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Re: What are you...

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:46 am
by justTripn
I LOVE the way Aeryn looks. There is one beautiful woman I don't hate. Farscape is amazing. I'm going through it very slowly, and it sure is rewarding. Like no other show. Very original, very imaginative. During each episode, I am lost in another world. Can't recommend Farscape strongly enough.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:56 am
by TPoptarts
FARSCAPE :mrgreen: :hug: :happyjump: Farscape is awesome. It's so fun and crazy and hilarious it's kinda like a space parody sometimes. And its vocabulary is like way funner than BSG. :twisted: :p :mrgreen: :twisted: And the DRDs are so adorable. :hug: :hug: I think the DRDs should get their own spinoff show. Hey maybe I'll make one :twisted: :badgrin: :mrgreen:

Re: What are you...

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:32 am
by TPoptarts
Eating: some really salty crackers my mother made. And I mean like REALLY salty. Like sodium OD in every bite. Ouch my mouth and my throat burn. :? :? :? :?

Dude like what was my mother thinking sending me stuff so salty. I mean like I'm the kinda person who doesn't even put salt like on popcorn or salad or whatever. :? :roll: I'm just really hungry and it's too late to cook and I ate all the chocolate. :? :(

Re: What are you...

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:04 am
by Elessar
TPoptarts wrote:FARSCAPE :mrgreen: :hug: :happyjump: Farscape is awesome. It's so fun and crazy and hilarious it's kinda like a space parody sometimes. And its vocabulary is like way funner than BSG. :twisted: :p :mrgreen: :twisted: And the DRDs are so adorable. :hug: :hug: I think the DRDs should get their own spinoff show. Hey maybe I'll make one :twisted: :badgrin: :mrgreen:

DRDs are awesome. They're like tons of tiny R2D2's only they don't get chicks... but they make up for it in their usefulness :D

What was the number that Crighton referred to by name that he introduced to his dad?

One of the things that i liked most about Farscape was that for once we got to see the wonder in peoples' eyes - as well as the paranoia, the horror, and the fear - of a real live human first-contact. And the kind where the whole world finds out about it and how to deal with all that media attention. It was ballsy.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:19 am
by TPoptarts
I want a pet DRD :hug:

Re: What are you...

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:49 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Elessar wrote:What was the number that Crighton referred to by name that he introduced to his dad?

1812, since John Crichton had been playing Tschaikowsky's "Ouverture 1812" when he got to know that DRD.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:25 pm
by Entilzha
Just finished watching BSG:Razor. It kicked ass :D

Re: What are you...

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 10:37 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley

The dirctor's cut of the first Alien movie, plus all the extra material.

And I'm about to start with Aliens.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:51 pm
by Chris
Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:...watching?

The dirctor's cut of the first Alien movie, plus all the extra material.

And I'm about to start with Aliens.

Aliens: Love that movie!!!!!!!! :D Ripley kicks butt. My fav. line- "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU BITCH!!!!!

Re: What are you...

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:20 am
by Entilzha
Just finished watching Man From Earth it was very very good :thumbsup: .John Billingsley is in it.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:13 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Chris wrote:Aliens: Love that movie!!!!!!!! :D Ripley kicks butt. My fav. line- "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU BITCH!!!!!

I like Hudson's lines! :biggrin:

Hey, maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal!

Game over, man! Game over!

Re: What are you...

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:54 pm
by Linda
Just saw the latest Harry Potter movie with my daughter and kids. Yeah, I know it came out in July...but we are more readers than movie goers, LOL. I was in line at midnight the day the last book went on sale last summer and got copies for myself and the grandkids! 8)

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:42 am
by evcake
Reading some of A Rhea King's Enterprise stories over on Fascinating, but is there a chronology of these somewhere? It would be nice to read them in order.
I especially like the chicken. :lol:

Oops, that would be the Warp 5 Complex.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:01 am
by Emberchyld
Watching: Enterprise while knitting the gauge swatch for my second ever knitting project (a knit corset:,1,6583822.story). Trek and knitting go really well together, for some reason.

But I've learned why so many people hate acrylic yarn-- it squeaks on the needles and scratches my fingers!

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:12 am
by Reanok
Just finished watching Azati prime ,Damage and The Forgotten one of the best trip episodes dealing with Trip's loss of his sister at last with T'Pol's help. I love the scene with him and T'Pol at the very end.