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Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:23 pm
by Hondafan
Im not sure if I can make myself get excited over new trek after I was really dissappointed in the way that Stra Trek has been handled lately. I think that there is some fan fic that is leaps and bounds better than the "canon"trek out there. Whats everyone opinion?

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:51 pm
by Rigil Kent
I am mostly indifferent towards it since I, like a lot of people here, would prefer to see an Enterprise-based movie that would
  • Give the series a proper send off, and
  • Undo that travesty of a "finale."
Unfortunately, I'm enough of a realist to recognize that such a thing isn't going to happen since ENT was so poorly received by a snobbish clique of Trek fans and did so poorly in ratings (although, as an aside, it's interesting that nuBSG, which is consistently raved about critically, has always had about the same number of viewers that ENT did). So, from a financial standpoint, I understand why the studio wants to do a new movie that has names more familiar to the general public, even it's disappointing at that the Trek show that actually brought me back to the franchise is getting short shrift.

To me, Shatner is Kirk, Nimoy is Spock, et. all, so it's going to be really hard for me to see new actors portraying these characters. I'm also not that big a fan of JJ Abrams's (sp?) work, so that obviously hampers my ability to get excited about the new movie.

The way I see it, after failures like Nemesis and the poorly received Enterprise, this movie will have to be a financial blockbuster that has critical and rave reviews. Otherwise, I anticipate that it will be the last Trek movie for ten years or so.

But, that's just my humble opinion.

As an aside, I saw this screen manip of Zachary Quinto (Sylar on Heroes) as Spock on a site that indicated he is trying to get the job. Simply based on appearance, I've gotta say that I like it...


Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:49 pm
by CoffeeCat
I'm pretty indifferant to it as well. I figure that Bermanga doesn't have anything to do with it this time around so it might not be *that* bad.

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:35 pm
by blacknblue
Unless they throw us ENT fans a bone, I doubt that I will even bother to watch it.

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:40 pm
by CoffeeCat
Yep. The least they could do in the movie is make a passing suggestion that Tucker didn't *really* die.

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:27 pm
by TSara
CoffeeCat wrote:Yep. The least they could do in the movie is make a passing suggestion that Tucker didn't *really* die.

Amen to that!

I know this is going to sound so typical.....but honestly it's Trek....when it comes out I'll go see it. Gotta try to get my fix somehow.


I figure it must be due to desperation.....Since Enterprise got canceled there isn't any new trek out......and I figure I've read a good chunk of the fan fiction on the web.

Honestly....I'm getting very antsy.

I'm hoping going to Shoreleave (and possibly Cherri Hill) will help.

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:33 pm
by CoffeeCat
I'll probably go see it for the same reason. I can't resist anything Star Trek for some reason. It's like the saying goes...

"Star Trek: Even when it's bad, it's good!"

(well, unless it's *the_abomination*)

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:38 pm
by Reanok
I want to see an Enterprise movie not aTOS reboot with new actors playing Kirk, Spock and McCoY. I'm less than thrilled with changing TOS around and the writers think it's the cool hip happening way to do remake the Trek movie franchise. I don't like the idea that Abrams remaking of the original series and changing everything around to what they think it should be like.

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:39 pm
by Rigil Kent
Well, I'm in the minority, I guess (no surprise. I usually am it seems.) Aside from First Contact, I didn't watch any of the TNG movies in the theaters, and actually skipped the last couple of TOS movies as well (I think that the fourth one was the last one I saw in the theater.) I ultimately caught them on HBO or DVD (and I'm still irked that I paid good money for Nemesis), but I didn't go out of my way to actually watch them.

But then, I'm not what one would consider a "good" Trek fan, so unless I really like what I see in the trailers (providing they actually make this movie instead of tying it up in preproduction for a decade), it's entirely up in the air whether I'll go see it or not.

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:46 pm
by TSara
CoffeeCat wrote:I'll probably go see it for the same reason. I can't resist anything Star Trek for some reason. It's like the saying goes...

"Star Trek: Even when it's bad, it's good!"

(well, unless it's *the_abomination*)

*the_abomination* Censored! me off too...but I did like some parts of it.

Although killing off my beloved Trip really ticked me off to say the least.

I did enjoy the Charter Signing well as some of the interaction between T'Pol and Trip.....although IF I had written the episode they would have been together and married... to hell with Star Fleet Regulations.

Bah. Bitch

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:49 pm
by CoffeeCat
Rigil Kent wrote:As an aside, I saw this screen manip of Zachary Quinto (Sylar on Heroes) as Spock on a site that indicated he is trying to get the job. Simply based on appearance, I've gotta say that I like it...


Cast him as a Vulcan in the next series. The hell with Spock. Give that hottie his own character.

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:59 pm
by Rigil Kent
I may use him as a Romulan in my Endeavour series .. just like Jonathan Rhys Meyers from the ongoing Tudors show....

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:20 pm
by kalysto
I have little to no hope for the movie with Abrams at the helm. I suppose I'm still disappointed by how quickly he let Alias slide down the toilet.

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:17 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
I wrote about this movie in my blog a while ago. I haven't changed my opinion since then. Confused

Re: Any hope for the New Star Trek movie?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:18 pm
by CX
I'm playiing "wait and see" with this one. I'm slightly optimistic because JJ Abrahms is helming it, but while he's said he's going to respect continuity and all that, I've heard that statement before and it turned out not to be true, and with some of the reports that have been coming out I'm a little worried.

I'd actually like a DS9 movie myself, or a mixed TNG/DS9 movie that passes the torch to the DS9 cast. An ENT movie would be good too. Frankly I think they're making a TOS movie for the wrong reasons, because they have this notion that it will garner more attention that way because of the name recognition, but it'll be the same people going to this one as every other movie, with only a few new people, like always.