kind of experience having happened to her.

Secondly, I can't fucking stand Chase and I just don't see what someone like Cameron would ever see in him. Cameron is like over-the-top puppy dog, she cares about people to the nth degree. That, also btw, is what House loves about her, it's obvious in the way that he criticized her for it, that he actually admired and was emotionally attracted to it. He was emotionally attracted to it because he's such a lurch, he doesn't believe he deserves to be cared for, that he's sitting here thinking, "Cameron would actually care for me, that's an incredible emotional depth." The other thing that it's totally obvious Cameron is attracted to is House's genius and his obsessive compulsive need to have the truth - and primarily the dual action between those two in which he ALWAYS FINDS it. Conversely, Chase is a shallow piece of shit who might as well work in banking as long as it made him as much money and came to him as easily as medicine. I don't see any career drive, any spirit, any heart in what Chase does. He was a job-stooge or a money-stooge or a position-stooge or a prestige-stooge the entire time he was on the team, he was always looking for the Bigger-Better-Deal. He's a worthless piece of shit that gives up the moment something gets hard because at the end of the day he doesn't have anything to gain. Ok, have I made it clear that I don't like Chase? I think he's funny, but I consider it character assassination to suggest Cameron would want anything more from him than a near-death-experience-via-AIDS-exposure-and-meth-induced one night stand.

Thirdly, Wilson even saw how House felt about Cameron and Wilson knows House better than anyone. Wilson's pleas to House recently to go talk to Cuddy and "see" Cuddy were not implications that he thought House was meant to be with Cuddy or that they were soul mates. He just thinks her and House could make it in a psuedo-mainstream relationship and that that would help House's mental state. But she'd be little more (in Wilson's estimation) than a crutch to get House out of his emotional/sexual slump. He used to give House crap all the time about "caring for" Cameron.

Oh and by the way - someone else I think is a weasling little shit that shows his nice side all too conveniently when it works out for him - Foreman. Foreman apparently gets him the 2nd finest piece on this show next to Cameron and I couldn't possible understand how or why. He's not even a douchebag. He's the bag they throw dirty douchebags in to throw away in a big group so that the smell doesn't carry too far.

I'd also like to complain about the recent Cameron-Chase arc in the last episode. What the hell was the purpose? They reintroduced Cameron and Chase's romantic association - basically flushed it out through contrived dialog just to go "oh yeah, by the way," to the viewers, "We've known what we were doing all along with Chase and Cameron this whole time they haven't been on the show. Yeah it was all planned." But they reintroduced their association with the specific purpose of putting it in doubt - the whole thing about how they always stay at his place because he doesn't feel welcome at her place. Then... they work it out in the space of one episode and they're still together? Why not just have not had their scenes at all and just dropped a quick line that he was moving in with her? It would have accomplished the same task and not wasted my time making me think the writers had actually come to their senses and dropped this Chase bullshit.

I mean here's the thing - if Cameron's NOT a fixer, then she's in love with House because her original feelings for him were valid.

If Cameron IS a fixer - then she's just fixing Chase too because the only reason they ever even associated was that she got all juiced up on meth and called him over and ripped his clothes off in a wasted frenzy and then, because they had already had sex, decided, "Hey I need a **** buddy, you need a **** buddy, WHY NOT?!" Most people will tell you that turning a **** Buddy Arrangement into an actual relationship is not a good idea and leads to failure in about 98.37% of cases.


Oh btw, TP, your heart rate thing is probably fine. If you exercise or run a lot, you get a condition known as Athlete's Heart where your heart grows and gets stronger such that it doesn't need to pump as fast when you're just sitting around doing nothing so your HR drops to 40, 50, 60. Below 50 is unusual, but everyone I went to OCS with had it in the low 50's. Mine's been 54 before. If you're not working out and/or running semi-frequently, then IDK.
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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby Escriba » Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:22 pm

Elessar wrote:I don't see emotional chemistry between House and Cuddy - I see sexual chemistry, yes. It may be due in part to the fact that he has (openly) sexually objectified her for 5 Seasons that I just don't see where 'the extra' is.

Ehhh... obviously we haven't seen the same show :D On the other hand, House has been ridiculing Cameron for 5 years, so I can't see anything between them right now. In fact, long time ago I saw a big possibility for Cameron and Wilson (I know, I know, I'm nuts).

Obviously Cameron was the scripwriters' choice for House at the beginning, but time has contradicted them, because their chemistry/relationship doesn't work and it doesn't work because any adult woman sees House and Cameron and shudders. It's wrong, wrong, wrong. It's the young pretty student that idolizes her teacher all over again. It's the men fantasy, but the adult women nightmare. See, every woman wants to be Cuddy, not Cameron (except, maybe, in the two last seasons, when she has a backbone at last). House and Cameron is like Archer and T'Pol, but sicker.

But I could absolutely be wrong, you know :lol:

Elessar wrote:I don't buy the explanation that they subbed in later (which was really just kind of a self-rationalization of the writers for why it was ok to pretty much take her off the show) that her entire infatuation with House was based on a neurosis where she falls in love with "broken" guys that she thinks she can fix, like her husband.

Well, her problem to fix everybody was stablished at the beginning of the series. In episodes 4 (Maternity) and 7 (Fidelity). It's not something that magically has appeared, even if it is convenient now.

Elessar wrote:I can't fucking stand Chase and I just don't see what someone like Cameron would ever see in him.

Have you seen that perfect hair? :wink:

Elessar wrote:I'd also like to complain about the recent Cameron-Chase arc in the last episode. What the hell was the purpose?

Making House/Cameron fans suffer :raspberry: No, it's a joke. If you have actors, they usually want stage time, so...

Elessar wrote:Foreman apparently gets him the 2nd finest piece on this show next to Cameron and I couldn't possible understand how or why. He's not even a douchebag.

Oh, we like Olivia Wilde, don't we? Have you ever seen "The Black Donnellys"? She was splendid in that show (I liked that show, I was so mad when it got cancelled... :-x ) As for Foreman... His personality changes so much (from dick to nice to dick again) that I don't have an opinion about him. But I think that the changing characterization happens too often in this show. The screenwriters almost look like fanfic writers.

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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby TPoptarts » Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:47 am

Escriba wrote:
TPoptarts wrote:Gah I'm so procrastinating on my "Why is Chase on the floor" fic :? :roll: :explode:

Does that mean you're writing it or you aren't? *hopeful face*

I'm... trying to :?

Heh Elessar you'd probably like "Why is Chase on the floor" because of how many times poor Chase gets hit on the head :twisted:

Gah and my schizopsycho cagemate Zombie made me come up with another idea for a fic like because she's so frelling INSANE and she's also really stupid, like she's a really heavy smoker so she coughs all the time, and so she loads herself with antibiotics and throat drops and several different brands of cough syrup (like seriously she's got like 8 of them) as if that's gonna help, like dude it's not your throat and it's not a frelling infection, can't you see your lungs hate you?? :roll: And I just keep picturing House telling her "you're an idiot". Muahahahahaha :twisted: :badgrin:

As for House and Cuddy I don't know, I see more in their relationship and interactions than the superficial sexual thing. I kinda get the Storm/Wolverine vibe from them like it's shown throughout the show that like even though they don't see eye to eye most of the time and argue like crazy and House's apparent disrespect for Cuddy on the surface, they actually genuinely care about each other and trust each other. Like how House keeps her secret. Or how they cover for each other. Or how they're willing to take the fall for each other. There's more to both characters than what's on the surface.

And maybe the reason Foreman can't decide whether to be an ass or a nice guy is because he's become too much like House... House is a good guy... he's just really good at hiding it :p :lol:

I didn't like Stacy though. I thought she was boring. I'm glad she's gone good riddance. :twisted:


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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby Elessar » Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:41 am

PSHA! House and Cameron isn't sick! He's like 45, she's like 35! I mean, she looks younger but in reality she's a doctor and she's not in residence or anything anymore. She has to have been like 28 when she started at PPH.

The way she approached him was kind of as you described in Season 1 and 2, but in 3 she had been turned off of him and then back on. She approached it with a much more adult reason. She was no longer under the illusion that he was perfect, so I don't believe she was still acting kid-like about it.

I would agree about the writers. I have never understood why everyone stayed in the opening credits... it's either cheating or just bad writing. Like either they're keeping everyone from the original cast in there so that we have no idea if week-to-week changes are going to be permanent, OR, it's bad writing because basically they're saying they never ARE going to change, even if cameron and chase are off focus for a few weeks, they'll eventually be drug back in simply because they're under contract. That pulls you out of the story, out of the universe, for me.

Speaking of Cameron and Chase - THIS is out of Universe too but it's an analytical point when looking at where the show is going - anyone ever wonder if off-screen romances influence the direction of the writing? I mean actual totally above board ones every knows about, i.e., Jennifer Morisson and Sean Robert or Robert Sean, or w/e the hell Chase's real name is. Apparently they had a thing for a few years and then they split up and no they're back together or some such nonsense, I don't know. Now it's one question of whether it influences the writing in the sense that, do the actors go to the writers and say, "Look, Robert and I are getting serious and I'm just not comfortable doing love scenes with Hugh so, can you just shift direction and start focussing on Chase and Cameron?"

I mean, I'm sure that's happened on SOME show, SOMEWHERE, but it WOULD be quite presumptuous of the actors and depending on the disposition of your writers, might put you on their bad side. So I'm not suggesting that commonly happens - but you never know. What's more likely, another way it can influence it more indirectly - which is that as writers, they watch the actors and how they interact with one another very carefully to develop an internal setup of how each person interacts with another so they can utilize those existing chemistries to make them come out most effectively on screen. At least, I think that's what GOOD writers do. If I were a writer, that's what I'd do. All things being equal, if you're not shipping for a particular couple, as the writer, your primary concern if you're going to write a romance into it is to make sure you write one that people buy. In that event you're going to take into account a combination of what ships make the most sense in a broad strokes kind of way (i.e., would a relationship be a conflict of interests, e.g. T'Pol and Archer), and also the natural chemistry between the actors - will it be believable? My point is, if there's a romantic relationship going on in real life between two actors, then it's going to spill over on screen as working chemistry and the writers are going to see that and most likely respond to it. Again, this depends on the actor, but if Jennifer Morrison can't bring herself to act believably in love with House because she's with this other guy, it's going to be a serious problem, and just speaking hypothetically here, but as a writer you really can't just say, "Act better!" You just have to deal with it and find something she CAN do. I would wonder the same thing about how they dealt with it on Lost between Kate and Charlie, since their actors were dating a very long time.

That's just my curiosity about how those things interact.

BTW: I really like 13, but I think her name should have been more dramatically revealed. Slowly but surely they just mentioned her name was Dr. Hadley and then in the one episode she said, 'HI I'm Dr. Remi Hadley", so we know her full name now. Should have been a bigger deal, it would have been funnier.

And if they were going to do a 13 romance... totally should have been House. C'mon! Hameradley! Hameradley! I bet Cameron's open...

Besides, where's the obligatory episode where some kind of sexual appetite-inducing neurotoxin is released into the air and every woman in the hospital starts tearing her clothes off and chasing after a hobbling-away House? Only so he can escape to his office where Cameron and 13 are patiently waiting, sitting on his desk, eyes like saucers as they prepare to pounce? *sigh* I think I just wrote a fanfic. 8)
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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby TPoptarts » Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:24 am

Ewwwwww :? :upchuck:

Why 13 and House anyway. Please not the Jean Grey syndrome :? really not EVERYONE has to have a thing for House. I mean like there was Cameron at first, now it looks like they're going with Cuddy well the House/Cuddy relationship pretty much remained the same throughout the show, it's just the recent twist that made them more aware of... themselves and each other I guess :? then of course there was Stacy *cough*goodriddance*cough*

But I hope 13 doesn't have to join that club, there's plenty other people on the show if she wanna have a thing with someone, there's Foreman and Kutner and uh... I guess maybe Wilson isn't ready to date again just yet, well so that's pretty much it I guess unless you count the asshole Tritter cop and the Kingpin guy from season 1. :p Umm not that many female characters on the show other than Stacy and I wouldn't wanna see HER coming back. Well and they're all straight anyway. :? But really I wouldn't want everyone to go through an "I'm in love with House" phase. That's too cliche (hence me comparing it to Jean Grey :p :twisted: )

Not to mention that he's like twice her age and... yucks :? :upchuck:


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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby Elessar » Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:24 pm

TPoptarts wrote:Ewwwwww :? :upchuck:

Why 13 and House anyway. Please not the Jean Grey syndrome :? really not EVERYONE has to have a thing for House. I mean like there was Cameron at first, now it looks like they're going with Cuddy well the House/Cuddy relationship pretty much remained the same throughout the show, it's just the recent twist that made them more aware of... themselves and each other I guess :? then of course there was Stacy *cough*goodriddance*cough*

But I hope 13 doesn't have to join that club, there's plenty other people on the show if she wanna have a thing with someone, there's Foreman and Kutner and uh... I guess maybe Wilson isn't ready to date again just yet, well so that's pretty much it I guess unless you count the asshole Tritter cop and the Kingpin guy from season 1. :p Umm not that many female characters on the show other than Stacy and I wouldn't wanna see HER coming back. Well and they're all straight anyway. :? But really I wouldn't want everyone to go through an "I'm in love with House" phase. That's too cliche (hence me comparing it to Jean Grey :p :twisted: )

Not to mention that he's like twice her age and... yucks :? :upchuck:

Well, again, she can't be that young. House isn't 60 ya know! :lol: The ACTRESS is like 23 but the character has to be at least... 27, 28. House is I would guess about 45.

I wasn't an X-Men person so I don't get the Jean Grey reference ;)

I was half joking about 13 and House. I was just kinda saying hey if House can't get Cameron he should at least get 13. I'm actually kind of surprised they haven't had 13 get a thing for House b/c with her Huntington's Diagnosis she's kinda going through an extended, gradual version of the "omg-who-am-i-and-what-am-i-doing-why-don't-i-just-freak-out" moment Cameron had with the meth when she decided to throw caution to the wind.

By the way, did anyone else think that the DUMBEST part about Cameron and Chase's drugged up sex romp was the fact that she had just been sprayed in the face with HIV-infected blood.... AND CHASE WENT ALONG WITH THE SEX?! I mean c'mon, she was hot but, whoooooa buddy. Ya know what Snoop Dog says, "Ain't no ***** good enough to get burnt while I'm up in it." :lol:

I like 13. Sicking her on Foreman because he's playing nice guy for a week and had the MILD COURTESY to mention to her that there was a Huntington's drug trial going on? Wow. I should be ready to lose respect for her.

I'm sorry but even though I don't think it makes a lot of sense in terms of chemistry between them, at least I can see why a woman would want House. He's like the intellectual equivalent of a MAN'S MAN, lol. He's a friggin genius yet he's got the "asshole gene" that works out so well for guys like Tommy Lee and Rick Solomon. But I can't even see what woman would see in Foreman.
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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:48 pm

Oh my, a new "shipper war" is brewing! :shock:

I have no idea what you're all talking about, since i don't watch House (or any medical show for that matter).

Now back to your scheduled shipper warfaring... :wink:
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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby Escriba » Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:05 pm

Elessar wrote:PSHA! House and Cameron isn't sick! He's like 45, she's like 35! I mean, she looks younger but in reality she's a doctor and she's not in residence or anything anymore. She has to have been like 28 when she started at PPH.

Yeah, but I wasn't talking about the age gap as much as for the mentor/student interaction. The "ohhhh... I admire you soooo much..." kind of thing.

But forgive me, this is a personal dislike of mine. I'm just very sensitive to and I can't stand the old argument that some women argue of "He's cold and treats me like dirt, but I know that at the deepest he's good and I know that my love can change him". This thinking had killed and still kills women. It usually ends going with other phrases like "he's nice, really, he just looses his temper sometimes" or "I know he doesn't do it on purpose" or "he regrets it afterwards" or "he only hits me when he's drunk" :shock: (yeah, I've heard all of them. And no, I haven't suffered ill treatment personally)

Sorry if I made someone feel uneasy, but I really can't stand it.

Elessar wrote:The way she approached him was kind of as you described in Season 1 and 2, but in 3 she had been turned off of him and then back on. She approached it with a much more adult reason. She was no longer under the illusion that he was perfect, so I don't believe she was still acting kid-like about it.

The problem is the writers have totally wasted Cameron as a character. In season 1 she was... well, I don't have a civilized word to describe her :D Suffice to say that I found all the arch of "I leave my job to save your ass and then I come back if I have a date with you" insulting in a deep feminine level. In season 2 the writers (because female critics, I'm sure) tried to fix that giving Cameron some tough attitude, but they ended making her look schizofrenic. It's in season 3 when she begins to have a backbone, but ironically her personality traits make her more and more incompatible with House (she cares too much for people and although she can respect House as a profesional, she obviously can't stand his attitude) and, what it's even worse, the writers discovered a new playground in the "House-Cuddy-Wilson" relationship. I think Cameron has grown up and doing so, she sees that she can't change House and she decides to let it go.

Why she's with Chase? Errr... Sorry, I'm not metaphisic :lol:

After saying this, what I really think is that House will end with nobody, because he can't, in an emotional level. It's like what Cuddy says in one of the last episodes about her and House: "Well, you know exactly how it would go. It would start off exciting and we’d get caught up in the novelty and the hostility and the forbiddenness and then we’d realize that the flirty hostility is just hostility and his inability to open up is no longer exciting, it’s just frustrating and then it’s the inevitable blow up and the recriminations and we don’t talk for two months." (She's so smart :lol:)

TPoptarts wrote:Why 13 and House anyway. Please not the Jean Grey syndrome :? really not EVERYONE has to have a thing for House.

:guffaw: Yeah, he's the resident redhead :D (I still remember the comic where the bad guys had invented the "Jean-bomb" a device that possessed the power to fatally disrupt any and all relationships. Personal,professional,organic, inorganic, macro-,micro-, whatever--down to the most primal sub-atomic molecular networks. Her mere presence would dissolve the most loving bonds, prompt brother to slay brother...and boon companions to tear themselves apart. Ultimately, the planet itself would follow suit. :guffaw:)

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:Oh my, a new "shipper war" is brewing! :shock:

Nahhh... this is nothing compared to the "TnT/AinT Wars", the "X-Men shippers Genocide", the "LOTR shipper Catfights" or, the most barbarian of all, the "What of Jane Austen's adaptation is better" Warfields :lol:

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Re: Are there enough House fans to justify a thread?

Postby Alelou » Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:19 pm

Oh no, that last one too? I think it's a good thing I never knew about that. Don't JA fans know they are supposed to be civil? And how can you have shipper wars in LOTR? Wouldn't that have to be confined to people who never read the books and knew how it turned out?

I mean, I still wish Harry and Hermione had ended up together in HP, but I ain't gonna argue it because clearly I was dead wrong. One must bow to reality someday. That's the problem with A/T shippers. They refuse to bow!
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