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Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:22 pm
by Jedikatie
Let's see, I pretty much dreamed a significant portion of my freshman year of high school in about 7th or 8th grade. That was really weird. And I can remember dreaming about going to the local bookstore to buy a particular Star Trek book (where I'd gone and done that many, many times before, admittedly) and then getting the chills like a year later or so, when I realized that 'oh, this is that time from the dream...'

Also there's the time I dreamt about our neighbor, Carl. He showed up, oddly enough, in a dream where my brother and I and our cousin Shawn were down at my grandma's house (though it wasn't also, because there was a cornfield next to it in the dream, and there's actually the town fire station next door in reality). He talked to us for a few minutes, and I remember saying goodbye to him. About an hour and half or so later, his son and daughter-in-law stopped by to tell us that Carl had died a short time before.

Or if you want spooky, there's the time when my grandma was dying. I'd known she was dying for several months, and was expecting it really at any time. Well, my Mom and I went down to visit her after I got off work from the library and Mom from school, and as we drove into the town (Grandma was at home for her final days), I told Mom that I wouldn't say goodbye to her when we left, because if I did, I knew I would never see her alive again. When it came time to leave a couple of hours later, I got up and said, "Goodbye Grandma, I love you," and then I was practically in tears as we drove out of town because I knew I wouldn't see her again, not alive anyway. Two days later, she died. I was sleeping in my parents' room that night (they were down at grandma's) because the phone is in there. Well, around about 3:20 in the morning, it rang. I picked it up and said hello, but there was no one on the other end. Just the hiss of an open line. I said hello several times, but no response. Not even the sound of someone breathing. And when I hung up, I knew Grandma was gone, and crying, I went back to my own room and eventually got about an hour or so of sleep before my parents came home around 6:30 am. My Mom told me that Grandma had died, and I said, "I know." I asked her if she tried to call us when Grandma died, and Mom said no. And I asked her when she died, and Mom told me about 3:10 in the morning, though they had to wait for the paramedic (it's a volunteer fire department, and the dispatch is run through a city some 17 miles away, even though the building is right next door--no one ever is there 24/7) to arrive several minutes later to declare her dead... so I figure around the time I got the call was about the time she was declared dead.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:42 pm
by Bether6074
Wow. That is kind of creepy. Don't think I've ever had any dreams with premonitions in them. I have had a sense of deja vu, though. Weird.

Has anyone seen Rigil around lately? Just curious.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:48 pm
by Jedikatie
He's had a lot going on in RL, and there was some stuff online that kind of pissed him off, so he's taking a break for a bit rather than subject us to a really bad mood was what he told me when I asked him last week.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:52 pm
by CX
That's probably ok, he has school stuff to concentrate on now anyway.

Wished I knew what'd pissed him off though. Confused

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:54 pm
by TPoptarts
^ Probably me. I tend to piss everyone off. Confused

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:55 pm
by CX

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 5:46 am
by Bether6074
^^It was probably all of the discussions that were going on about gun control and gay marriage etc.etc. Just a theory.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:46 am
by CX
Probably. Like I said before, a Trek board really isn't the place for a political discussion.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:08 pm
by Jedikatie
No, it isn't. Especially since the people on this board tend to run the gamut from left to right in the political spectrum, and you're just going to cause bad blood between people at some point. Which is why I didn't take part in that discussion. Nor do I think that thread (or a thread about any other hot button topic) should have been started in the first place.

If you want to talk about politics or those kind of issues, there's plenty of other places to do it. But I, for one, get all the political spin I can stand from TV and radio, thanks, I don't need it here. I've never had a desire to take part in TrekBBS's TNZ either, and I've seen the fallout from the arguments from the 'no holds barred, anything goes' discussions they have there spill over into other forums on that board (in spite of their decree that 'what happens in the TNZ, stays in the TNZ'), with those who utterly disagree with each other taking every opportunity to snipe at the other and worse. There's been any number of MA threads (at least before they went to this new system) just based on that crap over there because certain individuals just won't acknowledge that the other side has a right to their opinion as well, even if it disagrees with their own.

As for Rigil's reasons for not being around, that's his business. There's no need to speculate on it. If he wants everyone to know the exact cause for why he's taking a break, he'll share it, if he doesn't, he won't. Simple as that.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:12 pm
by Bether6074
You are right, of course. It is his business. Sorry.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:59 pm
by CoffeeCat
My 2 cents - political threads are baits for people with strong political opinions and I think it's a big temptation for some of us when such a thread appears. I think it's wise to take away the temptation here.

Also - Elessar had a good idea by posting some board rules, that way we know what to expect of the mods and what the mods expect of us.

However, I don't mean to be so blatant about this, but I want to speak my mind with the belief that you'll consider and listen to what I have to say on this subject and not take it as an insult because that's not what it's intended to be.

It seems to be rather hypocritical to forbid people from such a silly thing as "Character bashing" but won't bother to ban political and religious debate when the first topic in dispute (said characters that we bash) has more to do with the topic of fan fiction in the first place. I don't care if you forbid the first, but I think it was a real oversight to allow the other topics as well. I also think it was wrong to delete a post and then announce to the forum that said post was deleted and the poster was "trolling". A moderator should just delete the post. period. And if the poster asks why, PM them and tell them nicely.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 5:47 pm
by Jedikatie
Well, I wasn't involved with the posts that were deleted or stating that someone was trolling, and never actually saw either. I only know that it happened from one of the parties involved. So I can't speak for that, I suggest you talk to Elessar about it if you want to know his reasoning behind it.

Likewise, I had nothing to do with the current rules for the board. Elessar came up with those as well. The character bashing rule, however, that you find rather silly was put into place after a rather nasty incident a few months ago involving a couple of board members, which I had tried to resolve peacefully within the thread itself, but one of the parties involved just wouldn't let it go and move on. So the rule went into effect. Basically it's because there are people here who do like certain characters (such as Archer) that others utterly despise, and there was a prevailing attitude, at the time the rule was instituted, that had gone on for some time in which those who hated Archer constantly bashed him and basically made those who liked him feel as though they weren't welcome here. The one who wouldn't let it go transferred from going after that poster to me, in fact, when I spoke quite reasonably in the thread about tolerance for others' points of view.

Personally, I would gladly ban political/religious debate altogether from this site, but it's not my call. I don't own the domain name, Elessar does, therefore it's his call what is and isn't allowed on the site. As I said, I saw plenty of examples of what kind of behavior that sort of discussion can cause over at TrekBBS. And it's still going on over there, in spite of their rules, in spite of the warnings and the bans the offenders (who have repeated the offense many, many times) have received.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 5:54 pm
by evcake
Sigh. It's easy to get sucked in. Especially for a compulsive information seeker like me. Note to self.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:08 pm
by CoffeeCat
Jedikatie wrote:The character bashing rule, however, that you find rather silly was put into place after a rather nasty incident a few months ago involving a couple of board members, which I had tried to resolve peacefully within the thread itself, but one of the parties involved just wouldn't let it go and move on. So the rule went into effect. Basically it's because there are people here who do like certain characters (such as Archer) that other utterly despise, and there was a prevailing attitude, at the time the rule was instituted, that had gone on for some time in which those who hated Archer constantly bashed him and basically made those who liked him feel as though they weren't welcome here.

I don't like the Captain. But if I made anyone feel that way, I'm sorry.

I think part of the problem is that people don't know when to let an issue drop and sometimes we tend to think our personal opinions are better then everyone else's and because of that we don't listen to each other, but at the same time expect others to listen to us and embrace our own personal beliefs.

Maybe the rules should focus on our attitudes instead of conversation topics.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:20 pm
by evcake
When I first got here, I thought it was a site devoted to hating Archer. Very Happy