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Beauty and the Beast

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:52 pm
by Silverbullet
This new thread may last only a brief time as it concerns a series of some time ago.

The Original series featured Ron Perlman as Vincent and Linda Hamilton as Catherine.

Two characters who could easily fall in to the "Star crossed lovers" category (ala Trip and t'Pol)

I always thought that Vincent was a very original and interesting character.

since this series happened some time ago my memory will be a bit murky on it.

I was never sure if Vincent was from a different species or if he was half Human an dhalf Lion or what.

At the start of the series it seemed to be a "will they or won't they" and in a while it became a "When they will" series.

I always believed the writing to be very good for the series. As opposed to some of the stuff that passes for writing these days.

I was so disappointed when Linda Hamilton decided to leave the series. Her departure gutted the series.

A new female was brought on board as Vincent's Love interest but she didn't seem to work out.

The continuation of the series had a bad guy who kept Catherine alive long enough for her to deliver her baby (Vincent being the father) and then he let her die. After that the series concerned Vincents efforts to get his son from the bad guy. Unfortunately it was not enough.

Vincent and Catherine were the heart and soul of the series and when that was torn apart the series could not last.

I am not sure how this remake is going to pan out. will it be a completely new series with a different thrust or will it repeat the original series in toto?


Re: Beauty and the Beast

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:43 pm
by Distracted
Oh, don't get me started. The writers of the original series got so angry with Linda when she left, but she was pregnant at the time and couldn't keep up with the grueling shooting schedules. So instead of phasing her out gracefully, maybe by having the character move away so that Vincent could poetically pine for her until they could find an actress to replace her (or until the actress could have her baby and regain her health so she could come back) they killed the character off in the most emotionally traumatizing manner possible. Can you imagine being two months pregnant with morning sickness and having to use the last few film hours you'd promised to fulfill your contract to play an imprisoned pregnant woman who dies immediately after giving birth? Talk about a valentine from the writers.

I can think of at least a half dozen ways they could have continued the series that would have at least given Linda a season's break and another half-dozen that would have enabled them to gracefully end it without ruining the Vincent/Catherine fairytale even if Linda wasn't coming back. But no. GRRRRRRMartin was too money hungry to do that.

If anybody's interested in reading fanfic on the subject, try here: The Steam Tunnels (Warning: Adults Only!)
or here: Winterfest 2012
or just check out this index:

Re: Beauty and the Beast

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:04 am
by Silverbullet
Yeah, when they want to punish an Actor they can find ways ando be mean.

Still we had a few seasons of our second favorite couple.


Re: Beauty and the Beast

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:56 pm
by Distracted
Here's another fanfic link. Couldn't find it before: