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Re: Randomness

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:19 pm
by Distracted
I told my husband about thirty seconds into that Bones episode that it was a pilot for a spinoff. They turned Booth into an idot who has fistfights in bars. It's moronic.

The Locator guy is cute enough, but the premise doesn't work for me. Just the idea that brain damage would somehow cause someone to have "magic dowsing powers"... well... sorry, but that's just bull****. And it creates false expectations in people with closed head injury. There is no treatment for closed head injury. That conversation about them trying to convince him to go "get treatment" and him resisting the treatment because it might mess with his mojo... all complete malarky. The only treatment in real life that might possibly be offered to someone in his situation would be antipsychotics to help him deal with his delusions. And watching a series about someone who's mentally ill really doesn't do it for me. "The United States of Tara" gives me the creeps.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:35 pm
by WarpGirl
I am so glad I'm not a DR. Although I intend to ask my nuerologist what he thinks. He's got a pretty great sense of humor. You know what, I don't think there was enough info about the circumstances and his actual condition to make me annoyed with it. But I admit now that I think about it it has potential to completely backfire. Thanks Dis! :neutral: Perhaps the whole point is that the injury didn't give him the abilities (which Ike seems to be trying to get through to Walter) but the effects of the injury {Walter's paranoia ect} makes him believe that it did. We don't really know what the injury is or anything about it at all. My grandmother is a HUGE fan of the books.

As for Booth he's been going down Moron road since his tumor. But the tumor didn't cause that Swwets did! Rumor has it a regular is going to die. I hope it's Sweets. I'm sick of his meddling. Before it was cute now it just pisses me off.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:05 pm
by CX
CX wrote:/人 ‿‿ 人\

Perhaps a little context?
Madoka FINALLY Makes A Contract With Kyubey. (And here's the clip it's from)

Okay, you know what "magical girl" show are right? Like Sailor Moon, basically. Usually they're for the most part kid friendly, and the girls themselves always win in the end. Not so much with Puella Magi Madoka Magica. If you watch the show, you're lead along from the standard fare of magical girl shows to a much more horrifying version of them. To begin with, the girls only become "magical" by making a contract in the form of a wish with that creepy cat-looking thing, named Kyubey. He will grant any wish in exchange for a lifetime of service as a Puella Magi, and if that sounds like a deal with the devil, well, just look into his beady little red eyes as he stares into your soul.

SO basically what I'm saying is that this is the best magical girl shows I've ever seen, and one of the better animes I've seen in a while. Plus, it's brand spankin' new, so watching it was kind of a new experience for me, because usually I've only watched things that have long since been out here in the States and have a dub. Plus I can marathon them if I really want, whereas here I was forced to wait on a weekly basis.

Kind of a disappointing ending, but still a pretty good show. Oh, and Kyubey is creepy.

Here's the first thing you see in the series, BTW

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 4:56 am
by Entilzha

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 5:04 am
by WarpGirl
I saw the news flash and immediately my mind started coming up with massive conspiracy theories. Too many spy novels as a kid I tell ya. Suffice it to say the news was a bit shocking. I go to check my email and a red banner is lit up on Crazy.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 10:53 am
by justTripn
Not sure I can say anything nonpolitical about this, but I can report that we are all VERY VERY HAPPY where I am. The mood is one of relief and joy. I wish this day had come sooner but it came. It was hard to let go and sleep the night of 9/11 and this was the same--hard to get to sleep, but opposite emotion. I slept on the couch so I could continue to hear the TV and the cheers in the background.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:49 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
One unwary phone call led US to bin Laden doorstep

They should really make a movie about this. True real-life spy stuff! :thumbsup:

Re: Randomness

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:26 am
by WarpGirl
Best Quote of the month... “In an ideal world no one would talk before 10am. People would just hug, because waking up is really hard.”
—Zooey Deschanel

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 9:17 pm
by WarpGirl
Jeri Ryan is judging Iron chef. Not the first time she's done it but it's cool.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 10:06 pm
by Silverbullet
I HATE Air Conditioning. It is a must now. For five months I will have to suffer with this thing. The temp will be in triple digits until late September. I get ill all of the time because of it. Cannot get away from it. In the house, in the car, and especially in stores. without it the heat would be unbearable. Damn I wish I had stayed in Wshington State where it is cool.


Re: Randomness

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 10:09 pm
by WarpGirl
Air conditioning makes my muscles contract violently. It's agony! I can't be cold even for a few minutes.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:40 am
by Distracted
I love, love, LOVE air conditioning. Of course, where I live it's over 90 degrees and 100% humidity for over six months of the year. The alternative isn't an option.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:43 am
by WarpGirl
Yeah well I'm not keen on humidity but it's better for me than spazing until I can't move.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:22 pm
by Bether6074
I am hoping that things are okay for our members in the Louisiana area. The news looks worrisome and upsetting. :(

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:36 pm
by Silverbullet
Dis, you people down there having problems? I have not caught the news today.

RE Temps and humitidy. It gets in to triple digits for five months here. The relative humidity averages 3 percent. that is very dry. Still hate air condtioning. When I was in New Meico many years ago people had Air Conditioners/humidifiers. A hose attched to the window air condiitioner.

Your humidity would make the heat unbearable.