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Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:40 am
by TPoptarts
I just don't get it Confused like what's so "cool" or whatever about drinking alcohol. Why is it supposed to be such a frelling "good time". Why according to society the only way to have fun is like party or "have a drink" (or sex but that's like a totally different story, don't get me started Confused ). And why in all hells do people have to be like totally irresponsible about it instead of putting a limit to themselves when they know very well they've had too much!!!! And why if someone doesn't drink and doesn't wanna that means they're like weirdos and there's something wrong with them Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused

So like Saturday night there were so many people here who were like totally wasted, I don't mean buzzed or whatever they really were wasted, throwing up everywhere even in their beds, then just sleeping all soaked in their frelling puke Confused Upchuck Boom was so wasted screaming about cockroaches and other stuff that didn't make any sense, another chick had to help her walk cuz she was like bumping into walls and stuff she could barely stand, well not that the other chick was any less wasted, after she helped Boom get to her room she did a nose-dive on the floor Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes and the chicks from my room too

Well the teacher took me and that chick from my room and her friend from another room to dinner, the teacher had like wine but the rest of us couldn't drink, so then after dinner the teacher went and bought 3 bottles of champagne, for herself and the 2 other chicks. Yep school teacher buying booze for underage people (they're like 18 & 20) Confused Confused and they kept trying to get me to drink and party with them. After I told them like a million times I don't drink alcohol and I don't party. Because I really, really don't like it and that's it. Case closed. And they keep saying like "oh, but you gotta have fun sometimes, it's okay to drink just a little, you're young you have to party" and all that stuff, dude get a frelling clue, I.DON'T.LIKE.IT. I don't have to, and I don't frelling want to. I think it's like totally gross and just the smell makes me wanna puke. And I'm perfectly capable of "having fun" it's just that partying and drinking and having sex are nowhere near my definition of "fun". Why don't people frelling get it already. Mad Evil or Very Mad Rolling Eyes

So they each had a bottle of champagne and each got like totally wasted, Ms. Teacher says "oh that's just because I'm allergic to sulphites", well who told you to drink a whole frelling bottle of it then. And those chicks were like bumping into walls, humping my friend (who's an alcoholic so he's wasted all the time anyway) what the frell. So many wasted people who just can't control themselves. And well I just don't get it, how come people are just so irresponsible, like they're older than me and stuff and they can't control themselves, how come I can be responsible and they can't?? And what the frell is the deal with foul smelling, horribly tasting drinks that make people throw up anyway. I mean like okay if people enjoy it go ahead, I just wish they'd get it into their skulls that no one really has to. It's my frelling choice and there's nothing wrong with it Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:47 am
by evcake
Geez. Confused Is there anywhere else you can work for room and board?

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:54 am
by TPoptarts
Probably but not in this area, and if I move I won't be able to keep my other job because I can't drive Confused but those other places are probably just as bad with the alcohol and stuff anyway. Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:00 am
by evcake
Dang. Sad

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:04 am
by TPoptarts
But seriously what's the deal with alcohol. I just don't get it. Confused

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:06 am
by enterprikayak
Your situation is very screwed up right now.

Write it all down and then turn it into something later.

And in the meantime, keep chatting here, like you are....instead of puking it up with your loser cellmates/teachers.

You poor monkey!

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:23 am
by TPoptarts
Heh. To them I'm the loser. Because well everybody else does it and I don't, so I'm a freak. I just don't see the point. Confused Confused What's so fun about it??

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:41 am
by CX
The "fun" part is that by getting drunk, they have an excuse to do stupid shit, because anything bad or stupid they do is in their minds just something to laugh off because they were "sooo smashed..." Rolling Eyes A lot of teens like to drink because they think it makes them more mature, since alcohol is supposed to be only for adults. It doesn't help that there's a huge stigma with alcohol either.

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:16 pm
by prisocisor
Alcohol is chemical care-remover..

Some people drink to "loosen up", some to forget about how crappy their lives are... and guess what? It works great!

That IS: until you wake up the next morning and realise what an idiot you were the night before; and, not only does your life still suck, but, you can now live with the guilt/shame/embarrassment of how you conducted yourself... until your next drink Wink

I've had enough of a bitter-sweet relationship to write a song about it:

Good luck T'Poptarts...

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:02 pm
by Rigil Kent
prisocisor wrote:Alcohol is chemical care-remover..

Heh. Well stated.

There is also the family aspect to take into account. Some people drink because everyone in their family drinks. My family, for example, was a bunch of alcoholics while I was growing up. By tenth grade, I was regularly getting drunk with my cousins over the weekend. I honestly don't remember much from 11th grade because I was generally inebriated in some fashion. That ended when I woke up on a Monday 200 miles away from home in someone's house whom I barely knew after a four-day weekend that I have no memory of. To this day, I drink only in moderation (the very occasional rum-related drink...

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:33 pm
by evcake
enterprikayak wrote:Your situation is very screwed up right now.

Write it all down and then turn it into something later.

And in the meantime, keep chatting here, like you are....instead of puking it up with your loser cellmates/teachers.

You poor monkey!

What she said.

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:54 pm
by hth2k
Alcoholic beverages have different attractions for different people.

Some, many in fact, drink to excess. Whether as an escape from reality or to fit in with a group or other reasons. Some use it as a crutch to bear a difficult or mundane existance.
Some use it to allow them to shed thier inhibitions.

Some simply like the taste. I enjoy various types of "adult" beverages, scotch, burbon, tawny ports, dark beer, etc. I rarely have more than one or two drinks over several hours as I do not enjoy the effects of too much alcohol. A glass of wine with a meal can be quite nice.

Some simply are curious about the forbidden fruit and don't know how to handle it. Some simply want to become inebriated.

It was never forbidden in our home when I was young and my family let me taste so I knew something about it from an early age. My parents did not drink to excess and neither did most of the family. Perhaps that has something to do with it.

Various medical puplications British Lancet and NEJM have oublished articles showing the beneficial effects of moderate consumption. Perhaps it is not a simply black and white issue.
Abuse of any substance is not a good thing, but very few things are completely bad. Water in excess can kill one foolish enough to consume large quantities in a short time.

Consider if you will that like most things, moderation is good practice.


This post was not created by 1 million monkeys playing with keyboards simultaniously, we could only find one.

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:16 pm
by TPoptarts
CX wrote:A lot of teens like to drink because they think it makes them more mature, since alcohol is supposed to be only for adults. It doesn't help that there's a huge stigma with alcohol either.

Heh. That's gotta be like the most immature thing ever like to do stuff just because it's considered grown-up territory. There's a reason for minimum age and that reason is exactly that people are that immature Confused Confused Confused well not that adults are any less reckless and irresponsible though. Because they do all that frelling stupid dren too. I propose a whole new system for allowing people to drink... like a complete psychological evaluation before they can get an alcohol card Razz Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Well and then probably the only people who would be allowed to drink alcohol would be people who moderate themselves well or don't drink at all like me (hell I can barely even bring myself to drink natural grape juice because the smell is so similar to wine Confused ). And the alcohol industry would like totally go out of business. Twisted Evil MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:35 pm
by TPoptarts
hth2k wrote:Abuse of any substance is not a good thing, but very few things are completely bad. Water in excess can kill one foolish enough to consume large quantities in a short time.

Yeah but then again water isn't like "forbidden" until a certain age (or downright illegal like drugs), and doesn't have like a stigma of either "maturity" or "fun" like all the stuff that's involved with alcohol in modern society and its frelling idiotic decorums that point at stuff like moderation or abstinence or aversion as "bad" and "weird" and "anti-social" Rolling Eyes

Re: Alcohol

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:01 pm
by CX
T'Poptarts wrote:Heh. That's gotta be like the most immature thing ever like to do stuff just because it's considered grown-up territory. There's a reason for minimum age and that reason is exactly that people are that immature Confused Confused Confused well not that adults are any less reckless and irresponsible though.

It's right up there with sex actually. I'd say it's second only to irresponsible sex and it's for the exact same reasons.

As for being "weird" if you don't drink, it's like anything else with the "in" crowd, or whatever is considered "normal" by a large enough group of people. Personally don't think drinking to excess is "normal", but apparently a lot of people around here think so, because a lot of people around here drink specifically to get drunk, and don't see the point of not drinking to get drunk, whereas I have never been drunk because I always stop after just a bottle or two. For me it's only for special occasions and even then it's a social thing.