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Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:03 pm
by Alelou
If I'm a Paramount suit, I'm sure I'm hoping and dreaming that this movie will re-ignite the Trek franchise and lead to more movies and maybe TV shows too. Pocketbooks is no doubt praying for it as well.

I don't think it's a bad thing per se. TOS is SO dated. It NEEDS to be redone if it can be redone well. And TOS will always be there for old coots and purists.

The question is whether this one stays true to that Star Trek thing, whatever it is, that keeps people like us on boards like this... 8)

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:58 pm
by mjimeyg
I have to say that having watched the trailer it does look... exciting... the thing that stands out for me is comedy... so SIMON PEGG RULES :P

That being said... it is SO NOT KIRK AND CO!

Quite frankly I don't think TOS fans will be able to watch this as Trek.

True Trek fans will also have a hard time, TOS was the original that all things started from, the morals and stories. TNG and the rest maintained that, but this film seems to have gone straight for the action and interpersonal character ploys... and none of them seem to be TOS based. (This based on a few reviews and short trailers.)

If they wanted to go for a "grittier" and "darker" trek there were many different ways to go... they could have gone further into the future like they did with TNG... there's a whole bunch of space they haven't seen and why haven't they gone there? How about new dimensions?

Enterprise NX-01 was sent to find and eliminate the Xindi threat, why couldn't a future ship be sent to send and eliminate the Borg threat?

The whole thing looked like a slightly grittier Galaxy Quest!

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:52 pm
by Aquarius
I dunno. I belong to the Yahoo list that corresponds with the 1001 Trek Tales website--completely devoted to TOS--and the general feeling I see from those members is that they're either excited for the movie or cautiously optimistic. And a lot of these members have been fans since Star Trek came out in the 60s, so I'm not so sure about the notion that TOS fans will be able to watch this as Star Trek.

I will always love TOS. It's what got the whole thing started for me. But I'm not one of those die-hards who has to feel threatened because of this new movie and new cast. As was mentioned earlier, TOS is a bit dated and in a lot of ways it (visually) doesn't fit with the rest of the series any more, but it will still be there. It's not going away. And sometimes these things ignite a nostalgia craze, so you never know, there could be a resurgence of popularity for the series that started it all. Perhaps these new "annoying" fans as someone called them will begin coming to cons, and realize that they've become a part of something much bigger than they realized. Some will move on to the next "kewl" thing because that's the nature of such things. Others, however, will become intrigued and want to find out what it's all about and a little new blood and new enthusiasm is always a good thing.

As long as the movie keeps with Gene's original philosophies, I think it's all good.

And yes. Simon Pegg DOES rule. :D

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:09 am
by CX
TOS may look dated, but they could've done a TOS movie by making updates that didn't radically change the look or continuity of events.

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:40 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Of course TOS looks dated in many ways that doesn't visually fit with the rest of the series. But making this movie will only make it more obvious since Trek XI is supposed to take place some years before TOS.

If they wanted to make a new Trek they should've picked a previously unexplored time period and fill it with new characters, especially since these versions of Kirk et al. won't resemble the originals very much. For all intents and purposes, Trek XI will have a "Kirk" and a "Spock", not the Kirk and Spock.

If they're going after a new audience, then why go back to the old characters which most young people have very little familiarity with anyway?

I'll just view this movie as a reboot of Trek, inspired by the original but not part of the vast Trek continuity as we know it - much like nBSG is to the original Battlestar Galactica.

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:29 am
by CX
It's pretty obvious to me why they went back to TOS - name recognition. I would even be into myself if they'd actually tried to stay true to form. I can forgive actors who don't look exactly like the originals because it's not realistic to expect otherwise.

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:59 am
by enterprikayak
were the originals supposed to all be at the academy together?

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:43 am
by CX
Nope. McCoy is older than Kirk, Spock is either a little older than Kirk or around the same age, and pretty much everyone else is younger. Chekov is way younger.

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:14 am
by leslina
CX wrote:Nope. McCoy is older than Kirk, Spock is either a little older than Kirk or around the same age, and pretty much everyone else is younger. Chekov is way younger.

STXI should be titled Trek, 90210. :lol:

Everyone is young, gorgeous, and the technology is shinier. I'll have to wait and see what sort of "substance" it has to keep my otherwise limited attention span.

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:06 pm
by justTripn
I have been ignoring the publicity because that is my policy (I don't want to spoil the movies for myself) but now I'm starting to get worried. My all-knowing husband says the new movie is NOT in keeping with the rest of Star Trek, that they are going for a new audience. I asked if it is like the James Bonds. James Bond is always contemporary. The movies don't even try for continuity. I asked if it was like a relaunch and my husband said yes. How do I feel about this? I don't know . . . I think, if it has that certain something that is Star Trek all will be forgiven.

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:36 pm
by Asso
justTripn wrote:... James Bond is always contemporary...

I'm not sure.
Maybe I'm too old, but I lost my interest, and I'm uncertain if the new generations enjoy it.

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:12 am
by enterprikayak
justTripn wrote:I don't know . . . I think, if it has that certain something that is Star Trek all will be forgiven.

I love how much we fans can justify. It's difficult sometimes, but that really is one of the thing that defines Star Trek: obsessively worrying about canon and obsessively forgiving breaches of said canon.

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:24 am
by CX
I don't forgive or forget, which is pretty much why everyone hates me. :D

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:20 pm
by TSara
leslina wrote:
CX wrote:Nope. McCoy is older than Kirk, Spock is either a little older than Kirk or around the same age, and pretty much everyone else is younger. Chekov is way younger.

STXI should be titled Trek, 90210. :lol:

Everyone is young, gorgeous, and the technology is shinier. I'll have to wait and see what sort of "substance" it has to keep my otherwise limited attention span.


Too funny.

I don't know.....the beginning scene of the movie had me going wth? James Kirk driving a car? I would have thought it'd be a bit more futuristic. Other than that....I'll probably go see it.

Re: New Trek Sucks So Friggin Hard (Spoilers, Possible Mature)

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:11 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
leslina wrote:STXI should be titled Trek, 90210. :lol:

Everyone is young, gorgeous, and the technology is shinier. I'll have to wait and see what sort of "substance" it has to keep my otherwise limited attention span.

Someone has already thought about that: :guffaw:

Star Trek 90210