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Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:36 am
by Alelou
I certainly wasn't suggesting Escriba go out and get prescription drugs without talking to a doctor!

I've been very well-behaved and haven't taken any since that accidental dose. But sometimes it IS tempting.

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:40 am
by Escriba
Alelou wrote:I certainly wasn't suggesting Escriba go out and get prescription drugs without talking to a doctor!

Don't worry, Alelou, nobody thinks that. At least, I don't.

TPoptarts wrote:I had a classmate whose last name was Mania :lol:

I would kill my parents if they did that to me :shock:

Distracted wrote:I don't know how available drugs like Ritalin are where you're from, but you should be careful about taking stimulants on your own without testing, though, Escriba, especially if the problem is a fairly recent development, since the definition of ADD includes the onset of symptoms before age 7. Adults who lack focus, get episodically hyperactive and can't sleep could also have mania, a condition which can be hereditary and gets much worse with stimulants. You treat mania with meds like Depakote or Lithium. Mild mania (hypomania) feels marvelous, like being on uppers. It's mainly a problem for everyone else because the person may want to stay up all night and clean the house or write a novel, but people with severe mania can do dangerous things because when they're manic they feel great... absolutely bullet-proof. They might do things like buy a car on a credit card or impulsively go after someone they disagree with and really hurt them. It can really get them in trouble. And most people with mania also have depressive periods, where they can't get motivated to do anything, sleep all the time, and feel very sad. Suicide is a risk during those times.

End of lecture. Sorry. Can't help it. 8)

Well, you are the expert, after all :D

But no, I don't think is mania. I mean, I have this up-down episodes and for a time I was worried I could be bipolar, but I don't think so now. First, I can control them, they're not so overwhelming (although I had a nervous tic from my chilhood that I almost can't control when I'm hiperactive.) Second, I can fake my hiperactive and depressing times, and I suppose if you can fool your own family it's not so serious. And third, I'm always been very nervous, I probably was a little hiperactive as a child (but not too much. I mean, I've always had good grades in school and at college.) I suppose my mind runs too quickly sometimes :lol:

No, I haven't gone to the doctor for this. I'm hypochondriac. Yes, I know that usually means I should go to the doctor more than the average people, but I'm a real hipocondriac, I'm afraid of being really sick, hence I refrain to going 8)

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:07 am
by JadziaKathryn
"Hallelujah" is one of the definitive TnT songs for me. This video is a good one.

The other definitive TnT song for me is "What About Now?" by Daughtry.

Pitseleh wrote:Hey, this is a pretty good idea. 8) (Perhaps you have the same problem I do: whenever I'm suppossed to be "creating" something else, say a building or structure, I start getting creative ideas about everything except for the stuff I need to work on... And thus, procrastination ensues).

I love Delicate by Damien Rice. I've always thought it is a great song for TnT. And Hallelujah is awesome for them as well.

Meanwhile, I've been having these flashes of Trip or TnT every time I hear Lucky Man by The Verve.
I have that problem! The vast majority of my story ideas come out when I'm supposed to be doing something else. I've lost track of how many times a new idea, or the missing link for a story, has come to me while I'm trying to write a paper for a class, one with an actual due date. (Worse yet, the due date is invariably soon, like the next morning.)

Wait - The Verve did another song besides "Bittersweet Symphony"??? :shock:

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:16 am
by Alelou
JadziaKathryn wrote:"Hallelujah" is one of the definitive TnT songs for me. This video is a good one.

Did you know that video is by Escriba?

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:19 am
by Escriba
JadziaKathryn wrote:Anyway,
Pitseleh wrote:Hey, this is a pretty good idea. (Perhaps you have the same problem I do: whenever I'm suppossed to be "creating" something else, say a building or structure, I start getting creative ideas about everything except for the stuff I need to work on... And thus, procrastination ensues).

I love Delicate by Damien Rice. I've always thought it is a great song for TnT. And Hallelujah is awesome for them as well.

Meanwhile, I've been having these flashes of Trip or TnT every time I hear Lucky Man by The Verve.

I have that problem! The vast majority of my story ideas come out when I'm supposed to be doing something else. I've lost track of how many times a new idea, or the missing link for a story, has come to me while I'm trying to write a paper for a class, one with an actual due date. (Worse yet, the due date is invariably soon, like the next morning.)

And you have to remember the Old Engineer's Law: The larger the project or job, the less time there is to do it.

Alelou wrote:
JadziaKathryn wrote:"Hallelujah" is one of the definitive TnT songs for me. This video is a good one.

Did you know that video is by Escriba?

She knows, she knows :D

By the way, does the link for the compilation work? I mean, I don't know if somebody has actually listen to it. Because if something is wrong, tell me.

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:40 am
by Alelou
Oops, sorry. Yes, it worked fine and I enjoyed listening to it. I have to confess I only really cared for a few of the songs (mostly the ones you've already used on videos) but the lyrics did apply nicely.

I'm curious how you did this. My father must burn and mail 500 CDs a year to friends to distribute his "WKIT We're Keeping in Touch" fake radio show. Learning how to do it this way could save him a fortune, though I'm sure a lot of his old geezer friends would be stymied about the technology. But there are quite a few younger geezers in his listening audience too.

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:07 am
by Escriba
Oh, don't worry, I know music tastes are different for everybody, I was just asking if the link worked.

Alelou wrote:I'm curious how you did this. My father must burn and mail 500 CDs a year to friends to distribute his "WKIT We're Keeping in Touch" fake radio show. Learning how to do it this way could save him a fortune, though I'm sure a lot of his old geezer friends would be stymied about the technology. But there are quite a few younger geezers in his listening audience too.

That's a bloody lot of CDs!

I put together all the songs all wanted (mp3 archives) in the same file. I have "WinZip 11", so I right clicked on the file and saved it as a zipped file. And then I used a free storage page ( in this case) to save and share it.

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:17 pm
by Alelou
Fascinating. I wonder if he had his own WKIT page linked to his ISP account, if it would be able to handle the hosting? It's not like more than 50 people or so would be downloading from it.

Of course, we're talking about leading a 74 year-old-man into some fairly involved new things here. Still, I'm kind of amazed at what he can still figure out when he has music as an incentive. My mother can't even send an email without help.

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:39 pm
by Escriba
Alelou wrote:Fascinating. I wonder if he had his own WKIT page linked to his ISP account, if it would be able to handle the hosting? It's not like more than 50 people or so would be downloading from it.

It depends on the file's size, I guess. But I'm not really an expert, so maybe some other with a little more control on this things would be of more help.

Alelou wrote:Of course, we're talking about leading a 74 year-old-man into some fairly involved new things here. Still, I'm kind of amazed at what he can still figure out when he has music as an incentive. My mother can't even send an email without help.

The power of "incentive" is amazing. Maybe it takes some time, but with a little of constance (and good printed instructions), it's possible.

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:35 am
by JadziaKathryn
Alelou wrote:
JadziaKathryn wrote:"Hallelujah" is one of the definitive TnT songs for me. This video is a good one.

Did you know that video is by Escriba?
:shock: No, I didn't! How did I miss this?

Re: I really don't know if this could go here

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:28 am
by Escriba
I thought you did know. Why did I think that? :?