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Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:11 am
by Alelou
:hug: :hug: :hug: Belated hugs. I'd go crazy without my email. (I got to experience that this morning when my computer decided not to boot but instead rev up like a jet turbo. Fortunately, it didn't last, but I'm guessing that something in there is not long for this world.)

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:44 pm
by Weeble

My assumption is that your confuser sounded out of character when you booted. If so PLEASE back things up, no doubt something bad is a out to happen. last time one of my pc's did that is was the power supply, not that big a deal except in a laptop.....

By the way I saw my latest review on ff for North Star has me as a guest....


Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:03 am
by Alelou
Yes, I immediately did a full back-up onto my extra drive, and I'll be keeping that up. Of course, it's been running fine since then, but I know I'm either living on borrowed time or just got a fairly crappy PSU replacement or something. Right now we have an extra laptop in the house so if the worst happens, I'll be able to cope. My computer is aging, but it's not geriatric, and I'd really like to hold out until Windows 8 is out and not making people miserable before I invest in another.

I've noticed a lot more guest reviews lately -- maybe signing in has become more of a pain? Sorry, I don't even know which one it is to respond to, but thank you. (It's a little odd reading a guest review and wondering, hmmm, who does that sound like?) Then again, is automatically thanking you for authors now, isn't it? I guess that's nice, but I find it a little odd. And will it mean even fewer authors feel the need to respond personally to their reviewers?

What I would like even more than reviews at this point: Rain. Two or three days of a good solid soaking rain.

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:39 pm
by Kotik
Just back from the visit with the family :? Things are not well in the Kotik camp. My Mother's undergoing surgery this week. They're going to inject cement (!!) into her back to stabilize the two broken vertebrae. But the real nailbiter is my brother's wife. To say she's slender is an understatement and she's due to give birth within the next two weeks. The kid seems to weigh more than Belgium :o No way she's gonna deliver the traditional way. I'm going crazy worrying about her


Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:30 pm
by Distracted
Sounds like you need to take a deep breath and relax, Kotik. The vertebral cement procedure is common and much lower risk than a fusion. And you'd be surprised what the female body is capable of during labor. Even if your sister in law needs a C-section, they're pretty routine these days. Some women actually prefer them to a vaginal delivery. There's something to be said for being out cold and/or numb from nipples to knees when that baby comes out. ;-)

:patpat: And you know what else? Even if there's some awful complication, what can you possibly do about it? Nothing, right? So why worry yourself sick?

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:20 pm
by WarpGirl
Yeah don't worry Kotik women are designed to push large children out of a small space. My sister just gave me a 10 pound nephew and she's skinny too, both are fine and beautiful. I'm sure your mum will do well. Listen to the doctor, Dis is right, what they want to do is a lot less risky than most other proceedures for spinal injuries.

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:57 pm
by Weeble

I'l send some more prayers your way, can't hurt right. I agree with Dis, as hard as it is you just can't worry about the things you have no control over. Of course no one has really figured out how to do that....


Put me down for the 2-3 days of rain. Been watering my garden everyday and that really doesn't quite do it. At least here we have been getting nights in the mid 50s. Wife and I open everything at night and close it up tight during the day to keep the house cool. T-Storms maybe for tomorrow. I hope so. BTW my lettuce crop is finally getting slightly bitter, so we cut it all.

Anyone need lettuce, we picked about 2 weeks worth at multiple large salads a day. Oh and its too hot to fish for trout except at night.

complaining complete...

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:45 pm
by Alelou
Yeah, I had to switch to Asian greens a couple of weeks ago; the lettuce keeps bolting.

I'm annoyed at myself because I already have the hose to lay out a soaker hose irrigation system, but I haven't figured out how many fittings to get (I finally figured out what kind of fittings fit last year.)

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:18 pm
by Weeble

I got lucky with mine. My garden is 45 x 25 and two good ole lawn back and forth sprinklers get it done. I added a "Y" valve and I give each half an hour before switching. I placed the "Y" valve outside my 7'-0 anti-bambi fence so we can disconnect the hose to water our dead grass. At least when you are on a well in northern Michigan you have an essentially unlimited water supply.

I oopsied when I bought broccoli this spring picking up a flat that had 48 plants instead of the 24 I thought i was getting. The wifey is going to be blanching heads for the next week. I can't stand the stuff but for whatever reason the good Lord decided that I can grow it. That and any form of invasive weed but i digress. Rain forecast for here tomorrow hope you get it too.


Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:12 am
by Alelou
48 broccoli plants! I'm surprised you have room to grow anything else. I hope you have a great big freezer! (Or should I hope you don't?)

We have a well too, thank goodness. I'm used to keeping the vegetable gardens watered, because I grow my eggplants and peppers in containers and they need watering everyday anyway. And I don't care if the grass is brown -- it makes sense to let it go dormant until rain comes. But I also have a lot of perennial gardens I normally never water unless I've been planting recently, and I'm going to have to decide whether it's really worth trying to keep them all alive soon. If this is the new normal, I probably ought to just let some of those water-hog plants bite the dust. (Sob.)

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:32 am
by Weeble

We have a pair of deep freezers. Something tells me I will be making room. Especially since we will be heading over to the Blueberry picking farm Monday. This years quota is 30 lbs. Last year we blew (ok my better half and her smoothies) through 19 lbs by March.

Now for the whine. I just watched a beautiful Thundershower pop up and disappear within miles of here. RATS!!!


Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:02 pm
by Alelou
Got some rain yesterday, but the plants are already wilting in today's blast furnace.

It just took me at least three full hours just to put in my bookstore order and also order desk copies for three books I'm teaching in the fall (three different books from three different vendors equals three different procedures). And I can't finish the last request without driving half an hour to the college for a sheet of college stationery...

It's like being nibbled to death by ducks.

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:56 pm
by Weeble
&$£|€$. the friggin rain missed again. By a couple of miles north and then round 2 by a couple of miles south :banghead: :banghead:

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:02 pm
by Kotik
Wish I could share :? Summer over here has been a no-show, this year. On May 15th we had snow (!!) and ever since then it's been pissing down pretty much constantly. I'm so sick of thunderstorms :spiraleyes:

Re: The Whine thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:24 pm
by WarpGirl
Just so y'all know I already realize this is stupid... I'd like to meet the people who designed the controler for the XBOX. It's so STUPID! Your thumb has to control the movement joystick while your index mashes on the trigger to fire the Batarangs while you're other hand helps you jump and evade. Who thought that up! People with motor control issues like gaming too! And a Wii is not very helpful when most of the time you have to stand. Somebody design a gaming system that's practical!