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Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:34 pm
by Aikiweezie
I've seen a very detailed schematic, deck by deck of Enterprise, but I can't remember if there's a laundry in there. I'll try to llok.

Does anyone know if there's a complete crew breakdown somewhere?

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:40 pm
by WarpGirl
Nope. Sorry.

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:26 pm
by Alelou
WarpGirl wrote:I'll agree that in fiction 99.9% of the time dreams indictcate character motivation, and this time is no different. BUT I really think it's overrated. I mean Malcolm and Archer dream about T'Pol and all it meant was hormones (and idiocy on Archer's part) nothing real and concrete I don't think the sex part of the Trip dream necessarily has too mean anything if all of the other stuff hadn't happened.

Well, Malcolm was an early admirer of T'Pol's bum, and he also admires her discipline, so I'm willing to think that his dream indicated genuine interest, though it was so obviously played for comedy that they clearly weren't indicating it was something serious that was going to break his heart.

And after all that idea-planting Phlox did, it would have been amazing if Archer DIDN'T have a sex dream about T'Pol. (I would have been a lot more worried if it was the other way around.) Still, it's clear they were at least testing the idea of stirring up something between those two at that point in the season. :upchuck:

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:30 pm
by WarpGirl
Aw Malcom just had a little crush but he was hardly motivated by it. As for Archer I won't go there because I know you like him. Wait... What happened to the laundry?

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:39 pm
by panyasan
WarpGirl wrote:Aw Malcom just had a little crush but he was hardly motivated by it. As for Archer I won't go there because I know you like him. Wait... What happened to the laundry?

This is the mixed Laundry/dreams-thread with a little Jane Austen on the side.

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:42 pm
by WarpGirl
Well if I'm going to compare TnT with Austen characters I have to say Elizabeth and Darcy. Between the two of them they more than have enough Pride and prejudice on BOTH sides. Not that the personalites are a match, but they have the elements. With Amanda Cole being Miss Bingley and Tolaris as Wickham.

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:53 pm
by Alelou
I could see T'Pol as Lizzie but Trip just isn't a Darcy. He's sweet-talking her from the beginning and friendly to everybody from the start. He'd be the Bingley to Archer's Darcy (ai yi yi, the horror!).

Okay, after clearing my mouth of bile, now I need to work in a dream and some laundry ...

Well, as far as laundry goes. Why do you suppose they have blue underwear and t-shirts, but BLACK undershirts? And how come women only wear camisoles? Are they afraid there's no way to make a brassiere someone won't recognize as a current model?

Can't come up with a dream. Oh well.

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:56 pm
by WarpGirl
Don't think of Trip as a Darcy either. But he certainly has the stubborness! T'Pol isn't really Lizzy either. But the situations work. I'm going to forget you compared Archer to Fitzwilliam Darcy there are no words for that sin.

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:57 pm
by Silverbullet
Alelou, bite your tongue. God stirring up something between Archer and T-Pol? That is sick.

If I have offended any Archer fans, believe me....

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:01 pm
by WarpGirl
Did you notice that with everyone except T'Pol they only have dark loads of laundry. Maybe they wanted to save on bleach and hot water.

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:02 pm
by Alelou
WarpGirl wrote:Don't think of Trip as a Darcy either. But he certainly has the stubborness! T'Pol isn't really Lizzy either. But the situations work. I'm going to forget you compared Archer to Fitzwilliam Darcy there are no words for that sin.


Yeah, okay, mea culpa.

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:18 pm
by Escriba
Alelou wrote:I could see T'Pol as Lizzie but Trip just isn't a Darcy. He's sweet-talking her from the beginning and friendly to everybody from the start. He'd be the Bingley to Archer's Darcy (ai yi yi, the horror!).

How dare you to imply such a nefarious thing?!


About the laundry... Yeah, T'Pol having different colors, so they have to separate her laundry from the rest... another thing for the crew to love her.

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:21 pm
by WarpGirl
Nefarious that's being polite Escriba! No way is Archer in the same league as Darcy even his most devout shipper fans would have to concede that. Anyway I like the idea of everyone doing their own washing, and cleaning the quarters. Otherwise I shudder to think that the future is full of lazy slobbish brats.

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:26 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
panyasan wrote:...and we don't know what happened in the morning after (waking up and T'Pol is gone for example could make you very uncertain)besides that they had red alert and had to run.

Neither stayed until morning. They were back on duty during the night, Trip in engineering and T'Pol on the Bridge, when the alarm sounded after the sphere builder guy escaped from sickbay. So they must have left her quarters before the alert.

Aikiweezie wrote:Enterprise is a not a big ship and has a relatively small crew. I don't think there would be crewmen assigned to nothing but assisting chef and doing laundry and cleaning, but I could be wrong. I watched a show about aircraft carriers, and the lowest ranking cre members had to rotate doing things like cleaning the heads, doing laundry, etd. Officers never had to do that kind of thing.

I wish a military person would chime in on this one.

When I was doing my mandatory military service (20 years ago now) I didn't have to do any laundry. Once a week we could go down to the commissariat and have our dirty uniforms (including undies) replaced. Then they did the cleaning. And I wasn't an officer. Just an enlisted NCO. But this was the Royal Swedish Army.

Aikiweezie wrote:I've seen a very detailed schematic, deck by deck of Enterprise, but I can't remember if there's a laundry in there. I'll try to llok.

It's not canon or anything, but there is a tailor/laundry in the aft port section in this deck layout page

Re: On Laundry

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:37 pm
by WarpGirl
Yeah well My grandparents didn't do laundry in the Air Force either nobody does except if that's your assignment. I don't know if it works that way all over the world or not. But honestly I would really love people doing more normal things in Trek just to balance out the awsome abnormal stuff.