The Question, Answer Game

Just what it says on the tin.

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The Question, Answer Game

Postby Ezinma88 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:03 pm

I'm supposed to be working, but I'm pretty bored. So....

I thought I'd post a thread to help forum newbies like me get up that post count - whilst at the same time learning something new about our fellow members Trek-tastes.

I'm sure you've all played this game before.....

Answer the question at the bottom of the last post on the thread, then ask your own question, for the next poster.

There are only two rules:

1) All questions must be Trek-related.
2) You cannot answer your own question! There must be at least one other FM post before you can have another go.

So..... I'll start us off with a really easy one.....

Q: Who do you think is the sexiest Star Trek character of all time, and why?

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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby Lady Rainbow » Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:08 pm

Sexiest? Trip. Those eyes, the blond hair, the accent, the body. 'Nuff said. (Of course, Malcolm comes a close second). Question:

Q: Which ST character do you identify the most with and why?
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby Distracted » Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:34 pm


Yeah. Weird, huh? Guess it's the whole "alien in the middle of strangers" thing. I've felt like that my whole life.

Question: If you could fill any position on Enterprise (as in, which job), which one would it be and why?
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby Ezinma88 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:26 pm

On Archer's Ent? Ship's doctor. Medicine was my calling since I was a kid (before journalism lured me away)

Kirk's Ent? Science officer....or anything that'd get me closer to Spock. Now, he's the winner of sexiest Star Trek character for me.

Picard's Ent? I'd work in engineering, just so I could say things like: "let's re-route the power from the......(insert incomprehensible science-jargon here).

Q: What was your favourite series of Star Trek (be honest now!)?

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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby leslina » Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:36 pm

The Original Series, with Enterprise a close second; however disappointing it turned out. :cry: I had such high hopes for Enterprise. I'm a huge fan of origin stories and was excited to see the development and evolution of the Trek-verse. So much for that... :?

Q: What species/life-form in the Trek-verse would you be and why? Oh, come on, like you never thought about it.
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby mjimeyg » Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:48 pm

To Leslina's question:

A: I'd be like Odo, a shape shifter... or a tribble... think of all the sexin'! Unless they are A-Sexual what a bummer that would be!

My question:

Q: What is your favourite race encountered or in starfleet and why. (Any series)

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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby Elessar » Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:44 pm

mjimeyg wrote:To Leslina's question:

A: I'd be like Odo, a shape shifter... or a tribble... think of all the sexin'! Unless they are A-Sexual what a bummer that would be!

My question:

Q: What is your favourite race encountered or in starfleet and why. (Any series)

A: El-Aurian. For the same reason as the last question - it's the race I'd want to be. We've only seen two of them - Soran and Guinan - (there was one on DS9 but he didn't really fit the bill, I discount him kinda), and I like the idea of a long life, somewhat isolated, very self-sustained, almost nomadish existence.

Q: Who do you think was the most OVER-rated Trek character (any series) and why?
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby Distracted » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:17 am


Never liked him much. He's annoying, overbearing, and impossibly full of himself.

Question: Who's your favorite captain and why?
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby Pitseleh » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:21 am

Kirk. He is just so much fun to watch! He sure thinks a lot of himself, but I like how he relates to his crew too. But it comes down to the fact that I find him funny.

Question: What Trek gadget would you like to have?
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby Distracted » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:27 am

The medical tricorder. Definitely and without a doubt. I'd be out of a job, though.

Question: What planet would you most like to visit in the ST universe?
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby Lady Rainbow » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:31 am

Shoot, you guys beat me to it, by SECONDS! lol! Well...

Fave Captain? Ben Sisko (DS9). And before you shoot me, lemme explain...

He always struck me as "more realistic" than the other captains. He lost his wife tragically (during the battle w/the Borg) and was a widower with a young son. He had to bring Jake to an out-of-the-way station, and the series did deal with the father/son relationship. Sisko wasn't a perfect Human and didn't get along with EVERYBODY (re: Major Kira at the beginning), plus he did some stuff during the Dominion War that could be a question of morals. So he wasn't quite "utopian".

Now if you're talking about a captain that isn't a lead character...Scotty, when he was "Captain of Engineering". LOL.

Fave piece of equipment: The hypospray. Seriously. I hate needles.

Planet to visit: Vulcan. I'd love to visit Shi'Kahr. Though Risa is a close second.

My question: If you could name your own starship, what would it be, and during which Trek era would you be in command? (ENT, TOS, TNG, or DS9?)
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby evcake » Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:56 am

On one hand, the Anne Bonney.
On the other, the Starry Wisdom (from Andromeda, that comes)
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby evcake » Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:56 am

Favorite Vulcan?
Oh, and TOS
It's flavored with passionfruit
an appropriate ingredient, don't you think?

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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby Pitseleh » Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:27 am

T'Pol. She had so many issues during the show that she actually became my favorite character.

What's the worst job in the ship?
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Re: The Question, Answer Game

Postby evcake » Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:58 am

:D scrubbing plasma conduits? :D Waste management? :D

Captain Kirk's finest hour? Does he have one?
It's flavored with passionfruit
an appropriate ingredient, don't you think?

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