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Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:42 pm
by CX
No you wouldn't. I'm not that much into the whole celebrity thing. I might go get her autograph and shake her hand, but that would be about it. If I ever went to a con, it would be to meet you guys. :)

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:24 pm
by krn
you keep telling yourself that. :D

I would love to meet ya'll - perhaps someday. In the meantime, I'll settle for a hug from Connor.


Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:51 pm
by JadziaKathryn
CX wrote:No you wouldn't. I'm not that much into the whole celebrity thing. I might go get her autograph and shake her hand, but that would be about it. If I ever went to a con, it would be to meet you guys. :)
But you left out gaping at all the people in costumes, CX. That's the other thing I would like to do. I'm not really one for autographs and all, but seeing people all around in wild Trek costumes would be fun.

Any good costumes, krn, or were you too preoccupied to notice? ;)

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:01 pm
by krn
I saw a couple. There was the ubiquitous Borg, of course. I did see one woman in regualr clothes with tasteful Vulcan ears - very nice. And some dude in a Stargate soldier uniform. After that the line started moving and my attention moved on to better things. :D

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:29 pm
by justTripn
That was a wonderful story. I am sitting here with a huge grin on my face. Yes he is exactly like that. It's amazing: he looks EXACTLY like Trip!!!!! (I guess not so amazing, but that is the ridiculous thought that goes through one's head. That and HE's SMILING AT ME!

The comment about wanting to bear his children was pretty funny. I remember one time my husband was making fun of some female on TV, who upon meeting some star, crumbles to peices in giggles. He went, Why do women do that? Is its it some evolutionary programming. Their genes are saying, "If I have HIS children they will all be really confident---well at least the boys."

Yes, I think there is something to that theory.

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:30 pm
by LtCmdrFlygirl
:shock: NO PICTURES???? :shock:

...I'm dyin' here...

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:43 pm
by Asso
LtCmdrFlygirl wrote::shock: NO PICTURES???? :shock:

...I'm dyin' here...

Exactly! :?

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:16 pm
by krn
Sorry kids - no picture taking allowed in the room. :( And I had to leave before his official photo time - or I would have coughed up the cash for that too. Just to have another chance to share personal space.

Believe me - I wish I had pictures. By the time I saw him going into the room, he was in the room. At least I have the autograph and the memory indelibly etched in my memory.

Did I mention he hugged me?

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:20 pm
by prisocisor
I just love reading about all you ladies swooning over Connor: so freakin' cute! ;)

I'm sitting here trying to imagine my little EK getting all excited about meeting Trip, but ya know: I just know she'd be much more excited to meet T'Pol...

Is this weird? Should I be worried about this... Excited?


Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:31 pm
by evcake
krn wrote:Walked up, said 'Hi' (thinking -OH MY GOD HE *IS* THAT HOT!) - he says 'Hi' back (OH, I LOVE HIS VOICE) This is where my brain says "Goodnight Everybody" and shuts down. I look down, he's got too many pictures to choose from - I think I say something to that effect, but pick one quickly anyway. He asks if I'd like it personalized? "Yes please - Kim" and as he signs one of my few brain cells kicks me - "Oh yeah, I brought something for you." He gets excited and claps/rubs his hands "Yeay!" I pull out a bag from my satchel - it's from the UF bookstore - he sees it "Gators?!" "Yeah" I say, "I got you a Gators shirt. (it's blue with the classic Gators script - 'cause he's dreamy in blue) And I got a little one for your son (a matching, but in orange, shirt)." He stands up. I think my heart stops. Arms go out, he leans over the table. (oh god) He says (a heartfelt) "Thank you" - I lean in (OH HELL YEAH) and get a hug. Not a little pat on the back - but a real 'thanks-for-thinking-of-me-and-my-son' hug. There was even a little squeeze. I don't think I whimpered - out loud.
Yeah, I admit it - I bought the hug. While getting his shirt, it occured to me to get one for his son too. It was devious, and a little shameful -but, dammit, I wanted a hug. So I bought one - can you blame me?

I told him that now he and his son can suit up and watch the game together. He said they would definatly do that. Then he shouted "Go Gators" to the room and did a Gator Chomp. This is where if I had my wits about me I would have had a snappy comeback about how if anyone gave him a FSU shirt they make nice rags. But I didn't. At least I didn't blither. :? He tucked the shirts away in a backback he had on the chair - I paid the nice lady who got to sit next to him ALL DAY LONG (bitch). My brain screamed TOUCH HIM AGAIN! (I'm so pathetic) so I stuck out my hand and said "It was a pleasure to meet you." He looked right at me, smiled (sigh...) and said "pleasure meeting you and thanks again." I took my picture and staggered away. When I got out of the room I realized I was shaking like a leaf.

Now I've met more than a few celebrities - even a few I was keen on. But none whose children I wanted to bear - so I'm just happy I held it together long enough to string coherrant words together. It took me a good 10-15 minutes to stop shaking.

Geez...I whimpered just reading it. :D

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:21 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Well, if I ever got to meet Jolene I'm sure I could refrain from becoming a blabbering idiot. What I would be most afraid of would be to be caught staring at her bum! :oops:

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:03 am
by CX
I've actually found that it's easier to keep from checking a woman out if you're closer to her (like say talking to her).

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:30 am
by Distracted
prisocisor wrote:I just love reading about all you ladies swooning over Connor: so freakin' cute! ;)

I'm sitting here trying to imagine my little EK getting all excited about meeting Trip, but ya know: I just know she'd be much more excited to meet T'Pol...

Is this weird? Should I be worried about this... Excited?


Hmmm. And here I thought I was the only straight woman in the universe who really would prefer to meet Jolene over Connor given the choice. Connor is cute, but...hey...he's a pretty normal kinda guy. Jolene, on the other hand...well...don't you think she'd be fascinating to talk to? The stuff she's done in her :shock:

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:21 am
by CX
Somehow I doubt you'd have had the same reaction if Jolene gave you the kissing lesson instead of Connor. :raspberry:

Re: Vulkon Orlando - 11/2-4/2007

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:43 am
by prisocisor
He's lean and muscular and smells clean, like fabric softener or cologne or Axe or any of that stuff... and the third time at the dinner he sort of did a double take when he put his arm around me for the picture, rubbed my shoulder and complimented me on how soft my sweater was. I wore it on purpose. It's a purple chenille sweater that feels like I'm wearing a fluffy baby blanket. I figured if I was gonna go around hugging people I might as well make it a pleasant experience for everyone.

yeah... you aren't taken with Connor at all ;)
