Your other 'ships!

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Your other 'ships!

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:09 pm

We had a thread like this a while back, but I think it got erased during the Great Purge of spring 2007 (it was then, right?).

We're all here because we really like the pairing of Trip and T'Pol, but what are your other "ships"? Other pairings on other shows, movies, novels, comics etc. that make your heart beat a little faster.

I'm not really a shipper in the sense that I tend to ship on shows I watch. Sure I can appreciate Chuck and Sarah on Chuck, Tony and Ziva on N.C.I.S., Michael and Fiona on Burn Notice, but I don't actively 'SHIP for them. That means I won't be that worked up about it if they never got together, or broke up or something.

I don't think I've seriously shipped for anyone but TnT. I kinda rooted for Tom and B'Elanna on VOY but, like with the above, I wouldn't be worked up had it failed. I briefly toyed with Xander and Cordelia when I watched Buffy for the first time, but that went away so fast (I watched one episode every day) that I really didn't have time to get invested in them before it was over. And to my shame, way back in the 80s I recall thinking Alex P. Keaton and his leftie girlfriend on Family Ties were cute. Funny that Michael J. Fox married the actress in real life. But serious shippage, nah!

So, what couples do you ship for and why?
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby WarpGirl » Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:04 pm

Booth and Bones, for Bones, Tom and B'Elanna, Josh and Donna on The West Wing, Micheal and Fiona (frankly Micheal's an idiot if he can't see how good he's got it in Miami for MANY reasons) Jack and Sam on SG (still waiting because there are supposed to be more movies) Mcgee and Abby NCIS (Tiva is OK but I don't LOVE either of them) Riker and Troi, Picard and Crusher, Chakotay and Janeway (but I'll never write for them) Jarod and Miss Parker, The Pretender Batman and Catwoman, the "ship" pairing that Started me writing, Carth Onasi and Female Revan KOTOR, Male Exile and Visas, KOTOR 2 (AKA TSL) Anakin and Padme, Obi-Wan and Siri Tachi, Qui-Gon and Thal, Star Wars. Probably more but I can't think of them. Why? Well if the characters mesh well to me, and there's obvious affection why not?
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:43 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Carth Onasi and Female Revan KOTOR, Male Exile and Visas, KOTOR 2 (AKA TSL) ... Obi-Wan and Siri Tachi, Qui-Gon and Thal, Star Wars.

Never heard of them. Well, I know who Obi-Wan and Qui-Gonn are, but not the other half of the pairings. Is that from novels or some such?

I know there's shipping for Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade in the post-RotJ books.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby WarpGirl » Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:51 pm

Siri Tachi and Thal are from the Young Jedi Knights books. KOTOR, and TSL are Star Wars video games. I admit I'm a bit of a gamer. I'm also intrigued by Alexander Munro and Telsia Murphy from the Star Trek Elite Force games. I haven't played the second half yet but there is potential. Luke and Mara are fine, accept like Siri and Thal TPTB killed her off in a disrespectful meaningless way, in order to preserve their insistance on a patriarichal Jedi Order. :evil: Oh and I forgot, John Conner and Cameron Phillips TSCC.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Escriba » Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:06 pm

I'm like KTR, I think, I don't actively ship for any other couple than TnT, but I have some favorite couples: Brennan and Booth (from Bones), Angela and Hodgins (from the same show), Chuck and Sarah (from Chuck), Faramir and Eowyn (from the Lord of the Rings, the book), Han Solo and Leia (from Star Wars), Jean and Scott (from X-Men), Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy (from Pride & Prejudice, any version), Remington Steele and Laura Holt (from Remington Steele, I loved them when I was a child), House and Cuddy (from House), Jack and Kate (from Lost), Hari Sheldon and Dors Venabili (from the Fundation Trilogy, by Isaac Asimov), Rei-L and Vincent (from the anime Ergo Proxy), Erec and Enide (from Erec et Eride, the romance. ¿What?), George Stobbart and Nicole Collard (from the videogame Broken Sword) and... I don't remember any other. I know I'm forgeting someone, but I don't remeber now.

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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Asso » Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:48 pm

I have no else couple.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby anaM » Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:06 pm

I didn't ship anyone until I was quite old- and found out it's called shipping even later. It started with Juan del Diablo & Monica de Altamira from Corazon Salvaje (yes, a telenovela, but what a good one), Aragorn and Arwen, John Thornton and Margaret Hale from North and South, Shep and Weir from SGA, Angel and Buffy and finally Trip and T'Pol.

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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Reanok » Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:45 pm

Couples I liked Laura Holt & Remington Steele. Riker & Troi, Kira & Odo.Ben Sisko & Kassidy Yates. Tom and Be'lanna Torres. Sarek & Amanda. Sheridan and Delenn from Babylon 5, Ivanova & Marcus Cole.Harm and Mac from JAG.

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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby TPoptarts » Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:32 pm

TnT obviously from ENT and that's like my only Trek ship ever, I dunno I guess I was too young to think of pairings from other Treks :dunno: totally oblivious. :? :roll: :lol: And for the life of me I just don't get what people see in Reed/Hoshi. Seriously :? :?: :dunno:

Other ships... well some of them are real ships but some of them I wouldn't really mind if they ended up with other people if that's where the plot goes (assuming it's not some stupid contrived piece of dren someone just dug out of their asses like *the_abomination*, or Canine of course yucks :upchuck: )

Carter/O'Neill and Daniel/Vala (SG1)
Teyla/Kavanaugh and Keller/Todd (SGA, just because I wanted in on the shipper wars and couldn't really see anything in any of the hundred billions of other SGA ships so I decided to make up my own)
Storm/Wolverine and Rogue/Gambit (in all the X-Men incarnations)
Kitty/Bobby and Cyclops/Emma (Wolverine and the X-Men, although I guess I should ship Cyclops/Jean just for the sake of keeping her away from the Wolvie, gah that stupid "love triangle" thing is annoying everyone falls for the oh so perfect Jean, it's a cliche and I can't see that, I think she has better dynamics with Scott anyway [of course as long as WatXM Emma isn't around cuz she's the awesome] not to mention that RoLo are the most awesomest couple ever. Ugh just kill the Jean already... again :? :roll: )
House/Cuddy (House)
Crichton/Aeryn (Farscape)
Mulder/Scully (X-Files)
Wheeler/Linka (Captain Planet, cuz Wheeler is just too lame when he falls for other chicks :roll: :p :dunno: )
Lee/Starbuck (BSG good riddance Dualla... it was almost like pulling a Canine :wtf: )
Grissom/Sara and Wendy/Hodges (CSI)

Um that's all the ships I can think about :?


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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Aikiweezie » Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:50 pm

I've been a Rick Hunter/Lisa Hayes of Robotech/Macross Shipper for about 20 years. ALL my fiction is Rick/Lisa stuff. Rediscovered Enterprise about 6 months ago and now it's Trip & T'Pol all the time!
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Alelou » Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:53 pm

Truly insane shipping: Picard/Crusher, then Mulder/Scully, then this one.

But my adoration of various couples probably began in childhood with Daniel Boone and his wife (ahhh, how lovely and manly that Fess Parker was!) and Barnabas Collins and Victoria Winters in Dark Shadows (at the age of nine I was buying Dark Shadows paperbacks and taking just about any ghost story I could get my hands on out of the library). In high school it was Ross and Demelza Poldark (TV and the books). And oh yeah, the most pathetic ship of all since it was so hopeless: The Bionic Woman and her boss Oscar. I was also a big Remington Steele/Laura fan, and later Scarecrow and Mrs. King. Castle is the only current TV ship of interest to me, but I don't watch much TV. It's probably a good thing I've never watched Bones. I thoroughly enjoy True Blood, but I just can't quite ship for the main couple because, well, he's a vampire.

That's not getting into books, of course, where it was most Jane Austen couples, Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester, Aragorn and Arwen, Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane, Ged and whatsername in the Earthsea Trilogy and its sequel, Berson and Rachel in The Wall (wonderful novel set in the Warsaw Ghetto), Mary and Fred in Middlemarch, and a bunch of others including various Tudors in historical novels that have largely faded from my memory. The most romantically addictive book I've read in recent years: The Time Traveler's Wife.
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Elessar » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:12 am

ooh man... Mulder/Scully - XF

Jack/Kate - Lost

Clair/Charlie - Lost

Boone/Shannon - Lost (HEY! I didn't think it was weird!)

Jack/Jennifer and Carrie/Austin - Days of Our Lives (not kidding)

Jack Carter/Allison Blake - Eureka

John/Aeryn - Farscape

Malcolm/River - Firefly (c'mon!)

House/Cameron - House

John/Cameron - Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles

Bashir/Dax - DS9

Torres/Paris - Voyager

Seven of Nine / Picard - (my own weird idea)

Picard / Vash - TNG

Q / Janeway - :D :D

Dan / Olivia - Journeyman (GREAT! Couple)

Six/Baltar - nuBSG

Adama/Roslin - nuBSG

Apollo/Starbuck - nuBSG (DUH!)

Tyrol/Boomer - nuBSG

Athena/Helo - nuBSG
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby WarpGirl » Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:04 am

Elasser Dude like seriously, most of those are awsome, but a few are downright scary... Picard and 7of9!!!!! :shock: Ummm even if the whole Borge thing WASN'T creepy, which it IS. He's like way too old for her, honestly the most experience she has as a true human isn't even 13 years. And in Borg years, she's too old for him. YIKES! Oh and what did Sherriff Jack Cater do to deserve that witch Alison? Hasn't she put him through enough?
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby Alelou » Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:58 pm

Elessar, you are surely a born romantic. 8)
OMG, ANOTHER new chapter! NORTH STAR Chapter 28
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Re: Your other 'ships!

Postby WarpGirl » Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:04 pm

Alelou I know that we;ve never met, but I really think you should try watching Bones I think you might like it as much as you like TnT. Plenty of miscommunication, science, and chemestry to adore. It's really good!
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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