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Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:37 pm
by Distracted
Looks like an enormous Matchbox racecar set. You know... The ones with the flexible plastic tracks and the little connectors. 8)

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:50 pm
by Cogito
Meh, at the end of the day it's just a bunch of racing drivers getting together for a bit of fun.

Until we win. Then you'll find that grappling with a collection of unfamiliar cars on a tight and challenging track really sorts out the true racing drivers from the 'one trick wonders', and anyone who can beat this group of world-class drivers to the podium really must be the best of the best.

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:31 pm
by Kotik
Distracted wrote:Looks like an enormous Matchbox racecar set. You know... The ones with the flexible plastic tracks and the little connectors. 8)

Well that's pretty much what it is. Except that they use tarmac for the tracks and real cars instead of scalextric :D

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:18 pm
by Kotik
FINALLY :happyjump:

I can take over my new flat on Saturday :clap: I've spent the last half year right next to a noisy punkers club. That stinking scum drove me insane :evil: I'm a rather peacefull individual, but during the last 6 months, I beat up more people than during all my life before. Finally I'm getting away from this low-life joint and I don't have to beat kids into a bloody pulp anymore :happyjump:

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:18 pm
by Weeble
On another note. Just figured out that Amazon check prime allows free streaming of old TV series. the star trek listings include:

Original series seasons 1-3 (also the remastered series)
TNG seasons 1-7
DS9 seasons 1-7
STE seasons 1-4 (also HD)

oh and Voyager seasons 1-7

if this is repeat info.....oops!

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:45 am
by Elessar
I'm getting the Muscle Warfare stack!!! :mulsr:

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:08 am
by Transwarp
Elessar wrote:I'm getting the Muscle Warfare stack!!!

That CAN'T be good for you...

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:59 am
by Kotik
I'm with TW here. I don't think some dope that is advertised with brass knuckles and handgrenades is neccessarily good news. It may take more time to build up some muscles by working out, but I would hazard a guess that it beats the hell out of f***ing up your body by taking that stuff. :o

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:38 pm
by Kotik

I had an interview at the Volkswagen development department today and it looks as if I get a new project as an admin in VW's development :happyjump:

On a different and also happy matter. The rumours of Alelou's retirement from ENT fanfiction seem to be greatly exaggerated and a new one popped up on ff lately. Hopefully it'll soon show up here as well :clap:

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:28 pm
by Alelou
Congrats on the interview ...

Thanks for noticing the new series. Did I say I was retiring? I've learned not to do that since I never know. As usual with stuff that isn't NC17, it will have its first run at, where I enjoy not having to wait for stuff to be posted and having near total control (cue maniacal laugh). Also, I like knowing exactly how many of my readers each month are from Croatia. Weird, I know.

Second run here may well be a new and improved version, though.

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:35 pm
by Kotik
Thanks Alelou,

I seem to remember reading somewhere that the missing scenes was planned to be your last ENT fanfic at least for a while. If that is just an imagination of my poor ol' beer-addled brain, I'm ok with that.

I think, most of us, who post here and on ff do it exactly the way you do. The prototype goes live there and a refined version enters the TriS archive. Do you have Croatian roots by any chance? I'm fascinated by the country stats, too, if nothing else just to be baffled by how many Germans read my stuff.

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:12 pm
by Alelou
No, I just pulled Croatia out as an example of a country that appears to have a modest but steady fanfic readership. (Per capita, it might just be the world's hotbed of Trekkiness. Or maybe that's the UK.)

I may have said I was taking a break; I don't remember. There wasn't much of one in any case, since I wrote "Five Halloweens" not very long after that. (That hasn't come here yet -- next Halloween maybe.) I think it would be healthier to move on, but ... I'm not that healthy.

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:01 am
by Elessar
Kotik wrote::happyjump:

I had an interview at the Volkswagen development department today and it looks as if I get a new project as an admin in VW's development :happyjump:

'Grats man!

Kotik wrote:I'm with TW here. I don't think some dope that is advertised with brass knuckles and handgrenades is neccessarily good news. It may take more time to build up some muscles by working out, but I would hazard a guess that it beats the hell out of f***ing up your body by taking that stuff. :o

:lol: no, no, no - it isn't a "take this stuff or work out" situation. It's a "take this stuff and work out" situation :reddawn:. Exercise supplementation gets an enormously bad rap because of the steroids controversies in the 90's in competitive bodybuilding and more recently in baseball and olympic sports, but the perception of its pervasiveness it's so overblown that it is just nuts. There is just so much ignorance about what is what. Supplementation consists almost totally of artificially concentrated forms of natural substances that you already get in very narrow corners of a balanced diet or should be getting - like CLA, creatine, whey, green tea extract, cinnamon, capsaicin, omega-3's, etc. Then you have a few ultra concentrated B-vitamin blends that have caffeine in them but these are almost identical to the energy drinks on the shelves that've been around for 20 years. None of it is even remotely like steroids or hormones in either chemical makeup or effect on the body. The perception that pharmacological "help" will produce a lean, muscular physique on its own without a monumental amount of blood, sweat & tears is just unfounded. It's perpetuated by a group of people that basically think weightlifting & bodybuilding is a chauvinist haven of cheaters & meatheads but have no personal experience with physical culture or they'd know better.

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:13 am
by Kotik
After almost two years, Germany finally will get the right president :happyjump: :happyjump:

In 2010 two candidates were 'on offer' - the prime minister of Lower Saxony, Christian Wulff and Joachim Gauck, a protestant priest and former east german dissident. The vast majority of the people wanted Gauck, but chancellor Merkel wrestled Wulff into office for party-political reasons. But Wulff had to resign two days ago, because he's prosecuted for corruption. In fact he's so corrupt, he makes Vladimir Putin look like a model democrat.

In a case of 'eating some serious crow', our 'dear chancellor' was forced to accept Joachim Gauck as the candidate for the new president, the same man that the whole of germany wanted for president since 2010. Strike !!! :happyjump: :happyjump: :happyjump:

Re: The Happy News thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:18 am
by Distracted
A priest as president? Isn't that a serious conflict of interest?