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Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:18 am
by AllisonPetra
Happy Holidays everyone and best wishes for the year to come.

I have been reading Fanfic in which Trip refers to T'Pol as "Darlin".

I am curious - did he ever do that (refer to her as "Darlin") in the series? If so, which episode!

Thank you.

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:49 am
by Distracted
Hmmm. That's a really good question. I've read so much fanfic where he does it that I really don't know. I would think that if he ever did it would be after Harbinger, but I don't think so. I don't think they ever got that far on screen.

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:09 am
by WarpGirl
I'm not sure if he ever did either...:?

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:57 pm
by justTripn
I'm wondering if Distracted started it. If so, congratulations. Your innovation is almost canon. 8)

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:06 pm
by Distracted
Dunno if it was me, but that's what he'd call her, right? I mean, everything else sounds odd to my southern ear. "Dear" and "sweetheart" are too formal, "luv" is too British, and I really don't think she'd ever stand for being called a food related name like "hon" or "honey", "sugar", "cupcake", or...Surak forbid this one for any male who values his gonads..."pumpkin". What's left, a compounder like "bunnycakes", "honeymuffin" or "sweetiepie"? :vulcan: :upchuck:

Although I probably shouldn't complain too much about sicky sweet compound names just in case my husband ever logs on here, since he calls me....

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:29 pm
by Misplaced
You know, that's an interesting question. Seems he's been calling her "darlin'" since the House of Tucker days (before this site was even a twinkle in our big boss man's eyes). At least I can't remember reading a T/T fic where Trip wasn't calling her "darlin'."


Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:09 pm
by AllisonPetra
I agree. It does fit well doesn't it. Feels just right. I can almost feel it coming off of his tongue.

If he didn't call her Darlin' in the series, he should have!

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:12 pm
by Silverbullet
Trip should have said a lot of things in the series but the writers wouldn't put t he words in his mouth. Pity

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:47 pm
by Navigator
Distracted wrote:Dunno if it was me, but that's what he'd call her, right? I mean, everything else sounds odd to my southern ear. "Dear" and "sweetheart" are too formal, "luv" is too British, and I really don't think she'd ever stand for being called a food related name like "hon" or "honey", "sugar", "cupcake", or...Surak forbid this one for any male who values his gonads..."pumpkin". What's left, a compounder like "bunnycakes", "honeymuffin" or "sweetiepie"? :vulcan: :upchuck:

Although I probably shouldn't complain too much about sicky sweet compound names just in case my husband ever logs on here, since he calls me....

Probably he calls you "Doctor". Or SWMBO. Or Cheri.

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:20 am
by Distracted
Nope. He's much mushier than than. It's embarrassing. And, if anyone, he's the One Who Must Be Obeyed around here. Lord of the Manor and all that. ;-)

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:18 am
by ginamr
LOL. I think we all have goofy nicknames from our spouses. For example, mine calls me Penguin or Pengin...I suppose because I'm his for life and Penguins mate for life. Cute as it is, it does earn us strange looks from time to time when we use them in public.

Anyway...I can see Trip calling her darlin' or even possibly baby, though T'Pol would most likely take that last one literally :P

:drool: I can just imagine 'baby' rolling off of that man's honeyed tongue...makes me melt into a puddle of goo. Then again, that accent does most of the time in general. :loveeyes:

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:54 am
by putaro
You can actually google for things in the online transcripts. I've been using the archive at For example: tucker darling

which turns up nothing.

However, tucker honey

turns up that the creepy guy in Carpenter St called T'Pol "honey" - she pulled a phaser on him.

Re: Just a question "Darlin"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:21 pm
by justTripn
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