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Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:45 am
by Asso
You are right, but - please, don't take this wrong - your question resounds... dark., and I believe that every thought we have is a mirror of our own feelings. But enough, now, otherwise it could sound I am a futile controversialist. I select the first choice, because pain ceases, sooner or later, and pain is something with which all of us must confront.

A steep, but short, ascent or a sweet, but long, descent? (I hope I'm capable of displaying the figurative sense of my question).

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:30 am
by evcake
Downhill for me, please. 8)

Q: What's worse, pooping in your evsuit or coming back from Risa in your underoos?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:24 am
by Aquarius

Uh, the poop in the EV suit is DEFINITELY worse!! Coming back in your Underoos from Risa--everyone will just assume you had a REALLY GOOD TIME!!! :p

What's Worse: being chased on foot by Borg, or being chased on foot by a Horta?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:03 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Aquarius wrote:What's Worse: being chased on foot by Borg, or being chased on foot by a Horta?

The Horta are quicker. I've never seen a Borg run. So Horta it is.

Q: What's worse, being captured by Hirogens or Vidiians?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:29 pm
by blacknblue
Vidiians. Hirogens like to hunt. They might agree to give you a head start, and maybe even a weapon to make it sporting.

What's worse, trust betrayed or unrequited love?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:43 pm
by Asso
For me the answer is simple. Trust betrayed... is on the agenda.
Unrequited love... well... maybe it, too, is on the agenda, but it hurts much more.

Fear of the unknown. Or an unknown fear?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:24 am
by blacknblue
I am not sure I understand the concept of an unknown fear. we really are getting philosophical, aren't we? I would have to say fear of the unknown. As long as I understand the risks involved in something, even if the odds are not good, I can handle it. Not knowing what is going on drives me nuts.

If we are getting into deep waters then, how about this? Which is worse, security without freedom or freedom without security?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:19 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
blacknblue wrote:If we are getting into deep waters then, how about this? Which is worse, security without freedom or freedom without security?

Security without freedom is worse. At least with freedom without security I have some control over my own destiny.

Q: What is worse, living in the Matrix or living in the Matrix knowing you're living in the Matrix, i.e. taking the blue pill or the red pill?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:37 am
by Aquarius
Wow, that's really a "glass half empty/glass half full" question, isn't it?

Further complicated that regardless, I just wanna know where the hell the rest of my drink went!

I guess I would go along with the "ignorance is bliss" sentiment and say that the worst option is living in the Matrix and knowing it.

What's worse: fear of Borg assimilation, or fear of being in a compartment that decompressed?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:03 am
by JadziaKathryn
Aquarius wrote:What's worse: fear of Borg assimilation, or fear of being in a compartment that decompressed?
I have to go with the decompression fear, because it's more likely to happen. And pretty much everyone would be afraid of being assimilated, too.

Which is worse: a blind date with Neelix or being subject to one of Phlox's new animal cures?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:59 pm
by Lady Rainbow
the blind date. At least Phlox's cure might be good for something, and if it doesn't go well, at least I'm in Sickbay. :lol:

Q: Being a Q or being a Borg?

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:42 pm
by evcake
Lady Rainbow wrote:the blind date. At least Phlox's cure might be good for something, and if it doesn't go well, at least I'm in Sickbay. :lol:

Q: Being a Q or being a Borg?

Being a Q. The Borg don't have free will. Or will of any kind.

Q.: Which is worse, having to listen to the Captain's gazelle speech or having him yell in your face (from a distance of what looks to me to be about 6 inches.)

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:36 am
by blacknblue
The yelling is worse. You can nap during the speech. And I would have to smack him during the yelling, which would put me in the brig, where I doubt the rations are the best.

Oops. Almost forgot. Uh....

Which is worse, losing everything you own and living destitute but keeping your pride? Or being rich but having to sacrifice your self-respect to do it?

Don't answer quickly if you have never actually been broke. It ain't a bit fun. I really ain't.

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:57 am
by Aquarius
Well, I think I'm qualified to answer this since I quit my job at a hostile work environment and basically became an independent contractor. I now have the least amount of money I've had in my life, I can't make half my bills, but my clientele is growing, and I have my self-respect because I don't have a jackass boss telling me what's what.

So the worst of the two is being rich and having to sacrifice my self-respect...though I DO NOT have the experience of having been rich to know if it's really all that bad or not. :wink:

What's worse: having the electricity go out during a storm, or the phones? (And no, you can't say "Well I have a cell phone, so..." Assume it doesn't work, either.)

Re: What's Worse?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:34 am
by Alelou
Oh, definitely going without electricity is worse. Especially if you're on a well and that means no more water. Double especially if you don't have an alternative source of heat and it's winter.

What's worse: Forcing yourself to eat something you hate in order to be polite, or offending your host?