Sign My Petition....

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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby Linda » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:36 pm

Constructive criticism is more helpful than "Hey, I liked your story". And criticism does not have to be harsh and demeaning. You don't have to tell them everything you found that you thought was wrong. Be encouraging by pointing out one of their strengths they should build on and one of the things they don't do well and have to work on. What is most discouraging is no comments at all or only one or two comments after putting hours of work into a story. So don't be afraid to be critical.

Oh and if this happens don't be disheartened: a spaming sort of comment which sometimes is left multiple times and perhaps the same text on many of your stories at one time. You know the kind, where someone is mad at the world and says something like this "Your story stinks. Why you ever thought you understood Star Trek when you are so stupid is beyond me. You have no right to say those things about the characters because you are such a stupid rotten person". Usually those comments have nothing constructive to say and really are not about your writing. They don't even address a specific point about your story or the specific lines they are referring to. This kind if thing is hurtfull and embarrassing to the writer. But the person who does this is usually banned in short order and sympathy messages come in to you from other writers.
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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby Ezinma88 » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:48 pm

Linda wrote: I for one, do leave a comment with EVERY fan fic story I read, so my conscience is clear, okay? :raspberry: I am definitely scheduled for 'good commentor heaven', first class section. :badgrin: :thumbsup:

I think I must be destined for commentator hell :evil:

In the past I hardly ever left comments - even when I really enjoyed the work. I'd think, "well that took me like an hour to read. I haven't got the time now....I'll just do it later". I think you know the rest :)

When I am moved to leave a comment/have the time I'm not always nice (though I try to be with newbies). I guess the rule with me is: If Ezinma88 leaves a comment on your story you've connected with her on some emotional's just not always a positive one.

Having said all of that, I could actually use some positive comments/major butt-kicking. I've been playing around with a story for what feels like AGES. It's my first one, so I refuse to post it if I feel it's not going to stand-up. Instead, every once in a while (when I've got the time) I take it out, dust it off, make a few changes here and there, get hungry/distracted by a shiny object and put it away again for a rainy day.

Would be good to finish it eventually, but I'm losing my motivation. What started as a simple idea for a standalone is now a standalone on steroids.

Any and all comments/advice will be greatfully received with a thick-skin.


I'm definitely trying a bit harder

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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby Distracted » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:55 pm

Here's my advice. Just sit down and finish the thing. That's the first step. Take the time and make yourself do it. Put it aside and pat yourself on the back for a job well done when you're finished and sleep on it overnight.

THEN you reread it, refine it a couple of times if necessary, and get a beta reader. Let them dissect it and send it back to you, rewrite it based on what you choose to take of their advice, if any, and send it in. We post it and then you get comments. See? Easy. 8)
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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby Alelou » Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:47 pm

My only comment is that it's good to let people know you do welcome constructive criticism. Many of us like to be nice, and I KNOW some people really will freak over a negative comment -- maybe they won't say anything, but they could brood about it for years, or decide they don't want to post anymore, or whatever. So say it up front. I really appreciate newbies who say "be gentle" if that's what they need right then.

You get a tougher skin as you go along. I have to deal with client and agency comments all day long, so my skin is made of titanium -- when it comes to advertising. There will be areas in fiction where I am still frankly tentative about putting stuff out there. However, I'd still rather get honest negative feedback than nothing.

The only other thing I'd say is that there are some writers who I assume just don't read other people's stuff or only read some other people's stuff or are afraid to put in the little code or whatever. Maybe they don't have time, maybe they don't like to read. Whatever. That's fine. If I really enjoy their work, I'll say so. I just won't be dutiful about it if there's nothing that moved me.
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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby CX » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:08 pm

I don't think I've ever been too mean. Blunt, but not mean.

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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby Dinah » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:50 pm

I always try to say something positive, and I always try to leave a comment, especially if it's someone's first fic. If you're brave enough to put your ego on the line by allowing others to read your work, you deserve a pat on the back. I like to comment on specific things in stories such as characterizations, plot points, visual imagery, etc. I would never turn down any comment, but things like, "Good. Write more," aren't very satisfying. I guess I've developed a golden rule philosophy. I just hope people will be patient, because it sometimes takes me awhile to get around to reading everything.

I would love to get some discussion started, but I don't seem to be very good at doing that. Rigil, Distracted and BnB are all masters at that. Discussions not only give the occasional pat on the back, but, as with constructive criticism, it helps an author know what's working and what isn't. If I've just introduced what I think is a devastatingly clever plot point, but nobody mentions it, I know I've failed to communicate effectively -- or it wasn't all that clever to begin with.

I will say that there are some days when I'm struggling to put two words together or when I look at the blank page and wonder why I'm wasting my time writing a Star Trek story, and I get a positive review or someone offers a few words of encouraegment -- that's all it takes to get me back on track.

As for loving comments... :lol: :oops: When I finally get around to posting a chapter, I feel like a total idiot because I keep checking back to see if people like it or not. I keep telling myself that this time I'm going to be more mature. After all, I'm only writing for the satisfaction it brings me. But before I know it I'm right back checking the comments section. I'm so weak. :oops:

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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby Alelou » Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:34 pm

Dinah wrote:As for loving comments... :lol: :oops: When I finally get around to posting a chapter, I feel like a total idiot because I keep checking back to see if people like it or not. I keep telling myself that this time I'm going to be more mature. After all, I'm only writing for the satisfaction it brings me. But before I know it I'm right back checking the comments section. I'm so weak. :oops:

I'd like to know if there are any writers out there who DON'T do this! I know I do it too.

And I've always been impressed by your feedback, Dinah. You clearly make a real effort. I often feel my own is pretty slipshod by comparison.
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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby Distracted » Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:20 am

You're not alone, Dinah. When I first started writing I'd literally check for comments every 15 minutes AT WORK. I kept the comment page minimized on the computer in my office and I'd refresh the page after every patient for the first couple of days. It was an obsession. Now I'm a little bit less obsessed. For the last episode of Lerteiran I was only checking about 5 times a day. :lol:
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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby blacknblue » Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:57 am

See, I have to check my comments, then check for Lerteiran, then check my email to see if Dis has forwarded anything from the copy of Lerteiran, then of course I have to jump over to and check for myself, because you never know... Dis might be busy or forget.

Then by the time I finish all of that somebody might have had time to read it here again...
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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby Asso » Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:50 pm

I have followed the discussion.
I can say only one thing.
I would like to be filled with comments, preferably nice, but not necessarily.
It's true that writing is good itself, but... well: oderint dum metuing!
Mhh... no. It doesn't be the right saying. :doubt:
Anyway... Please, post comments for me! :bow:
Don't forget I'm a narcissist! :mrgreen:
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby blacknblue » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:37 pm

I confess I am deficient at posting to your stories Asso. I am STUCK when it comes to your stories. I just don't know w hat to say or how to say it. I can write ABOUT emotions by putting the characters through their paces - showing their emotional state by their actions. But I can't WRITE EMOTION they way you do. it just floors me.
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Re: Sign My Petition....

Postby Asso » Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:46 am

blacknblue, when I have read YOUR MU T'Pol on the last chapter of "Payment", I have been assailed by emotions.
Powerfully and strongly.
Each of us have his own way.
And that explains perfectly why I absolutely don't care if that T'Pol is in character or if she is out.
Your T'Pol is alive, true.
Only this is worth.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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