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American TV sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:18 pm
by krn
I haven't recently come to that realization, but it has become even more true as of this weekend.

My husband and I watch a total of 3 network shows with any regularity. We watch 7 British shows.

I think I know why. The Brits aren't afraid to piss anyone off.

Are you offended by Gordon Ramsey's excessive swearing? Change the Channel.
Are you put off by Jeremy Clarkson's derogatory remarks? Don't watch Top Gear.

Another great staple of Brit TV is that, often, events of one episode actually effects the ones that come after. And not just whatever bits and pieces the writers deside to follow that week (unlike, oh, Star Trek for instance). Even seemingly stand-alone episdoes of Dr Who and Torchwood are not forgotten in the continuity of the character dynamic on the show. It's only within the last several years that American TV has caught onto that idea - I watched Alias from beginning to end and appreciated them sticking to the continuity as well as they did.

Anywho - this weekend we discovered 'Coupling'. Funniest show I've seen in a long, long time. It was only on for 4 seasons, and we've just now gotten through the first (all 6 episodes). It's like Friends and Seinfeld rolled up but without the annoying parts. Seinfeld brought us 'man-hands', puffy shirts, black & white cookies and Soup Nazi's -- Coupling brings us Practice Kit, Giggle Loops, the Nudity Buffer, and Bi-vegetarians.

Don't confuse it with the craptacular US version. It's airing on BBC-America and it's on DVD. I can't reccoemnd it enough!

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:19 pm
by blacknblue
I have to admit it. The Brits not only have a sense of humor, they also have a sense of irony. Something that most Americans have surgically removed somewhere during their tenth or eleventh year.

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:30 pm
by enterprikayak
Canadian TV is the worst TV in the whole world. You're watching something, and you go "That's Canadian" .... and you're not wrong. You can tell. It has this hideous bush-league stink to it. I dunno why, as we do so much TV business with the Yanks, you'd think we'd have picked up a few tips.

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:41 pm
by Asso
blacknblue wrote:I have to admit it. The Brits not only have a sense of humor, they also have a sense of irony. Something that most Americans have surgically removed somewhere during their tenth or eleventh year.

Doesn't Trip be American? :lol:

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:00 pm
by Linda
Well, we can say that some of Star Trek is great, but the rest of American TV is probably a waste land. I skip all those shows about top models. Ug. I really enjoy many of the British shows - starting with Upstairs, Downstairs years ago. But hey, I have been known to enjoy some of the episodes of The Red Green Show and that is Canadian. Maybe I was only partly lobotomized at age ten? :?

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:49 pm
by blacknblue
She's right. The Red Green show was tv worthy of Monty Python, IMO. It was better than anything put out in the US, that's for sure.

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:36 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Ah, the original UK Coupling! I love it! Absolutely hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol:

My favourite comedy shows are all British - Yes, Minister, Fawlty Towers, Blackadder and of course Monty Python! :thumbsup: Timeless humour!

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:19 am
by CoffeeCat
The only other fandom I've ever written fan fiction in...

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:32 pm
by Mitchell
:? Well when it comes to Comedies, I have to agree "American TV Sucks".

But then I think pretty much all Comedies Suck. :? I much prefir a good TV LAW Drama, Or the Post apocalyptic kind. 8)

The only 2 Comedies Ive ever liked are "Home Improvment", an "Blackadder".
All other comedies needed to be flushed in preproduction. :raspberry:

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:01 pm
by Drogna
I wouldn't say UK TV is that much better over all - we get some pretty awful rubbish. You're just picking out the good stuff.

Interestingly Top Gear is apparently the most highly downloaded show on the planet - I can't remember where I read that. Top Gear probably gets away with more because it's on BBC2. Although there have been some big blow ups in the press when they've pushed things a bit, most recently when they decided to light pipes and smoke on screen. This was just after the UK had introduced a law banning smoking in public buildings, which of course includes TV studios. You are allowed to smoke for "artistic reasons" in plays and dramas but Top Gear doesn't really come under that heading. Jeremy Clarkson has also publicly stated that he'd leave if Top Gear was moved to BBC1 and the current freedom that they have is lost.

Also it's a constant source of annoyance to me that we currently have only two real Sci Fi dramas running on UK TV - Doctor Who, which has a habit of doing sappy endings, and Torchwood, which is just getting good now we're in season two. I watch much more TV from the US partly because there are more sci fi shows. Admittedly I agree that UK TV is historically better at continuity, but some US shows are really getting the hang of this.

Another problem with UK TV is we usually get a run of about 14 episodes in a season, whereas US shows are 20 plus episodes. If you like a show this is definitely a downside.

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:05 am
by Alelou
Drogna wrote:Another problem with UK TV is we usually get a run of about 14 episodes in a season, whereas US shows are 20 plus episodes. If you like a show this is definitely a downside.

But I often wonder if we could enjoy a full season of our favorite show with a lot fewer clunkers if they didn't have to try to produce 22 or more shows on a killer schedule. HBO manages to do some great shows by keeping their seasons shorter.

I've seen some crappy British shows in my day, and that's just among the stuff that gets exported to the US. The Inspector Lynley mysteries started out strong and turned into utter rubbish. And whoever did that most recent adaptation of Persuasion should be taken out and shot, preferably on top of Jane Austen's grave so she could stop rolling over in it.

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:53 pm
by krn
Well, we help out with that Top Gear download business -- but that's the only way for us to get the current shows. BBC-America has gotten better recently for other shows, but it's still a bit behind on Top Gear.

I'm sure there's some Brittish shows that are just rubbish - but it seems like there are more American shows that fall into that catagory.

When I said 3 American shows, I meant Network shows. There is a nice selection on cable - Eureka, Psych (which also cracks me up), BSG and a better part of Discovery/TLC's line up (Mike Rowe anyone?)

Sci-fi does seem to be finding a bigger market here - although I still think some Network Execs still think it's 'nerdy' (and thus makes them not cool) to have Sci-fi in their line up and don't know what to do with it. USA canceling 4400 for example.

Anywho, we're nearly through watching all of Coupling - and I've nearly fallen off the couch several times!

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:37 pm
by Chris
I've been watching Wire in the Blood on DVD. It's an excellent drama (IMO). Anybody else watch it?

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:11 pm
by krn
haven't heard of that one - but i'll put it on the list. thanks!

Re: American TV sucks

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:11 pm
by Chris
Chris wrote:I've been watching Wire in the Blood on DVD. It's an excellent drama (IMO). Anybody else watch it?

krn wrote:haven't heard of that one - but i'll put it on the list. thanks!

I'm watching the second season now, I found it in a used DVD shop. I just ordered the first season. It's not your typical 43 minute or so episodes. They're movie length, and there's about 4 or 5 in each season. The fifth season starts this Sunday April 6th on BBCAmerica if you want to check it out. Hopefully you won't regret my recommendation. :)