The Sky's the Limit review Spoilers

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The Sky's the Limit review Spoilers

Postby Reanok » Sat Oct 13, 2007 1:21 am

I really liked this story anthology First story is Meet with Triumph and disaster we get to meet captain Thomas Holloway who was in charge of the engineering crews when the galaxy Class Enterprise was built we get to see a tour of the Enterprise with Admiral Quinn & Satie and a Xindi Lady Svath Magodin she was in charge of Space and Scientific exploration we also find out that were 2 accidentas aboard Enterprise during the ship's construction and the difficulties of getting the ship finished. That Captain Halloway was an Engineer at heart and didn't want to command a starship.We see the pressure he's under to finish getting Enterprise built and the fact jean Luc Picard is the right captain for this ship.The second story Acts of Compassion is A Beverly Crusher & Tasha Yar story we get to see them work as a team there's a mediacal emergency on a Cardassian ship and they have to hel pa cardassian Doctor. treat non Cardassian patients.If you like Cardassians this story has alot of great characters The captain Gul Edel and the Dr.Ialona Duret reminded me of Garak .The situation aboard the cardassian ship is dangerous and trouble is brewing I don't want to spoil it. but I liked Beverly & Tasha working as a team.

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Re: The Sky's the Limit review Spoilers

Postby Reanok » Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:21 pm

Redshift by Richard C. White is a Pulaski story where we get insight into why she' so hardheaded and did'nt want to listen to anyone. She has her medical taeam doing emergency drills to prepare them in case the ship is attacked by an enemy. She does right thing but goes about in the wrong way and it causes major trouble for the Enterprise is attacked and the way they have to deal with the a real emergency was nicely handled. Among the clouds by Scott Parson is a Geordi story we see how he handles being in a emergency situation on a a Jupiter type world and the aliens who live there and truly alien animal life forms that live on the planet were really interesting. One of my favorite stories in the book is Thiking of you by Greg Cox I always like reginald Barclay he's someone who iyou can relate to. And I liked Ro being teamed up with him when they assigned by Picard for a Dipolomatic mission to lxwana Troi's ship. There's great character interaction and alot of humor when things go wrong. I won't spoil it except BArclay & Ro help save the day so to speak. And I liked Lxwana was portrayed in this story.

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Re: The Sky's the Limit review Spoilers

Postby Reanok » Mon Oct 15, 2007 6:49 pm

Some more stories to reviesw starting with another Romulan story Turn Coats by Susan Shwartz dealing with events from Season 6 Faces of the Enemy and the Starfleet spy who orginally defected to Romulous Ensign Steven deseven and The Romulan Proconsul M'Ret and his aids we get to see that the Romulans don't want Enterprise to get away with suck important defecters who have alot political information.Deseve has important knowledge that helps save the Enterprise from a Romulan weapon.I realy liked this story alot it was really good as well as the next 2 stories. Twould Ring the bells of Heaven by Amy Sisson we get to see deanna Troi, Data & Taurik on a scientific mission around a Saturn like planet to examine one of it's moons. They have an accident that kills a scientists from a colony world that has a research station on one of the moons they have a secret they want to stop Deanna from telling the Enterprise about what they found in the planets rings.It's a really intersting story especially like Astronomy. Suicide note By Geff TrowBridge Deals with Picard being on Romulous to bring a message to Admiral Jarok's wife and daughter and about the aftermath of what happened to Jarok's family after he defected to the Federation and it happens during the Dominion war.

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Re: The Sky's the Limit review Spoilers

Postby Reanok » Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:35 pm

Sorry for the delay for some more reviews Friends With Sparrows Christopher L. Benett It's a Data story that deals with the aliens from Darmok wanting negeoiations with the Federation. there' a linguist Dr. Sofia Borges who wants Data to alter his emotion chip to talk the Tama aliens do. His emotion chip ends up with a short and Data goes beserk. I didn't care for this story.I don't care for Data's emotion chip causes him to go crazy stories. Four Lights by Keith Decandido is a much better story it takes place during the Dominion war. Enterprise is part of battle group to protect a planet from being conquered by Dominion troops. they save the planet but at a heavy cost. We also get a emergency call from a Cardassian ship Enterprise answers the call and beamd aboaerd the survivors one of them being Gul Madred who tortured picard in Chain of Commnad. We see how torn & conflicted Picard is. this a great character piece for Picard & Madred.Old wounds for Picard are reopened and we see him struggling with what happened to him In Chains of Command. Madred is in for a Suprise. I won't spoil it but it was nice to see his superior ego knocked out of him.This is one of the best stories in the whole book.Til' Death by Bob Ingersol & Thomas F. Zahler is a Riker story and takes place before Riker & Troi get married we see him and Crusher on a away Mission to an ancient Fabrinri colony world exploring for new records or technology when things go wrong they're attacked by a criminal the story takes some strange twists and turns it's hard to review without giving away too much of the story it's okay but not the best I've ever read. On The Spot by David McIntee is a story that takes place after Nemesis the crew is dealing with Data's death.It's a Worf& Spot they both help stop the problems that's causing Enterprise mechanical problems some of the scenes with Worf & Spot were really funny. The part about how cats behave rings true. I really liked this story alot. Being a cat owner I can relate to the events portrayed in the story.

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Re: The Sky's the Limit review Spoilers

Postby Reanok » Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:09 pm

Final and last review for this book Trust Yourself when all men doubt you by Micheal Schuster & Steve Mollmann it takes place after the end of Nemesis Picard is looking back on his career and the choices hes made in his live and good and bad. As the Captain of ther Stargazer & the Enterprise D&E. He trying to write a letter to Captain Riker and what advice he give will. He also re-reads a letter Captain Thomas Holloway gave him during the launch of the first Enterprise he commanded and we get nice character introspection of Picard & Halloway we also get a look back at Wolf 359 and things we haven't seen before a nice finish to this story anthology. If you're a TNG you may really like reading this book.There's alot of great stories in this book.

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