The First, Final and Only Warning

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The First, Final and Only Warning

Postby Elessar » Sat May 26, 2007 12:03 am

It has been brought to my attention that there are some pervading attitudes and modes of conduct between posters that have made this an unpleasant environment for T/T posters. This is far from a local or singular event, but rather an atmosphere that has developed. I have been rather lax on enforcing any kind of forum moderation because I had hoped this could be a free-format society of people that were not restricted by the baser rules and regulations that have been enforced on other boards.

Unfortunately, some behaviors - some recent, some over time - have made that hope untenable. It is the wish of myself and the mod team that this forum continue to offer a haven of creative cross-pollination, and a favorable place for fans of Trip and T'Pol to gather and share their enjoyment on that subject. I may need to repeat that:

Triaxian Silk is a website for fans of TRIP AND T'POL to gather and share their enjoyment on that subject.

-It is not for bashing other posters personally in any way, including intimations, implications, or comments in any other way insulting to another poster. We're not splitting hairs, but most of us have the intelligence of a 13 year old or higher, and that's about the age you learn what is and is not an insult.

--It is not for inflammatory comments that are arguably intended to cause irritation or provocation. Trolling. There IS such a thing as thinking someone is an ignorant bastard and NOT telling them so. Certainly not here.

--It is not for talking trash about other Star Trek: Enterprise characters, writers, novels, actors. There is a fine line between comparative character analysis and full on bashing, and every one of us knows damn well the difference. The spirit of this isn't to discourage free thinking or personal opinions, but to avoid unrelenting negativity about Enterprise, the writers of Enterprise, the captain of Enterprise, the new books, or about individual fanfics, since that is what we gather around--how we celebrate Trip 'n T'pol.

It is for that reason that this forum is adopting what I like to call a "No Bullshit" policy. There will be one warning, then one 7-day ban. After the 7-day ban there will be a permanent ban. This will only be exercised if either the infraction is clearly flagrant, or somebody is hurt enough by someone's comment to report it.

Make no mistake, there ARE individuals causing trouble and those individuals WILL either choose to get with the program and come on in for the big win or pack their shit and go home. I would rather 5 people leave because their precious censorship rights are being trampled than 1 person leave because they're intimidated, insulted, or attacked.

This isn't going to infringe on basic conversation, just use some judgement. I will NOT have my posters harassed, END of story.

If there are any questions about this policy I am more than happy to field them in my PM box.
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Re: The First, Final and Only Warning

Postby Elessar » Sat May 26, 2007 6:53 am


"I call shotgun!"
"I call nine millimeter." - John and Cameron

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