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Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:45 pm
by Emberchyld
Okay... so, I'm going to need a bit of clarification here about what Vulcans consume:

1. So, I know they're vegetarian-- are they vegan? Or will they eat things like milk or eggs? (since nothing gets killed to make either)

2. From what little I've seen from TOS, Vulcan food is very spicy. But on Voyager, Tuvok complained that Neelix made the plomeek broth too "piquant" and took a big gulp of water after eating Neelix's "kicked up a notch" version. We're also led to believe on Enterprise that the plomeek broth is pretty bland, and I've never seen anyone there mention the spicy food. Confused. Me. Confused. Help.

3. And I get that they don't eat with their hands... were we ever shown any Vulcan-specific utensils, or are we led to believe that they came up with knives and forks just like ours?


Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:00 am
by TPoptarts
Well about the spicy/non-spicy like don't you already know the Beebs weren't too big on continuity and research. :? :? :?

Vulcan utensils in "Home": ... 37&pos=140 ... 37&pos=157

Kinda looks like chopsticks or something :? :?

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:43 am
by JadziaKathryn
The first picture clearly shows a spoon, which only makes sense. There aren't really many ways to get liquid to your mouth efficiently.

I also recall that in "Flashback" Janeway saw Tuvok give Sulu Vulcan tea, and said he never brings her coffee. There was something about Vulcan coffee being bad for humans.

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:12 pm
by panyasan
BTW, what lovely pictures...

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:16 pm
by Asso
panyasan wrote:BTW, what lovely pictures...

I agree, specially the first picture!

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:19 pm
by evcake
Now where did I read about "yarmok forks?"

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:32 pm
by TSara opinion.

I don't think Vulcan's are strict Vegetarians....occasionally they will eat animal by products.

The example I can think of off the top of my head is in Star Trek: V Spock eats( or in the very least gets ready to before they get interrupted) a marshmallow.

One of the ingredients of Marshmallows is Gelatin (animal hooves).

Either Spock didn't know that,the writers of Trek didn't know that ,or once again someone missed that small detail.

Either way.... Marshmallows /= vegetarian.

Than again maybe Vulcan's take the "eat nothing with a face" and apply it literally?

Who knows.

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:20 pm
by CX
The Vulcans in Carbon Creek wore leather and we've seen Vulcan characters have leather-bound books, like the one T'Pol gave to Archer about Surak's teachings.

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:30 pm
by TSara
CX wrote:The Vulcans in Carbon Creek wore leather and we've seen Vulcan characters have leather-bound books, like the one T'Pol gave to Archer about Surak's teachings.

Not all vegetarians completely shun leather though.

I certainly can't as long as I dance because my ghillies are made from leather.

You can't buy pleather ghillies...believe me I've looked.


Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:32 pm
by JadziaKathryn
CX wrote:The Vulcans in Carbon Creek wore leather and we've seen Vulcan characters have leather-bound books, like the one T'Pol gave to Archer about Surak's teachings.
Now that's interesting if we say that they're vegetarians because they don't kill unless they have to. I know some people who're vegetarians but wear leather, inlcuding one of my closest friends, but she says she'll stop wearing leather when the rest of us stop killing the cows to eat. That wouldn't wash with Vulcans. They'd have to kill still.

Synthetic leather, maybe? Vulcan pleather?

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:48 pm
by Rigil Kent
Naugahyde from the evil Nauga beast of Hypocritas IV. 8)

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:14 pm
by evcake
Domesticated nauga are somewhat smaller than the wild nauga. When I was a child, I had one as a pet...
Don't be late with their dinner, though. :)

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:48 am
by blacknblue
From TOS:

Spock: It would be illogical to kill without a reason.
Kirk: But if there were a reason?
Spock: If there were a reason, my father is quite capable of killing. Logically and efficiently.

Maybe they just don't kill for the fun of it. Only when there is a logical need.

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 1:32 pm
by Linda
Perhaps Vulcans don't kill to get leather; they wait until their animals die of old age. Of course then leather would be very expensive and may be reserved only for important books and for military use.

Re: Vulcan Eating Habits

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:58 pm
by JadziaKathryn
Linda wrote:Perhaps Vulcans don't kill to get leather; they wait until their animals die of old age. Of course then leather would be very expensive and may be reserved only for important books and for military use.
That makes a lot of sense. Maybe teenage Vulcans go hide scavenging for extra cash instead of mowing the neighbors' lawns?

Evcake, that's a good one!

Now if you don't have to kill, it makes sense that Vulcans would eat eggs and milk. Although we don't know that they even have them in any abundance. It's not as though the Saraha has much of either.