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Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:21 am
by Bether6074
I'm so sorry about the loss of your beloved pet, Aquarius. :( Your "Mr. Boo" looks so very much like my "Herschel" did.

I truly believe that any living being that we love helps us to discover the loving aspects of ourselves. The parts in you that Mr. Boo touched will always be in your heart. And when another touches those places you will be reminded of the time you and he shared together. So he really does stay with you because that caring is a part of you. It's looks like you have some great photos to remember him by as well. I'm sure he knew he was loved. Take care, Aquarius. :hug:

Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:37 am
by Elessar
Idk what I'll do when I lose my Sonic :cry: I've had him since I was 9. I'm so sorry Aquarius :(

Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:08 am
by evcake
I am so sorry for your loss, Aquarius. Whatever their genus, those we love are always with us.

Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:35 pm
by Linda
I grieve with thee, Aquarius, for the loss of your family member. It does look like Mr. Boo had a lovely life with you.

Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:53 pm
by Aquarius
Thanks, everyone. It sure hasn't been easy.

Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:32 pm
by enterprikayak
Idk if any of you have ever read the Mog Books, but a while back I got a box set of them for Aureilia. One was "Goodbye Mog" about when Mog finally passes away after a good long life, and the story shows her hanging around the family afterward (all ghostly but friendly) and watching them grieve and then they get a new kitten and Mog watches as it doesn't get along very well with anyone cause it's too scared. The kitten runs out the front door and everyone goes out to look for it, and Mog goes: "I knew it," thought Mog. "I knew they'd never manage without me. They've got themselves the wrong sort of stupid kitten and now they've lost it. I'm going in."

And she goes in and finds the kitten hasn't got out at all, but is hiding inside. And Mog the ghost shows the kitten how to play. (The kitten can see Mog). And then the kitten is all good and Mog flies into the sun.

I never gave this one book in the set to Aureilia cause she was only 3 at the time, but today, she found it in a pile of papers. "Look Mom! A new MOG BOOK!"

So we read today about Mog going to heaven, and I was thinking of Mr. Boo the whole time. =) Mr. Boo is quite internationally loved, you know.

Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:11 pm
by Aikiweezie
I'm so sorry, Aquarius. It's so hard to loose a beloved pet. Take care of yourself. :hug:

Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:33 pm
by Aquarius
ek--That's a beautiful story. And it makes me happy to know that my BooBooKitty has left such an indelible mark on others, even those he hasn't met. He was a special little guy, and I always tried to show him that, be it spoiling him rotten with gourmet cat food, or just picking him up in the baby hold he liked so much and giving him big, sloppy kisses on his face (I used to tell him I was stealing his smoochies).

Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:37 am
by TPoptarts
Whoa I haven't been around and just saw this now. I'm so sorry Aquarius :( :cry:

Re: RIP Mr. Boo

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:10 pm
by Aquarius
Thanks, T'Poptarts. It sure hasn't been the same without him here.