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Re: Randomness

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:26 am
by panyasan
WarpGirl wrote:Aw Stargate is COOL. Why don't you give it a chance?

My husband has been on a "SG 1 and SG Altantis"-streak for the past months. With the music on. Really, I have heard more SG then I have seen ("Love, can you turn the sound of your laptop down, so I can tell a bed time story to our daughter?'') and I can take no more! :banghead: :banghead: :D

Re: Randomness

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:31 am
by dark_rain
enterprikayak wrote:So today I got proactive:

I opened the computer box and got in there (carefully) with my vacuum nozzle. I made sure the fans got dusted out and everything, and there was a LOTTA cat and dog and human detritus in that machine. Then I noticed that the fan directly over the processor thingy had a sort of strange grey felt pad inside it. After clanking around for a minute, I found an ever-so-convenient clamp that made it let go. The processor had this thin layer of gummy stuff on it and so did the wee radiator block...right where they touched. I scraped it with my fingernail and it came off like soft chalky latex rubber. Lee said it looked liked oxidized aluminum or some such. Maybe it was supposed to be there. I dunno. I scraped it off.

Eeeeeeee that was a mistake. The grey stuff is thermal transfer compound, it helps remove heat from the processor by filling all the little air gaps between the cooler and the processor. It's a bit like the coolant in your car. The radiator does all the work, but the water is what takes the heat out of the engine. You could run into big problems later, lass. You're also dead lucky to get away with the vacuum. Moving air creates static electricity, and static electricity is bad news. See also Electrostatic Discharge

Re: Randomness

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:48 am
by Aikiweezie
Dusalis Drake wrote:I was looking through the smileys when I come across this one called "Tsk Tsk": :tsktsk:

At a glance it totally looks like it's waving the bird at me.

Who are you "tsk tsk"ing?

Re: Randomness

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:09 pm
by Bether6074
I think maybe you're misunderstanding him. I think he's just saying that at first glance the "tsk tsk" smiley looks similar to having a middle finger flashed at you.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:43 pm
by JadziaKathryn
So today at work this kid was walking on his legs and hands; while I was hanging up shirts his mother asked me, "Could you tell him to walk properly? Maybe he'll listen to you." I didn't even know what to say to that. :vulcan: That's one of my pet peeves, when people want us to do their parenting.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:48 am
by Aikiweezie
JadziaKathryn wrote:So today at work this kid was walking on his legs and hands; while I was hanging up shirts his mother asked me, "Could you tell him to walk properly? Maybe he'll listen to you." I didn't even know what to say to that. :vulcan: That's one of my pet peeves, when people want us to do their parenting.

OMG! My son starts kindergarten on Thursday. I can't imagine asking that kind of thing.

So.............My son and I met Connor Trinner today at the Stargate Con. Our meeting was very, very brief, :cry: I'll fill in the details later and post the pic (but I can't do that until Monday when I can use scanner to put it in). He was very nice and his on stage appearance was a blast. He's a very down to earth funny average kind of guy. He got a lot of Enterprise questions, oddly enough. And he is extremely, extremely handsome in person, too, by the way.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:05 am
by WarpGirl
Glad you had fun and I hope all the SG stuff was worth it for that. :lol:

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:10 am
by enterprikayak
WarpGirl wrote:I don't really know CX. BUT I found out something wonderful today. As most everyone knows my niece died this past week. So any stupid little thing that makes me smile is helpful. Well I'm bot sure if anyone else knows this book series "The Queen's Thief" by Megan Whalen Turner but there is a new book coming out in MARCH. These books are my favorite series EVER! I've been obsessed with them for years. These are not kids books although they are marketed that way, these are deep, insightful, insanely complex stories. The characters and psychological impact is stunning. I'm so happy I'm getting another book. :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump:

I'm like that when a book I've been waiting for shows up too. And then I tune out and sit and read until it is done. Lee's like, okay girls, say goodbye to mommy, cause we won't see her again for awhile.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:49 am
by justTripn
Aikiweezie wrote:So.............My son and I met Connor Trinner today at the Stargate Con. Our meeting was very, very brief, :cry: I'll fill in the details later and post the pic (but I can't do that until Monday when I can use scanner to put it in). He was very nice and his on stage appearance was a blast. He's a very down to earth funny average kind of guy. He got a lot of Enterprise questions, oddly enough. And he is extremely, extremely handsome in person, too, by the way.

Hey! You were just going to sneak this in under "Randomness"? NO! This deserves a "Stargate Con" thread. Go start one. :) We are anxiously awaiting the scanner picture and any new "facts" you gleaned from the question and answer session. :D

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:51 pm
by enterprikayak
Dusalis Drake wrote:Wow enterprikayak... wow. That reminds me of the time when my computer got so dusty that I took it outside and used the leaf blower on it. It gave the fans quite a workout but it worked.

160F is still up there, though. Did it always run that warm?

Yeah this was full-on surgery. The dust was packed in so bad, that the vacuum hardly touched it. Leaf Blower. Now THAT"S an idea! lol

I dunno if it was always this hot. Maybe. I am always running at 100% capacity of the CPU. Even though my comp's not too horrible....3GB RAM and 3Ghz processor.....but since I'm always rendering things and whatnot, I think really need one of those loser-type, liquid-cooled "rigs" that the computer magazines always man on about. I bet a bunch of us Tris members have external thermometers and liquid cooling systems and whatnot. I'll be an official nerd if I get one. :lol:

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:16 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Hello everyone! I'm baaaack! :wave:

I spent one week with my parents in Prague, and then I stayed with them for a few days after we got back to Sweden. Then I drove to see a friend of mine in another town and to see his baby girl for the first time. I just got back home yesterday. It feels like I've been away for ages.

Now my vacation is over and tomorrow I go back to work.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:17 pm
by Aikiweezie
justTripn wrote:
Aikiweezie wrote:So.............My son and I met Connor Trinner today at the Stargate Con. Our meeting was very, very brief, :cry: I'll fill in the details later and post the pic (but I can't do that until Monday when I can use scanner to put it in). He was very nice and his on stage appearance was a blast. He's a very down to earth funny average kind of guy. He got a lot of Enterprise questions, oddly enough. And he is extremely, extremely handsome in person, too, by the way.

Hey! You were just going to sneak this in under "Randomness"? NO! This deserves a "Stargate Con" thread. Go start one. :) We are anxiously awaiting the scanner picture and any new "facts" you gleaned from the question and answer session. :D

I will issue a full report - with picture - tomorrow evening.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:26 am
by Aquarius
So I start a new second job tomorrow (I quit the plant), and I have some errands to run before I go, but natch I'm totally awake when I should be in bed.

I bought a package of cookies from the bakery at the grocery store to bring with me, to offer to the coworkers and clients. Brown nosing already. :roll:

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:40 am
by Alelou
Good luck. Hope this one leaves you with a little more time/energy for yourself.

Re: Randomness

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:32 pm
by Aquarius
Thanks, Alelou,, but the time/energy thing is a no-go, I'm afraid. I took this job because it's closer to campus, which is an hour away, so I can go to my classes, go to work, and then go home, without blowing an hour of potentially productive time on the road. I am keeping my regular job, but I may end up cutting back on hours a little.