CX anime reviews

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:55 am

First season? That's the only season. ;)

And aside from the visual thing and the creepy pedo vibe, I guess I found it okay. I've also never read the book, so that might have something to do with it. For me it was different in that I've never seen the Count portrayed as such a complete bastard - usually he's portrayed as somewhat sympathetic. The soundtrack is also kind of good. This actually just barely makes my favorites list.

My review:

Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
(24 episode series)

This is probably the umpteenth adaptation of Alexandre Dumas's classic novel, so to try to stand out a little more, this animated series changes the setting to something decidedly more sci-fi. Yet, despite taking place in the far future (something like the 5050s if certain headstones are to be believed), this adaptation tries to keep its roots firmly in the original story by presenting us with an odd mix of both futuristic technology and visual design and other technology and visual design which looks more appropriate to the early 19th century and the early 20th century while still trying to look futuristic. Oh, and they do manage to work mechas into the story briefly, because it wouldn't be a sci-fi anime without mechas, apparently.

That being said, it wasn't all bad, and it did succeed at making things a bit more visually interesting, except for the mecha part, that was just gratuitous. No, the thing that bothered me the most visually was the odd use of simple photoshop-like textures for almost everything on screen. Characters' clothing and hair, furniture, various buildings – all of them used this odd masking technique which sets a pattern as a background while an unmasked opening allows it to be seen through. So while clothing and the like were animated, the backgrounds didn't move, and overall everything just tended to stand out because of this look, which was almost as if someone had used patterned paper and photographs to cut shapes out of, not unlike South Park's early look. And, it should say a lot about how distracting this was, because I dove right into it as the first thing, rather than making a note of it later, after I talked about the actual story and everything.

The story itself was quite good. I have to admit that I've never read the original novel, so I can't say one way or another how good this adaptation is. I've heard that the Count isn't nearly as sympathetic as most adaptations portray him, so I guess in that way this adaptation is somewhat similar, because the Count wasn't portrayed in a much better light than the people who betrayed him and sent him up the river. This especially stand out, because while the other adaptations I've seen tell the story solely from the Count's perspective, this series focuses primarily on the son of the best friend and former fiancé who had betrayed Edmund Dantes. That does give it a somewhat interesting angle, though it is essentially doing the same as a lot of other anime that focuses on youth.

Albert de Morcerf is on Luna with his best friend, Franz d'Epinay for a carnival there. As it so happens, the mysterious Count of Monte Cristo is at an opera the two go to. Not long afterwards, Albert has one of his many fits with Franz (who I think is a bit more into Albert than Albert is to him, if you catch my drift), and wanders off on his own. This is all over the fact that Albert has a straight crush on the Count after he has the two boys partake in a rather morbid game which involves pardoning one of three men to be publically guillotined as the final part of the carnival. Naturally the one to get pardoned is the remorseless killer, and as it happens this man also has a part in kidnapping Albert after he wanders off on his own. The Count is the only one to come to Franz's aid and so rescues Albert. This widens the rift between Franz and Albert and draws Albert closer to the Count. Even at this early point, the Count hints that this is no accident, though naturally he tells Albert that it's fate. Of course his true plan is eventually revealed, and anyone familiar with the story really just knows that it's a matter of time before the bad things start happening.

By focusing on the children of the people who wronged Edmund, who conveniently form a group of friends so they all know each other, it also gives the series a bit of a chance to flesh out the families of these people a bit more. Naturally there is more than a little soap opera to it, since pretty much all of them are messed up in some way. For example, two of these people had an affair which produced a child, which they buried alive in order to hide. As it turns out, the infant was rescued, and the Count uses him as part of his plan for revenge. Apparently this includes having sex with his own mother, and sexually assaulting his half sister just before he's supposed to marry her. So as messed up as pretty much all of the grown-ups are, the teenaged friends give us some characters to sympathize with when it all goes down. People die or are otherwise ruined, and this naturally effects all of the friends. The main weakness here is actually Albert, because he's a bit of a whiny bastard, who has the unfortunate distinction of reminding me of Shinji from Evangelion. He does grow a pair at one point, but in my opinion it wasn't really enough to make me like him. His friend Franz and his fiancé Eugénie de Danglars come off as way more sympathetic just due to how much they actually care for their friends, and how they react to what's going on around them. Key thing is that they pretty much keep it together while Albert freaks out and does stupid things.

That all being said, I was drawn in by the story and I found most of the characters at least somewhat interesting. Not all of them were really given much of a chance to be fleshed out, unfortunately, but other than that it was all fairly good. It's true that this is an adaptation, but I have to say that it's one of the better ones I've seen, and I never really got bored. It was a little slow picking up, but that was just to get all the pieces of the puzzle set up before the Count started making his move to get his revenge. And since he's a bit of a bastard, essentially doing the same thing to some others that he is taking his revenge for, I think it was a good move to focus on another protagonist rather than making the Count the protagonist. I'd say this series is worth a watch. 8/10.

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:52 pm

Armitage III
(4 episode OVA)

This OVA is mostly good. It's hard to put it any other way, because while it has its interesting points, there are also a lot of clichés which tend to annoy me.

Taking place on Mars, which has been terraformed successfully at some point in the future, the main plot focuses on the murder of several people who turn out to in fact be robots. While human-like robots are quite commonplace and actually the source of contention on Mars over labor rights, these robots are special because they are so human-like in personality as well as appearance, so much so that if they hadn't been killed, no one would have known any differently. In fact, it's at first expected that people have been replaced by the robots, since most of them have been famous musicians, artists, writers and the like. Of course the only one to care that robots are being killed is Officer Naomi Armitage, the fan servicy partner of the real main character, Ross Syllibus, who is actually a recent transfer. The somewhat annoying part is that she only feels that way because as it turns out, she's actually one of them.

Like pretty much every sci-fi to feature androids, this OVA somewhat awkwardly deals with the question of if artificial life can really be considered that much different from humans themselves, especially since they look and act human (and most of them happen to be attractive women).

That being said, Naomi herself is probably the most annoying aspect of the show, since in the beginning she tends to behave inappropriately, like gushing over how attractive her new male partner is while he's hunched over what they both initially think is a human murder victim, and later on she basically goes off on her own, abandoning her partner, even though it's clear by this point that Ross sympathizes and supports her. In fact they end up falling in love and going on the run together by the end of the show. I guess having her go off on her own was supposed to be dramatic, but it ended up just being annoying, at least to me.

Overall this is a pretty good show, interesting to watch, and with some amusing reminders of when it was made. I would recommend this anime, though I don't think I can score it any higher than 7/10.

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby Distracted » Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:01 am

8/10 for Monte Cristo, huh? Sounds like I might be watching the rest of the episodes, then. Thanks.
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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:26 am

How many did you watch?

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby Distracted » Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:28 am

I think the DVD had six episodes on it. The box has four DVD's.
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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:07 am

Ah, okay, I was a bit confused when you said you'd watched the first season.

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:04 pm

Armitage III: Poly-Matrix
(2000 movie)

This is a compilation movie made from the original OVA. Most of it is exactly the same, though some cuts were made to save time, and some bits were added to help make things make a little more sense, which it mostly succeeds at. It also features Kiefer "Jack Bower" Sutherland as the voice of the main character, Ross Syllibus, and Elizabeth Berkley as the voice of the title character, Naomi Armitage.

While this isn't as bad as some other compilation movies I've seen, most of its strengths come from the additional scenes which would have actually added more to the OVA. That being said, I don't really feel they make up for the storylines that were cut, and I still prefer the original OVA. It's not horrible, but not really worth the watch unless you want to see the additional scenes I'm referring to, and only after you've seen the OVA. 5/10.

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby Distracted » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:15 pm

Ummmm... what's an "OVA"? :dunno:
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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:13 am

"Original Video Animation". Basically it's the anime version of a direct to video movie. They can have one episode or many episodes, they just don't air on TV is all.

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:30 pm

Armitage: Duel Matrix
(2002 movie)

A direct sequel to the OVA or the compilation movie depending on how you look at it, it also features some celebrity voice talent, including none other than Jar-Jar Binks. And no, I'm not kidding.

Just as with the first movie, the plot deals with androids and the people who made them. In this case the androids look like Armitage and the people who made them all end up being murdered as part of the same type of conspiracy that took place in the OVA. The difference is, this movie takes place on Earth, where Naomi and Ross, now her husband, have been hiding out with their daughter. Yeah, that's right, and android somehow had a kid, but then the reproductive capabilities of the new "type III" androids that Naomi is an example of is what caused the conspiracy and systematic killing of those androids in the OVA. The main difference from the OVA is that Naomi is actually mostly the main character of the movie.

The conspiracy manages to separate Armitage from her husband, who ends up on Mars. The two of them both work to solve it, which results in plenty of action and drama, especially when two android assassins who look like Armitage are activated and sent after the family. Armitage then has to deal with her daughter seeing her as the same kind of monster as the assassins for a while, which I guess is technically true except for the whole laughing cruelly and trying to kill them part.

Jar-Jar turns up to lend an unexpected hand after Armitage gets her ass handed to her a couple times, and while initially his motives are somewhat suspect, he ends up being a good guy of sorts and makes it possible for Armitage and her family to defeat the assassins and escape back to Mars.

I'd say the movie is at least as watchable as the original OVA, and I'd give it the same grade of 7/10.

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby Distracted » Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:32 am

Are you saying that the voice talent is the same guy who voiced Jar-Jar, or is the character literally drawn with a muzzle, a foot-long tongue, and long floppy ears?
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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:48 pm

Yep. In that movie he plays a character named Mouse.

BTW, Spring Break has come up, so I probably won't be posting much for the next week.

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby Distracted » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:11 am

Have fun! :happyjump:

I would be remiss in my duty both as a mom and as a student health physician, though, if I didn't add, "But not TOO much fun." 8)
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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:56 pm

I'm sure most of my time is going to be wasted watching various anime and movies I haven't gotten a chance to watch yet.

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Re: CX anime reviews

Postby CX » Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:21 pm

Avatar: The Last Airbender
(61 episode series)

This series was surprisingly good, considering the age group it was aimed at. While early on it was especially obvious that this show was meant more for children than adults, it still managed to have a complex plot that featured an epic journey and a battle between good and evil that might be compared in some ways to the original Star Wars trilogy. It even features a reluctant hero, Aang, who has a destiny but doesn't want anything to do with it.

Set in an alternate world, there are a select group of humans capable of exerting a kind of telekinetic control over the 4 ancient Greek elements: earth, air, fire and water. Most of them only have control over one element depending on which nation they belong to, and each nation in turn is named after the element its people can bend. The only exception is the Avatar, who can bend each element and is reincarnated as a member of each nation in turn every time he or she dies. The Avatar's function is to keep the balance and peace between the 4 nations. As it turns out, Aang, the most recent Avatar and a member of the Air Nomads, was frozen during a storm a century before the series takes place and as a result, the Fire Nation has successfully conquered most of the world.

Despite its rather mature story content (such as genocide), the series initially doesn't deal too much with it, focusing instead on immature humor that is obviously aimed at younger viewers. I found this rather annoying, to the point that I almost gave up on the series fairly early on, but fortunately the series matured a little to something one might expect to be aimed at the teenaged crowd.

While the entire point of the series is that Aang has to eventually fight the evil Fire Lord who is currently leading the Fire Nation in its war against the rest of the world, most of the series actually deals with him learning how to bend each element (despite having access to the memories of the previous Avatars), as well as agonizing over his past actions and that his destiny may force him to kill despite being very much against it. He's also physically a child, so while he's more mature than any child his age would be, he still wants to be just a child and have fun, but fate keeps robbing him of this. He meets a lot of people and makes many friends in his search for teachers to help train him to bend each element, including in the Fire Nation itself. It was actually quite refreshing to have the "bad guy" nation shown to be as much a victim of its leadership as the nations which have been invaded by its armies, with sympathetic characters among them. Even the persistent villain who is obsessively trying to hunt Aang down throughout most of the series is shown in a sympathetic light at times.

While I really would have preferred that the series would have been aimed at an older demographic and lose a lot of the immature humor it had, it was still a pretty good series, and I would recommend that you watch it if you have the time. It's a pity the story was completely ruined in adaptation to screen as so often happens with tv series being turned into movies. 9/10.

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