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Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:54 am
by TPoptarts
Since I get so many crazy dreams here's a new thread for them just so I won't have to clog up the randomness thread with random stuff like that. (Feel free to share any crazy dreams you might have/had Smile )

So like last night I think that dream was like one of the craziest, it was like the ENT stars had this live stunt show thingy like outside on the promenade, some charity/promotional stuff it was like Archer and Trip and Travis (sorry no T'Bums Razz ) they were dressed in their ENT uniform etc, and they were doing this stunt window-cleaning thingy (don't ask me where the frell that came from Confused Confused Confused Confused I blame the blow to my head Confused ) and like all the people around were like watching and cheering etc. Well it was actually Scott Bakula and Anthony Montgomery but not Connor he couldn't do the gig, so it was like a Trip replacement but the guy obviously didn't look exactly like Trip/CT. I mean like he had the same haircut and all but he was visibly different you could even notice it from the second floor where we were standing. The way I can describe it he was like younger and his face was like thinner and more angular I guess. Totally made all of y'all CT Drool Squad (TM) like totally pissed that you came all the way to LA and CT wasn't even there. Twisted Evil Laughing He did give a good performance though but still.

And then like later Scott Bakula and Anthony Montgomery and Fake Trip had like a press conference thingy and also they posed for like press photos etc, it was a closed event but I managed to sneak in and take photos of them too to post here Twisted Evil they were like posing for all the cameras and stuff. Yep even Fake Trip with his ENT uniform etc posing as if he actually belonged there. Confused Rolling Eyes Kinda like the South Park episode with the Terrance & Phillip "Behind the Blow" thingy that they split and then at their live show they brought a fake American Phillip to replace the real one. Laughing I mean like okay so that dude was playing Trip in the stunt show thingy but still doesn't make him an ENT star Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused

Yep like I said. I blame the head injury. Confused Confused

Oh and here's something for the CT Drool Squad (TM)... why I wouldn't wanna be seen around you in public Confused Razz Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Bad Grin


Re: Dreams

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:04 am
by tennisgirl
Laughing That thing is hilarious.... Guffaw But seriously, Trip Drool ....

At least you had fun dreams, T'Poptarts. That's cool... I've been having really stressful dreams lately. It didn't help that I watched The Silence of the Lambs before going to bed. Shock

Re: Dreams

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:31 am
by Elessar
WHO MADE THAT?! And who are those people supposed to be? I'm afraid I'm feeling like a dunce on this one.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:33 am
by TPoptarts
It's this week's Trek Life comics from

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:15 am
by JadziaKathryn
I actually remembered a dream I had the night before last. The ENT cast were in commercials promoting some kind of cracker. The one I remember most clearly, as it was interrupted by my alarm clock, was with Jolene Blalock in her S1/2 getup saying something about how as a former Vulcan, the crackers made her smile. But it was a series of commercials. Weird, to be sure. I think it's because I ate nuts before bed.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:42 am
by evcake
I used to have a recurring dream when I was in high was about a post-apocalyptic Earth inhabited mostly by adolescents. Influenced by the TOS episode Miri, I think. There were three groups. One was sort of pastoral, raising food, ect. One was violent and destructive, stealing and killing. Between them was a sort of forest area, patroled by the third group, protecting the first. They were called Sneakers, because they all wore worn-out old tennis shoes. I remember when a Sneaker died, he/she was buried under an apple tree.

It still shows up ever now and then. Funny - I hate post-apocalypse stories.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:34 am
by CX
I had a pretty horrible nightmare the other night which I still unfortunately remember. Doubt

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:46 pm
by Bether6074
Yes, I've been having the recurring variety myself of late. Not much fun. Hard to understand what they mean. Confused

I remember Tracy Nelson (Rick Nelson's daughter) saying that her dad came to her in a dream once(after his death). Apparently, he told her that she was sick and needed to go to the doctor. She went and found out that she had Hodgkin's disease. Weird, huh?

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:15 pm
by TPoptarts
I had yet another crazy dream last night :? :? (not that I ever get any sane ones :? ) like I had this cylon poster thingy, then some guy on a motorcycle came and snurched my precious cylon poster. So I chased him like all the way to school and then I beat him up and took my cylon poster back. Then I started to walk home, it was like late and dark and then on my way home I saw Grace Park from BSG she was wearing like big glasses and a scarf on her head like all those actresses who don't want people to recognize them and stuff, and she was walking the same direction I was and then she saw my cylon poster and she started going like "are you stalking me?? Are you stalking me??" etc and I started to explain her I was just walking home, she asks where I live and I explain her like after the hill and 2 roads and the park etc, then I continue walking and she still walks the same direction and I get to the road, so I had to stop before I crossed the road then she caught up with me and again she goes like "are you stalking me, are you stalking me" and I go like dude no, I'm just going home :? and she's like "are you really going home, where's your home" and so again I point the direction and tell her.

Well and then while we were talking we were joined by (you guessed it) a bunch of TriS people. :lol: And Rigil had a sharpie so we started doing like math calculations and stuff like on the wall of some building. :? :? :? :? And then the guy on the motorcycle came back and started to chase everybody so we all ran into someone's house to hide, it was some stranger and then we hid there for a while, then we tried to find the way out but it was a really big house with many people living there, like we were going from one room to another to another and the house just didn't wanna end, and all the people who lived there gave us funny looks and we couldn't find a way out. And we got to the dining room and we just couldn't find a door out. And people were looking at us :? :? and then I go like what the frell let's just use some explossive gel thingy to blow a hole in the wall and get out. And Rigil goes like "woohoo!" in a Homer Simpson voice. :lol: And then we blew a hole in the wall. Well and that's it. :? :?

Re: Dreams

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 3:45 am
by Distracted
Now that sounds like the makings of a story. :lol:

Rigil would probably like it. It's got blowing shit up in it. 8)

Re: Dreams

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 3:56 am
by evcake
Carl Jung used to have dreams in which he discovered rooms in his house that he had no knowledge of. Supposedly, the rooms represent different aspects of oneself. :)

Re: Dreams

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:38 am
by Elessar
I have all kinds of cooky dreams. I'll have to post them right after I wake up so I can remember them.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:11 am
by TPoptarts
I used to go to a "school for gifted" (nothing to do with the X-Men though... I was like the only "mutant" there :? ) which was like a regional school for the kids who scored at the top 1-2% of the IQ tests or something like that, and like we could actually pick our classes from the curriculum which was like a combination of regular school subjects at advanced levels and extracurricular subjects. And one of the classes I took there was like dream interpretation. And the homework for that class was always to keep a notebook and a pen by your bed and write all the dreams in it like as soon as you wake up even like in the middle of the night.

Well and the thing is I just get so many dreams that are actually like premonitions and stuff :? :? :? :? so like I'd write a dream down and then like a few days or weeks or whatever later it would actually happen. :? :? :? And then I had the notebook with the whole thing written and date stamped in it. Which of course I never showed anyone because they already thought I was like totally frelled up. Well I am like totally frelled up. But that's not the point. :? :? :? :? But like anyway after a while I just started leaving like space after every dream I put down in my notebook. And then when stuff happened like in reality I'd write it down in the space next to its dream and date stamp it. That notebook was like totally creepy to look at :? :? :? :? :? :?

Re: Dreams

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:14 am
by Elessar
I had a dream last night, sort of combined between like, I went to a school that was in the basement of a 90 story building and it was like the X-Men school in some way, like weird kids being kept safe from the public... but we didn't have super poweres, lol. But I found a series of secret rooms in this big white room, there was an outlining of a white "T" in the paint on the wall (only to me, nobody else could see it) and I'd press my hand to the wall in the T and it would recess and then expand and allow us to walk in, and then when we walked in it would close up and it looked from the outside like it squished you but there was a large room on the inside. I don't know what happened inside the room, but the story somehow transitioned from that, to these little short guys who worked in that 90 story building. They were really short and bald and ugly -- sort of like a mix between Ferengi, Oompa Loompas, and the alien from "The Corbormite Maneuver". They worked in the building and the only humans who worked in the building were secretaries - all of of whom were gorgeous blonde women who looked a lot like Yvette Mimeux from 1960's The Time Machine (she was Weena). They were apparently very tyrannical little creatures, because my dad had tried to kill the head one on the 90th floor but failed, and somehow that landed him working for them on like the 9th floor. So I went up to see him at work one day - and here's the most fucked up part of this. The elevator in this building, all the way up to the 90th floor, was this ... rickety ass mine-shaft like bucket with a wooden bottom like a studio apartment lift in those hipster urbanite neighborhoods. It said "1 person only" on the wooden bottom. When I stopped to see my dad, he was like seeing me off on my mission, to kill the head creature thing on the 90th level. I was taking only my 12 inch KABAR knife. I remember getting up to the top and seeing the super-hot secretary, but I don't remember what happened next.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:50 am
by TPoptarts
Whoa dude what did you eat before you went to bed?? :shock: Cool dream 8)