Triaxian Silk Says: GET OUT THE VOTE!

Just what it says on the tin.

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Triaxian Silk Says: GET OUT THE VOTE!

Postby Elessar » Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:08 pm

This is your proprietor inviting, encouraging, all but demanding 8) that you, the American voter, get out there and exercise your historically unique right to determine the direction of your national policy. We are living in a unique time, witnessing a unique election of a size and scope and reach further and greater than any that has passed before it.

Regardless of your political affiliation, I urge all registered voters on Triaxian Silk to brave the lines to wield the weapon I once heard called "The first step to armed insurrection" -- the vote.

Skip lunch, take a sick day, make the kids wait at school (Thomas Jefferson will look after them), do whatever it takes. Don't let the deafening hum of pundit prognostication lull your compulsion to vote into complacency and presumption -- your Candidate, your Country, and your Constitution need you.

Your vote is your weapon.

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"I call nine millimeter." - John and Cameron

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