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Re: What are you...

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:56 pm
by WarpGirl
Don't you think I've tried? Heck I nearly died a few times over the last couple of years, and I can't even use that to make her pay the dang fine! But I won't pay it, it's her debt and I'm broke, Mrs. Canadian Cleaver can pay it herself.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:26 pm
by Alelou
Sounds like a case for Judge Judy...

Just kidding.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:27 pm
by WarpGirl
The thought has crossed my mind. ;-)

Re: What are you...

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:24 pm
by JadziaKathryn
Watch it (free and legally) on Hulu, if you don't mind commercials.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:45 am
by Aquarius
Elessar wrote:
Aquarius wrote:I tried to watch Firefly when it first came on but I had a hard time getting into it. I saw the Serenity movie and liked that, though, so maybe I'll give the show another shot.

It's fantastic, and you know, it's weird how things hit you.... I watched Enterprise when it first aired and I didn't like it at ALL. Then, as I was getting back into Voyager, I come to find out 'what, Star Trek is still on TV?!" and checked it out... You know the first episode I saw? "Daedalus". And I wanted to know just what had gone down with Trip and T'Pol once I saw T'Pol all... upset like... in Engineering... and Trip's Romeo&Juliet comment.

Same thing happened to me with the Viewer's Choice marathon that was on. I saw "Harbinger" and when Trip and T'Pol got all down and jiggy with each other I was like WTF???? and needed to know more!!!!

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:05 am
by TPoptarts
Hehe, I didn't have a TV (or internet access) for a long time so the first ENT episode I ever watched was E2. I didn't know anything at all about the show or any of the characters. But the next thing I know I'm googling "Trip and T'Pol" and writing a fanfic. Like literally. After the first episode I ever saw without knowing anything about well... ANYTHING. :? :roll: :shock: Whoa that makes for bad fics LOL.

And now I'm writing Justice League fics. Lots of them :? :roll: :explode: :faint: but at least I've watched the show and I know what I'm writing about. Unlike my first ENT fic :lol: (they're still bad though but at least it's not because of lack of research :lol: :p :roll: )

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:28 pm
by WarpGirl
Well I'm one of those people who got through maybe most of season 1 and 3 episodes of season 2 when I said, "Self this ST is just crap and I want nothing to do with it. I like a few characters but that's not enough." So I ditched it. Seriously I ditched it hard. But after a dreadful drought of P/T fanfic, (and I'm sorry but they will ALWAYS be my number one pairing) I skimmed ENT summeries over at, thinking if I knew a little about what happened, maybe the fanfic would be better. Well while scanning I found out Trip died and T'Pol got married at some point. Then I was really mad! :explode: But I said to myself, "You never know, it might be cool." So I started reading fanfic, and it was cool. A couple of years later, I watched an episode thinking maybe I'll give it another chance. And three episodes in I was like "Oh God I can do better than this I know it." So I decided to suck it up watch for research and write. Here I am.

But really as a series, and I mean a series, I hate ENT. I'm not kidding. If I didn't love TnT (together and separately) Malcolm, Hoshi, Shran, Soval, and Phlox. I wouldn't have ever given it another chance. Love the fanfic, hate the series.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:41 pm
by justTripn
Elessar wrote:
Aquarius wrote:I tried to watch Firefly when it first came on but I had a hard time getting into it. I saw the Serenity movie and liked that, though, so maybe I'll give the show another shot.

It's fantastic, and you know, it's weird how things hit you.... I watched Enterprise when it first aired and I didn't like it at ALL. Then, as I was getting back into Voyager, I come to find out 'what, Star Trek is still on TV?!" and checked it out... You know the first episode I saw? "Daedalus". And I wanted to know just what had gone down with Trip and T'Pol once I saw T'Pol all... upset like... in Engineering... and Trip's Romeo&Juliet comment.

Daedalus! Then I guess we are lucky we are all here. That wasn't a very good episode, though it seemed for a while like it would be. I guess there was enouph there to get one hoked . . . well obviously.

Is there anyone else here besides me, who watched Enterprise when it aired from the beginning to the end without quitting in season 2? I'm feeling like an old timer here . . .

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:47 pm
by Linda
I watched it from the beginning but missed some episodes because I was busy with outside activities. So I picked up the ones I missed when they reran. I did seem to like season one more than season two, though.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:51 pm
by WarpGirl
As much as I didn't like what I've seen of season 3 I ditched in season 2 because A. The plots were badly written. and B. They were just plain boring! And I can handle bad writing with the right inducement, (Trip is hot) but I can't handle being bored. At least season 3 wasn't boring.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:34 pm
by bluetiger
JT, I watched Enterprise from day one all the way through without missing an episode. In fact I have watched all the series at least once. I stuck with Voyager because seven of nine was intriguing. I found all the male characters intensely boring. Enterprise was far and away my favorite, however TOS will always hold a special place because it was the first sci fi show that I remember not being dumded down to attract kids. I will always love the spirit of Enterprise, you know, the first crew venturing out. Maybe I go too easy on it's flaws because I'm willing to cut Star Trek a lot of slack. I just think the Enterprise crew as a whole have much more personality than the other crews.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:40 pm
by WarpGirl
I just think the Enterprise crew as a whole have much more personality than the other crews.

Really, I didn't. I mean as an entire crew working together, I find them extremely dull. Trip and Malcolm together are a riot, TnT together well... Enough said, Malcolm and Hoshi together are always cute. But everyone together... I find rather dull. Maybe that's because it becomes Archer's show not the crew's show. IDK. One thing VOY was good for they had their conflicts but they really loved each other as a whole unit. I never got that vibe from ENT.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:59 pm
by justTripn
Oh good, Linda, Bluetiger, I'm not alone. :hug: I watched Star Trek pretty religiously beginning in about the second season of The Next Generation. I know I've seen all the OS, though when I see a particular episode I have no idea what is going to happen next. My brain can't hold information that long. There is one episode of DS9 I know I missed: the Roswell episode. Hey, I should go find it online!

And I really liked Enterprise the best of all the Star Treks, almost right from the beginning.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:05 pm
by WarpGirl
I've seen every episode of TNG at least twice, and every VOY except one! ONE! All of the others I've seen at least 3 times. I skipped DS9. And if stupid SYFY ever ran episodes for more than a few days and then skip weeks I might be able to finish my education. There are few I'll watch more than once. As for TOS I'm sure I've seen them all, but I was so little that I start watching and then remember I saw it. Frankly I don't want to watch more than once because I like the TOS movies better. I mean they were my introduction to Trek, I don't want my first impressions screwed up yet. I'm not grown up enough.

Re: What are you...

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:14 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
We were a year behind in airing ENT over here and in 2004 we got to see season two and it underwhelmed me. I might have bailed on it if I hadn't regged at TrekBBS, where people were raving on about the changes (including TnT) in season three. So I stuck with it. Then I learned that Swedish TV weren't going to bother airing more ENT so I had to resort to... ehum... "other means". And season three proved to be a vast improvement. I watched it over the summer of 2004 and when autumn came along I was pretty much able to watch season four in "real time".