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Re: New story by BnB and Distracted

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:13 pm
by enterprikayak
uh oh

Re: New story by BnB and Distracted

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:35 am
by JadziaKathryn
Well, I'm waaaay behind on the fanfic reading on account of exploring Australia, but I finally read this chapter and quite enjoyed it. Some of the lines were too perfect.

One tiny quibble: sometimes, it seems like the Vulcans ought to know more about humans. Like the observation about Archer baring his fangs. Really, after nearly 100 years, shouldn't Vulcans know about this, or humans not smile at Vulcans? (Unless you want to delve into some deep High Command conspiracy, that is.)

That aside, I really enjoyed it. Enjoyed T'Pol and Hoshi's girl talk especially.

But I do hope T'Riss recovers.

Re: New story by BnB and Distracted

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:21 pm
by blacknblue

Vulcans that have been around Humans no doubt are familiar with the details of superficial Human physiology. And no doubt the Vulcan medical database has a complete scan of Human dental layout. But T'Lar herself has not been around Humans that much.

I kind of had the thought that it might be a subject for casual debate among Vulcan officers.

"Are those side teeth of theirs really fangs or not?"

"I do not know. I have never bothered to check the database. Ask a healer."

"They look like fangs. But they are not very sharp. Not very long either. Not like the Klingons have."

"But they are definitely pointed. the next time you encounter a Human, and one of them makes that teeth bearing grimace at you, take note. They are definitely pointed."

That sort of thing.

Don't give up on T'Riss just yet. :)

Re: New story by BnB and Distracted

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:26 pm
by Linda
Oh, what sharp teeth you have Grandmother. :shock:

All the better for sucking your blood, my dear. :badgrin:

Re: New story by BnB and Distracted

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:56 pm
by Asso
:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: New story by BnB and Distracted

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:01 pm
by Buurman
I must say, I'm really anxious to see you continue this. Mostly because I want to see how T'Riss and Daniel end up together! I don't know why, but a sappy love story will get me everytime. Especially something like this, with her being scarred and not likely to trust men, and him being suspicious of her, while at the same time they are irrevocably drawn to each other.

For that matter, I thought that T'Riss's decision to swear herself in service to Daniel came a bit out of left field (is that the correct expression?). I mean, something like this was going to happen, I could feel it, but it seemed a bit like you were forgetting a step in between, if you know what I mean. And why would the Andorians try to hook Daniel up with a Vulcan?! That never made sense to me.

Apart from that, please continue. I need my DnT!

Plot? What plot? Archer? TnT? Vulcans? Orions? What do you mean? They are not relevant! :lol:

EDIT: For some reason I forgot Daniel's been raped as well. Hmmm. So, you are planning on getting these two together, right? Because wow ... if you want to keep it in concert with what I suspect would be their feelings about the other sex (or sex in general) I just don't see how these two are going to trust each other enough to really connect.

Btw, I figured that T'Riss's apparent 'easy recovery' (regarding the fact that she doesn't seem uncomfortable around males and such) is more a consequence of her Vulcan upbringing, ie she merely suppresses any outward notion of discomfort she may feel around other people.