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Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:39 am
by TSara
blackn'blue wrote:Rigil has started two new fics on his livejournal page at Right now the site is down due to a power failure. But both of them are great fics, IMO. The second one is particularly good I think. He is experimenting on the second one with doing it the way I, and some others, do it by not working with an outline. On that fic he is just making it up as he goes. Which for Rigil is a real leap of faith. The result is something remarkable. It really pulses with life.

Ah ok.

I don't use an outline either...maybe that's why I'm stuck figuring out where to go next.


Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:08 am
by Mitchell
Cool Well I think I have the right to complain about fuel prices KTR.
Uhhhhhhg!! Not one of our 250@+ gallon Diesel fuel tanks have been filled since last winter. Its to damn expensive all at once to fill them up. So weve been runnin back an forth to the fuel station once, an sometimes twice a week to fill our lil 150gallon tank thats in the back of our farm truck.
Sad All that time without any fuel in those tanks, is gona cause a lot of rusting. Rolling Eyes Gona go through a few fuel filters once we do get the chance to fill them up again.

Oh the local price of fuel. Gas Regular is bout $3.00, an the more important-Diesel is also at $3.00. Sad

As to all the political hub bub. Confused Well Ill just say, that it hasnt been just work thats been keepin me away from the bbs lately. Very Happy Ive been more then tempted to Speak my mind freely, way to much, every time Ive checked this place out over the past week. So Ive been playin it safe. An keepin my mouth zipped up. Laughing

As for the Character stuff. Laughing I think I have come out a few times an Said "I just hate Him" (archer). Mainly cause it gets pretty tiring listing every misstake done, an wrong lesson learned by that Nitwitted, Dunder head of a Capn. I mean come on. Laughing Theirs only like two Episodes out of the whole series ware I think he didnt come off as both a complete Arse, :cough: an Moron :cough: .

Oh drat! There I went again. Cool Oh well.

Anywhos,, we obviously need some boundaries.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:13 am
by tennisgirl
[rant] Banghead Freaking stupid MSN Messenger trojan/virus/pain-the-neck... BangheadI'm going insane here... BangheadMy computer's in pain! I'm in pain!... BangheadFreaking virus creators...[/rant]

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:19 am
by evcake
My sympathies, it sounds agonizing. Is this a new one?

Re: Rigil's site. Still down. Dang - I really want to read this new story.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:27 am
by Bether6074
I hope Rigil comes back too. He's an important part of this community. I just wanted to be sure he was okay.

I didn't ever mean to complain about the gas prices. I was just curious. Sounds like it's a whole lot cheaper here in the USA. Shock

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:33 am
by CoffeeCat
KTR wrote:One can easily say the same to those that get upset over negative comments on fictional characters. They don't exist!

I actually made the exact same comment in my LJ a few days ago - the character is FICTIONAL - you can't hurt his feelings. And I might even argue that my favorite Voyager character is bashed a lot and it doesn't bother me in the least because I've accepted a long time ago that what I like, some people don't and a lot of them have legitimate reasons for not liking said character.

I think sometimes people are a little too sensitive about the issue.


But I also think JK and evcake had a good point - it's still not a character bashing board, it's a TnT board and I don't think it's wise to go trolling every thread where the character is brought up just to say "look at me! I hate the frakker! he's an ass-monkey" - and I've seen this done several times.

I also think the word "troll" needs to be defined here, considering it's used a lot by the mods and people here don't seem to really understand what it means:

From wikipedia - "a troll is someone who intentionally posts messages about sensitive topics constructed to cause controversy in an online community"

If a person is having a pleasant, positive conversation in a thread about a character you hate, just let them unless you have something legitimate to add to the conversation. If there isn't anything legit you can add, there are other threads where you can share your opinion in a less harmful way.

I think the same thing can be said about certain fics that you don't like, but others do. As well as TGTMD. (I'm not a TGTMD gusher and I tend to agree with the people who think it's overrated, but I don't go shoving it in people's faces every chance I get - I have better things to do - like write parodies about the characters I hate and bash *the_abomination* in my fic)

evcake wrote:I hope the reluctant author will join us. We're harmless. Well, I am, anyway. Honestly. Really. Laughing

Well, I friended her of LJ so it doesn't bother me either way. She has other fandoms that she writes in and I don't think she's done any ENT. lately.

But I do hope Rigil comes back - he thinks very differently from a lot of people here and someone's got to keep us on our toes.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:52 am
by evcake
I had a good point? I may have to sit down - no wait, I'm already sitting down. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Thanks for the infos, Coffee Cat. Smile

Of course, if I become giddy, I might pelt people with gumdrops... Laughing Laughing Laughing

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:50 am
by Emberchyld
Writing a fic right now that won't leave me alone even though I neeeeeeed to sleep.

And my space bar is half broken. Ack.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:46 am
by TPoptarts
Just heard the news: Obi's stupid friend Grievous is leaving on the 1st Mr. Green Mr. Green (she hated Obi when she was in her room... now they dumped that tralk back in my room and they're suddenly attached at the frelling hip again Confused and she keeps coming into our room as if she like owns it or something and it's like a frelling train station Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad )

Too early to actually say "good riddance" but... happy thoughts happy thoughts Very Happy

Bah happy thoughts my big fat ass. Confused Confused Confused 1 down... 60 to go??... Confused Confused Confused Confused

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:28 am
by CX
Feul is more expensive in Europe because they have higher taxes on pretty much everything to pay for the semi-socialist systems they have over there. So I'll continue to complain about high gas prices thank you very much. Mr. Green

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:39 am
by panyasan
Not to mention the green tax on fuel, because of global warming. But really my government is trying to get my country men out of their cars and into public transport by raising prices and taxes, because we live with our 16 milj. in one of the most populated area of the world and we spend a lot of time in traffic jams. But no one want to say good bye to their car.. Confused, including me. Mr. Green

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:42 am
by CX
They're trying the same thing here, forgetting of course that outside of the cities that public transportation is non-existant and that carpooling is impractical.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:40 pm
by TSara
CX wrote:They're trying the same thing here, forgetting of course that outside of the cities that public transportation is non-existant and that carpooling is impractical.

Shoot....sometimes carpooling isn't practical IN THE CITIES!

For example.....I live closer to Baltimore but work outside of DC. That's 70 miles away. Shock

Not many people take the route I take....and those that do work a completely different schedule from me.

The office where I work is 16 miles from the closest Metro stop....the line literally ends on the main road headed into work.

It's so expensive to live down in the areas around DC that more and more people are commuting into work because they can't afford to live near the city.

Yet the big wigs in Washington who have the neverending paychecks it seems can't see past the tip of their noses and see that the cost of living/ piss poor public transportation are the reasons why more people don't car pool/ use the system.


Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:25 pm
by Reanok
Rigils Live Journal site is back up. great stories and hope he'll return soon.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:11 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
CX wrote:Feul is more expensive in Europe because they have higher taxes on pretty much everything to pay for the semi-socialist systems they have over there.

Quite true! I think that 2/3 of the Swedish gas prices actually are taxes. It's even so weird that we have special taxes for the fuel, and then we have the sales tax (VAT) calculated from the gas prices plus the specail gas taxes - in other words, we're taxing the taxes! WTF Mad

CX wrote:They're trying the same thing here, forgetting of course that outside of the cities that public transportation is non-existant and that carpooling is impractical.

Exactly! Look at Sweden. We're a very big country but with few people (9 million), which means a lot of us must have a car regardless of public transportation.