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Challenge Idea

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:06 pm
by Kotik
Being somewhat "immobilized" and (oh horror!) forced to reread all the great stories on HoT and TriS, an idea crossed my mind that I don't know, wether it has ever been tried. What I have in mind is a collective work:

Someone writes the first chapter of a multi-chaptered story - time max. 1 month. From then on, each month we decide by poll, who of the signed up interested people will be the author of the next chapter. Before (s)he starts, the previous author has the right to name one thing that (s)he does not want to have in the next chapter.

Depending on people's willingness to participate, we could write our very own collective epic :mrgreen:

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:07 pm
by Kotik
22 views and no one replying :? So what do you gals 'n guys think about this idea?

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:13 pm
by aadarshinah
sry! just got home after 13 hours of no-internet-access. I like the idea, though we'd def need some set of guidelines as to general direction, deadlines, etc if we were ever to try it. As well as a lot of people to agree to it....

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:14 am
by Distracted
I'm in. :D

Kinda already did that with Silk and Subterfuge. The problem we had with that one, though, is that people lost interest after a while and one person (me) ended up writing the last third of it just so it would have an ending. A month might be kinda long between installments. People could get bored with it. Maybe if we could limit the length to two pages like we did with S&S and try to cycle it a little faster it would keep everyone's interest. It worked to have a cliffhanger at the end of each installment, too. That kept the readers interested and the comment levels high, which in turn kept the writers involved.

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:17 am
by panyasan
I liked the idea, but I was a bit hesitant because I still have to finish another challenge. I agree with Dis, two pages at a time and not much time in between posting. I would also suggest one beta/coordinator (it take a little more time if you have to find that you find your own beta and have one coordinator, but that's also possible).

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:19 am
by Kotik
I like the idea of shorter contributions. So far it is of course only an idea, but I think it has potential, since we have quite a lot of talented writers in here and the mix of different styles could make for an interesting read

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:52 am
by aadarshinah
What might the promt/gen idea be if we did it? Or would the first author decide?

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:02 am
by Kotik
aadarshinah wrote:What might the promt/gen idea be if we did it? Or would the first author decide?

I think the general idea should be decided in a discussion beforehand, so that all participants feel ok about the general idea.

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:50 pm
by Distracted
So... are we brainstorming yet?

If not, let's start. Maybe some more people will volunteer if we put some meat on the bare bones of Kotik's idea.

Here are my suggestions:
1. Obviously, given the site we're on, our storyline should center on Trip and T'Pol.
2. I think we should avoid OC's except as incidental players since we won't really have time to develop characterization in two pages, but the creative "expansion" of little used and lesser known ST characters, or indeed of characters from any TV series that might reasonably provide crossover fodder, should be encouraged (ex: our use of Maddie in S&S).
3. We should come up with a general theme...something not too restrictive. Maybe just a title to start with or an opening scene and take off from there.
4. We also need to choose a coordinator to maintain continuity and decide how the authors will be chosen. Will they be allowed to volunteer, for example, or must they be volunteered by someone else?
5. It would be my preference that the coordinator also be the beta for simplicity's sake but it's not absolutely necessary.

Some suggested titles. Let's see what these conjure up. If anybody gets a sudden plot bunny attack, let us know. You can be the guinea pig... I mean, first author.

Pecans and Plomeek
Shore Leave
Trip and T'Pol's Excellent Vacation
The Slopes of Andoria
Starfleet vs the Daleks (in deference to our other recent round robin idea that never went anywhere)
Mission Impossible: Romulus

Gotta go back to work now. Your turn.

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:50 pm
by aadarshinah
Well, as much as I love Daleks, I think our crossover, if it ever comes into existance, should try to stay contained to the ST universe, unless everyone who agrees to write is congisant of the other universe as well.

As for plot bunnies, none that are pertanant at the moment, but the idea of Shran (for some reason or another) needing Enterprise at Andoria and shore leaves being given sounds like maybe the start of one for The Slopes of Andoria... but don't hold me to it. ... and, great, there's my dad. maybe more later.

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:49 am
by panyasan
I like the Slopes of Andoria too... Shall I start (just got a story idea that would fit) and see if more people volenteer? But if aadarshinah likes to have the honour of the first chapter, that's fine with me too. Is some one up for beta/coordinator? This is going to be fun.

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:43 am
by aadarshinah
god, no. you can go first. I'd be willling to do the beta if people are willing to put up with reasonable delays while I finish this annoying internship thing of mine, though. We prob should get at leat 10 of us together before we even consider writing though.

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:51 am
by Kotik
Slopes Of Andoria sounds fantastic. Andoria is somewhat underrepresented in the stories. As an added bonus it allows us to add Shran, which will make WarpGirl's day and all other's, who like the grumpy ol' war horse. :mrgreen:

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:19 pm
by Distracted
And T'Pol gets to learn to ski! :D

Okay. The Slopes of Andoria it is. Who else?

Re: Challenge Idea

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:55 pm
by aadarshinah
Panyasan, Kotik, Distracted, me... I dunno. anyone feel like recruiting?