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Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:25 pm
by WarpGirl
Fight Or Flight was a pretty weird episode, nobody particularly was shown in the best light. T'Pol got the worst of it though. I'm not saying I would have liked a typical "girlie frienship" between T'Pol and Hoshi either. Certainly I would have hated a relationship like the one Beverly and Deanna had on TNG. I don't think either Hoshi or T'Pol are women who would do brunch than mani-pedi days at the spa. But I do beleive there was potential for a friendship based on intellect (they are both geniuses) and mutual respect. I believe they could have learned a lot from each other.

As for Hoshi being re-written as a badass I missed those episodes. But I loved her in Terra Prime. I thought she was amazing.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:39 pm
by Ludmila
WarpGirl wrote:As for Hoshi being re-written as a badass I missed those episodes.

It was only in "Observer Effect" and the mirror episodes. As far I remember, she did not employ her new skills of the fighter in "United" where would give Archer some advice in fighting.
Though maybe there was something in "Affliction".

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:58 pm
by WarpGirl
I saw Aflliction. Haven't seen the others.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:16 pm
by Ludmila
WarpGirl wrote:I saw Aflliction. Haven't seen the others.

You may look at "badass" MU Hoshi in the fanvid "Into the Darkness (Sober)" by pueblo
Size: 19.6 mb
Pairs: Mirror: Archer/Hoshi, Travis/Hoshi, Trip/T'pol

There are few other good MU fanvids. But Pueblo has a fighting scene in the beginning.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:27 pm
by WarpGirl
I can't buy Hoshi beating T'Pol in a knife fight. Akido and Suss Mahana aren't evenly matched.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:33 pm
by Distracted
But we don't know what sort of martial arts training or experience the MU characters have. For all we know Hoshi is the daughter of a ninja family and has been training in hand-to-hand combat and knife work since age 4. And if T'Pol's people are slaves it's entirely possible that they're not allowed martial arts training with weapons, only barehanded. That's where kung-fu and traditional karate came from... a downtrodden underclass forbidden to own weapons.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:34 pm
by Ludmila
WarpGirl wrote:I can't buy Hoshi beating T'Pol in a knife fight. Akido and Suss Mahana aren't evenly matched.

These were their MU counterparts. Maybe MU Hoshi had many trainings because MU T'Pol did be better than the normal human MU MACO. I like Dis more elaborated idea.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:41 pm
by WarpGirl
I'm an idiot.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:17 pm
by honeybee
Whatever the case, I do think that in the last part of Season 4 - Manny Coto had finally started writing some interesting stuff for Linda Park/Hoshi. She was great in the Demons/Terra Prime arc - and she clearly had fun vamping it up in the MU.

On the other hand, I still think there was a split between the big three Archer/T'Pol/Trip and the small three Malcolm/Hoshi/Travis - with Phlox being part of the lower three at times. The writers clearly settled on that after awhile.

The only cross pollination we ever saw was the Trip/Malcolm friendship.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:17 am
by Distracted
WarpGirl wrote:I'm an idiot.
Nah. You have a point. Hoshi would have to be REALLY bad-ass to compensate for T'Pol's greater physical strength. Aikido is a martial art which relies on turning the energy of one's opponent against him or her. It's defensive, not offensive. It was probably never invented in the MU. 8)

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:32 am
by WarpGirl
Aw Thanks Dis. You know honeybee I gotta say I didn't like the divide in ENT. I liked it better in TNG and VOY where the entire crews were unifide. Yeah certain characters were closer than others but you got a real sense of shared community.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:27 am
by Lady Rainbow
Distracted wrote:
WarpGirl wrote:I'm an idiot.
Nah. You have a point. Hoshi would have to be REALLY bad-ass to compensate for T'Pol's greater physical strength. Aikido is a martial art which relies on turning the energy of one's opponent against him or her. It's defensive, not offensive. It was probably never invented in the MU. 8)

MUHoshi might've had some ninja training, for all we know. As it was pointed out, Hoshi's background in the MU would have been radically different from her RU counterpart. Let's face it...if you didn't know how to defend yourself in the MU, you'd probably be LONG dead.

And Dis, I agree with you that aikido probably wouldn't have been widely practiced, if at all in the MU. I see something more like jujitsu or Krav Maga for the MU Macos.

I think Hoshi and T'Pol could have had an interesting friendship, if it had been expanded more. T'Pol told her in "Vox Sola" that she had confidence in her translation skills. I could see T'Pol going to Hoshi for advice on how to deal with Trip's emotions a lot more than her going to say, Archer or Phlox.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:46 am
by Aikiweezie
Distracted wrote: [You have a point. Hoshi would have to be REALLY bad-ass to compensate for T'Pol's greater physical strength. Aikido is a martial art which relies on turning the energy of one's opponent against him or her. It's defensive, not offensive. It was probably never invented in the MU. 8)

There are many different atyles of Aikido. Morihei Ueshiba's modern style of Aikido which he developed in the the 1920s & 30s, is what most people think about when someone says "Aikido." His Aikido is all about harmony, blending with the attack, being defensive not offensive, etc. The other styles, Tomiki, Kobayashi, Yoshinkai etc. are quite different actually, very violent. The great thing about the Aiki Arts (I train in one, Aikijutsu) is that size and strength mean nothing. A small person or an old person can be just as dangerous, or more dangerous, than a younger, stronger person. That being said, as a black belt, Hoshi could give T'Pol a run for her money, IMHO. If Hoshi could break a man's arm, I'm guessing she wasn't studying Ueshibaha Aikido.

Re: A Hoshi and T'Pol Friendship

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:09 pm
by Linda
The Aikido that older, not very strong people can do sounds attractive to me, especially being shorter than the average woman. :) But the Vulcan neck pinch sounds best of all if a human could master it! :lol: